Mazzochio and Albatrosses: Bodies and a History
- Cet article est une traduction de :
- Mazzocchio et casserole : des corps pour une histoire
Texte intégral
1Figures peintes is a collection of “essays on painting” written to order by Jean-Louis Schefer over the years. The texts in Alain Jouffroy’s Le Monde est un tableau were chosen by the author, witness and actor of the avant-garde. We could take the experimental elements in the two men’s markedly different approaches as a starting point for thinking about the way criticism addresses itself to history, particularly through writing. A form of writing whose professional competence allows itself to be inhabited by a poetics.
2The world is a painting: this proposition runs all the way though Jouffroy’s book. One way of considering the contradiction, perhaps, would be to look at the organization of the contents. Between Duchamp and Broodthaers post mortem, Jouffroy marshals his texts under the formula “transcending the […]
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Référence papier
Eric Darragon, « Mazzochio and Albatrosses: Bodies and a History », Critique d’art, 12 | 1998, 18-20.
Référence électronique
Eric Darragon, « Mazzochio and Albatrosses: Bodies and a History », Critique d’art [En ligne], 12 | Automne 1998, mis en ligne le 19 septembre 2023, consulté le 19 février 2025. URL : ; DOI :
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