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The Bulletin du Centre de recherche du château de Versailles is a peer-reviewed online journal produced by the Centre de Recherche du Château de Versailles (CRCV). It publishes articles and studies relating to European court societies, mainly from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. The Bulletin welcomes contributions from researchers in all languages and from any discipline or institution.

Latest issue
24 | 2025
Les soieries impériales, nouveaux regards franco-européens

Actes de la journée d’études, 14 juin 2024, château de Versailles
Imperial Silks, New Franco-European Perspectives. Study-day proceedings, 14 June 2024, Château de Versailles
Edited by Muriel Barbier and Noémie Wansart
Carton journée d’études Soiries impériales
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Credits: © Paris, Mobilier national, GMMP 28/005 / I. Bideau

The exhibition Soieries impériales pour Versailles: collection du Mobilier national held from 19 March to 23 June 2024 at the Grand Trianon highlighted the Lyonnais fabrics made for the palaces of Versailles and Trianon under the First Empire. Dazzling and refined, these exceptional furnishing silks reveal through their weaving and use an intertwining of actors, projects and achievements that breathed new life into the French mastery of textiles.

In order to deepen our understanding of this golden age in Lyon, this study day, organized by the Centre de Recherche du Château de Versailles, the Château de Versailles and the Mobilier National, explores the origins and outcomes of these major commissions in France and, more broadly, in Europe. The various speakers offer new perspectives on the history of these textile commissions, from their birth at the hands of their commissioners and creators to their reuse and reweaving in the past or in the present. From decoration to museography and the transmission of know-how, the contributions cover a wide range of aspects, with fresh and intersecting angles from curators and researchers.

Presentation of the study day on the Centre de Recherche du Château de Versailles website
Study day programme (PDF)

Editor’s notes

Les 9 communications à la journée d’études ont été publiées, auxquelles une contribution de Noémie Wansart a été ajoutée. 

Correctrices : Solenne Louis, Leah Morin
Date de mise en ligne : 31/01/2025

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