Merz, What a Story!
- Cet article est une traduction de :
- Merz, quelle histoire !
Texte intégral
1The history of Dada is not an easy topic to broach. Some say that it started with the first event organized by Hugo Ball for the opening of the Cabaret Voltaire in February 1916, with Jean Arp, Marcel Janco, Richard Huelsenbeck, Walter Serner, Sophie Taeuber, and Tristan Tzara. Others think it did not start before the Dadaist Manifesto published in 1918 by Tristan Tzara. Others still are inclined to think that if Dada bequeathed anything, the legacy owes much to Marcel Duchamp and, surely, to Kurt Schwitters, an illegitimate member of the Dada family. […]
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Référence papier
Jean-Marc Poinsot, « Merz, What a Story! », Critique d’art, 5 | 1995, 69-70.
Référence électronique
Jean-Marc Poinsot, « Merz, What a Story! », Critique d’art [En ligne], 5 | Printemps 1995, mis en ligne le 20 juin 2023, consulté le 14 septembre 2024. URL : ; DOI :
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