Aspects of Anglo-American Philosophical Aesthetics
- This article is a translation of:
- Aspects de l’esthétique philosophique anglo-américaine
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1Until very recently, Anglo-American philosophical aesthetics has been little known in France – so much so, that one could well imagine that some kind of fundamental conceptual and linguistic abyss was making it impossible for this kind of work to be appreciated by French thinkers. The appearance of books by Dominique Chateau and Gérard Genette, however, proves that no such drastic conclusion is really warranted. Both authors successfully engage with some of the texts, arguments, and questions of analytic philosophical aesthetics, and both books promise, as a result, to inform French readers about some important aspects of an “alien” – that is, at once foreign and strange – philosophical corpus. […]
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Bibliographical reference
Paisley Livingston, « Aspects of Anglo-American Philosophical Aesthetics », Critique d’art, 5 | 1995, 44-45.
Electronic reference
Paisley Livingston, « Aspects of Anglo-American Philosophical Aesthetics », Critique d’art [Online], 5 | Printemps 1995, Online since 20 June 2023, connection on 14 October 2024. URL : ; DOI :
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