38 | 2020
Discursos sobre migrantes, refugiados e minorias na esfera pública: o século XXI em debate
Public discourses on migrants, refugees and minorities: the 21st century in debate
Edited by Moisés de Lemos Martins, Maria Aldina Marques and Rui Ramos
Discursos sobre migrantes, refugiados e minorias na esfera pública: o século XXI em debate [Full text]Discourses on migrants, refugees and minorities in the public sphere: the 21st century under debate [Full text | translation | en]
Artigos temáticos
Thematic articles-
Discursos migrantes: estratégias de construção de nós e os outros em discursos jornalísticos de opinião [Full text]Migrant speeches: strategies for representing us and them in opinion journalistic discourse [Full text | translation | en]
Refugees in presidential political manifestos: between silencing and giving a voice [Full text | translation | en]
“Them”, Venezuelans, and the crisis in Venezuela: discursive practices in the magazine Veja [Full text | translation | en]
Refugees and migrants in public campaigns: being a voice for the voiceless [Full text | translation | en]
The refugee crisis: narrative sequences and emotions in opinion articles/reports or narratives in the service of persuasion [Full text | translation | en]
Barbarus ad portas: the verbal aggression in comments on the social network Facebook [Full text | translation | en]
Refuge and colonization of the future: borders built by words [Full text | translation | en]
Migrants, refugees and othering: constructing europeanness. An exploration of Portuguese and German media [Full text | translation | en]
Being present through absence: the semiotic construction of recent Brazilian migration to Portugal in the Brazilian media [Full text | translation | en]
Imagens e poder: encenação, rasura e pintura [Full text]Images and power: scenario, erasure and painting [Full text | translation | en]
A despesa improdutiva e a mercadoria espetacular [Full text]Unproductive expenditure and spectacular merchandise [Full text | translation | en]
Book Reviews-
d’Haenens, L., Willen, J. & Heinderyckx, F. (Eds.) (2019). Images of immigrants and refugees in Western Europe. Media representations, public opinion, and refugees’ experiences. Lovaina: Leuven University Press.Book review of Images of immigrants and refugees in Western Europe. Media representations, public opinion, and refugees experiences [Full text | translation | en]d’Haenens, L., Willen, J. & Heinderyckx, F. (Eds.) (2019). Images of immigrants and refugees in Western Europe. Media representations, public opinion, and refugees’ experiences. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Hardt, M. & Negri, A. (2000). Empire. Londres, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.Globalisation has spread and become even more dissimulated and effective. Change involves reversing the invisibility of the underprivileged [Full text | translation | en]Hardt, M. & Negri, A. (2000). Empire. Londres, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.