Eva Hesse
- Cet article est une traduction de :
- Eva Hesse
Texte intégral
1This is the first French catalogue for the first retrospective exhibition in France (and in Spain) dedicated to Eva Hesse, and organized by Corinne Diserens and Catherine David initially at the IVAM in Valencia and then at the Jeu de Paume National Galleries in Paris, from 27 April to 20 June 1993. In addition to the reproductions of the paintings, drawings and sculptures exhibited, and a bio-bibliography, the catalogue includes two essays, an interview by Joan Simon with the artist Mel Bochner, who was a close friend of Eva Hesse, selected extracts from the artist’s writings and a chronology prepared by Helen A. Cooper, who prompted the idea of this retrospective at the Yale University Art Gallery in 1992. […]
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Référence papier
Elisabeth Lebovici, « Eva Hesse », Critique d’art, 2 | 1993, 53-56.
Référence électronique
Elisabeth Lebovici, « Eva Hesse », Critique d’art [En ligne], 2 | Automne 1993, mis en ligne le 24 mai 2023, consulté le 18 septembre 2024. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/critiquedart/104184 ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/critiquedart.104184
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