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Sylvie Mokhtari
Traduction de Simon Pleasance
p. 3
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Texte intégral

1Over the past six months, the publishing world has seen a spate of writings either about the same particular subject or by the same author. The publications accompanying the Beuys exhibition at Beaubourg, the Jacqueline Chambon (Nîmes) and Le Passeur (Nantes) editions of Daniel Soutif’s writings, and the Flammarion edition of André Chastel’s writings are all good examples of this overlap. This turn of events has not escaped the eye of Critique d’art, which has chosen, in this issue, to focus on one or two of these publications, in the form of readers’ notes and articles with at times controversial titles inviting further discussion. […]

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Référence papier

Sylvie Mokhtari, « Editorial », Critique d’art, 4 | 1994, 3.

Référence électronique

Sylvie Mokhtari, « Editorial », Critique d’art [En ligne], 4 | Automne 1994, mis en ligne le 25 mai 2023, consulté le 09 septembre 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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