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Charles de La Fosse et les arts en France autour de 1700

Actes du colloque, 18-19 mai 2015, château de Versailles
Charles de La Fosse and the Arts in France around 1700. Symposium proceedings, 18–19 May 2015, Château de Versailles
Edited by Béatrice Sarrazin and Olivier Bonfait
Carton du colloque Charles de La Fosse et les arts en France autour de 1700
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Credits: © Château de Versailles, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Christophe Fouin

In parallel to the exhibition “Charles de la Fosse: The Triumph of Colour”, the Musée National des Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon and the Research Centre of the Château de Versailles organized an international conference focused on the artist.

The exhibition, divided into five main sections (commissions for royal houses; La Fosse as draughtsman; Academic tradition; the triumph of colour; and a precursor to the eighteenth century), was an opportunity to examine a major artist from the second half of Louis XIV’s reign.

The conference was able to better situate Charles de La Fosse (1636–1716) within the challenges facing artistic practice around 1700, the study of which has been profoundly advanced since the work of Antoine Schnapper.

While remaining centred on Charles de la Fosse’s oeuvre, at once deepening and extending the exhibition’s scope, the conference was structured around four main thematic sessions:

– The art of Charles de La Fosse;
– Charles de La Fosse and the grand décor;
– Charles de La Fosse and mythology;
– Charles de La Fosse and the artistic capitals.

Conference convenors: Béatrice Sarrazin (heritage curator in charge of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century paintings at the Musée National des Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon) and Olivier Bonfait (Professor of Modern Art History, Centre Georges Chevrier – CNRS, University of Burgundy).

Presentation of the symposium on the Centre de Recherche du Château de Versailles website
Symposium programme (PDF)

Editor’s notes

Neuf communications au colloque sur treize sont publiées, auxquelles ont été ajoutées deux contributions ainsi qu’une introduction et une conclusion.

Correcteurs : Jean-Claude Baillieul, Marie-Paule Rochelois, Bronwyn Mahoney
Traducteur : Bronwyn Mahoney

Date de mise en ligne : 22 février 2019
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