Index | Keywords
- Aboriginal art
- abuse of property rights
- accompaniment
- accurate information
- action
- Activism
- activism
- acumulation
- ADDIE Model
- adoption of innovations
- advertising targeting
- Africa
- africa
- Africa and Brazil
- Africa development
- agency
- Agridigitale Togo
- AI
- AI ethics
- AI Literacy
- AI literacy
- AI skills
- Algeria
- algeria
- Algerian diaspora-Hirak- participation - advanced digital technologies- communication practices
- algorithm
- algorithmic discrimination
- alterity
- alternative media
- amalgamation
- ambulance
- and on the other hand
- and other 5 countries from the south. This news exchange took place within the Mediterranean news exchange that is part of the main news exchange monitored by the European Broadcasters Union (EBU).
- and research data
- appropriations
- Arab Spring
- arrest of a twitterian
- artificial empathy
- artificial Intelligence
- artificial intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial intelligence
- artificial intelligence (AI)
- Artificial intelligence (AI)
- Artificial intelligence Africa
- artificial intelligences
- Artificial Intelligence ; Black Mirror ; Martin Heidegger ; Post-humanism ; Transhumanism
- Artificial intelligence ; Governance ; Developing countries ; UEMOA
- artificial intelligence ; human journalist ; organizational talk ; media ecology
- artificial ventriloquist sentience.
- artisanal mining sector
- as they are decisive and can influence the motivations for their sharing.
- Assessment
- Association
- audiovisual
- autobiography
- axiological knowledge
- capabilities
- capitalism
- censorship
- central America
- chatbot
- Chatbot
- child
- child protection/right
- China
- china
- cinema
- circular economy
- citizen
- citizen implication
- citizen involvement
- citizen journalism
- citizen participation
- citizenship
- civic journalism ; public journalism ; participation ; public ; citizenship
- clairvoyance
- class action
- classification system
- climate change
- climate variability
- cognitive value judgment
- collaboration
- Collaborative Space
- collective action
- collective intelligence
- collective intelligence.
- Collective Learning
- Coloniality
- common knowledge
- Communicating
- communication
- communication contract
- communication for development
- community
- community resilience
- companies
- competency frameworks
- competitive intelligence
- computer code
- configurational contingency
- conflict
- conflict environment
- conformity
- connected health
- consciousness ; technology ; social dimension ; humanism ; ethics
- contemporary imagination
- Content moderation
- Control
- conversion
- coopération
- cooperation
- counter-hacker culture
- Covid-19
- creativity
- Crisis
- crisis
- crisis in Grand-Bassam
- crisis journalism
- critical thinking (CS)
- crowdsourcing
- cultural diversity
- cultural expression and diversity
- cultural identity
- cultural industries
- cultural mediation
- culture
- cultures
- current research information system
- customer relationship
- cyber activism
- cyber security
- cybercrime
- cyberfeminism
- Cyberspace
- Data
- data collection
- decision making
- deep fake
- deep learning
- dehumanization
- deliberation
- democracy
- depoliticization
- descriptive neutrality
- determinants
- developing country
- Developing Economy
- development
- development.
- dictatorship
- digital
- Digital
- digital acculturation
- Digital activism ; political parties ; social media ; e-mobilizations
- digital and technical instrumentation
- digital citizenship
- digital design
- digital development
- digital divide
- digital fraud
- digital gap
- digital inclusion
- digital information
- Digital journalism
- digital media
- digital media education
- digital network
- digital networks
- digital plateform
- digital rights
- digital social networks
- digital technologies
- Digital Technologies
- digital technology; campaign ; candidates ; presidential election ; mobilization ; activism ; political party ; France.
- digital transformation
- digitalization
- digitalized entrepreneurial project
- digitalized entrepreneurial project success
- disaster risk reduction
- discourse analysis
- disintermediation
- distance learning
- divination
- djerba
- drones
- E-agriculture
- e-government
- E-learning
- e-medicine
- e-visibility; nurses; recognition; (in)visibilisation; power relations
- early stimulation
- early warning
- ebola
- Economy
- economy
- education
- education and power
- education.
- educational digital
- educational research
- Educational Robotics
- Educational robotics
- educational technology
- elderly
- election
- election campaign
- elections
- electoral process
- electronic democracy
- Electronic legal personality
- electronic surveillance
- emails
- Emergence
- energy logic
- English Language
- entrepreneurial agility
- entrepreneurial ambidextrousness.
- entrepreneurial locus of control
- entrepreneurship
- environment
- environmental pollution
- ephemeral organizations
- epistemic commitment
- epistemological issues
- ethics
- ethics of information organization
- ethnicity
- eu eco-design directive
- Euromaïdan
- evaluation
- event
- Evolution of Social Practices
- exclude/include. risk
- experience
- experiential knowledge
- experiential-ethics
- experimental or simulation-based
- expertise
- exploratory study
- ICT; social change; social movement; fetishization; social network; democracy
- identities
- identity
- ideology
- If scientific research is primarily financed by the State through budgetary allocations
- ignorance
- illectronism
- image and learning
- Images
- immersion
- improvisation
- in a comparative approach with the media framing based on the interconnection between information
- In this study
- individual
- Individualization
- individualization of education.
- industry
- influence
- information
- Information
- information and attraction study
- information architecture
- information need
- Information practices
- information sources
- information technology
- informational justice
- infrastructure
- Innovation
- innovation
- Innovation- Performance- Information Intelligence- Biomimicry- Humanism
- institutional discourse
- Instructional Design
- integrated personnel and payroll information system (IPPIS)
- intelligent cities
- intelligent services
- inter-korean conflicts
- inter-operationality
- interaction
- intercultural communication
- Interculturality
- interdisciplinarity
- Interfaith dialogue
- international communication
- international cooperation
- international feminist strike
- international policies
- Internet
- intra-organisational mediation
- is important in the strategic decision-making process. This article has a twofold objective : on the one hand
- it is logical that the results of this research help (contribute) to effective decision-making by the public authorities for the development of a country. To do this
- machine learning
- Madagascar
- management
- Mango
- maritime economy
- mass
- Media
- media
- media criticism
- media culture
- media literacy
- media synchronisation
- mediology
- mental health
- mental maps
- Metadata
- metaverse
- Mexico
- migration
- migratory routes
- migratory strategies
- mind maps
- mining territories
- minorities
- mistrust
- mobile
- Mobile ICT
- mobile phones
- mobile technologies
- mobile telephony
- mobility
- Mobilization
- modernization of administrative action
- mooc
- Morocco
- movie theater
- multidimensional resilience index
- Multiflatform.
- museum experience
- museum values
- Music teaching ; online teaching ; cyberculture ; artificial intelligence ; professional innovation
- narcissism
- National Development
- natural disasters
- negation
- net activism
- Netnography
- networked individualism
- networked public sphere
- networks
- neuroplasticity
- new technologies
- Niger
- Nigeria
- non fiction films
- norm
- Normative Stakeholder Theory
- normativity
- North-south relationship
- NOUN staff financial management
- numeric fraction
- nutrition
- Pandemic
- Paracatu de Baixo
- participation
- participatory science
- particularly the platform YouTube. It shows finally the pertinence of the concept of punctuation as a communicational operator of trust and resilience in internal crisis
- patient
- peasantry
- pedagogy
- Pedagogy
- perception
- Perelman’s New Argumentative Rhetoric
- Personalization
- picture
- platform
- political communication
- political crisis
- political intervention of governmental institutions
- politics
- polling
- Popularization
- Port of Abidjan
- Portugal
- post-ideological
- postcoloniality
- practices
- predictive justice
- prematurity
- privacy
- Private
- Professional ethics
- Professionalism
- Program Conectar Igualdad
- protection
- Protest Movement
- Public
- public collectivity.
- public education
- public policies.
- public problem
- public space
- public sphere
- public transport
- Punctuation and Internal Crisis : Information
- Rabat
- reception
- Reciprocity
- recommendations
- refugees
- regulation
- Regulation of learning
- Religion
- Representation
- representations
- republican values
- research data must be shared if it is true that decision-making requires information
- research ethics
- research group
- research information management
- Resilience
- resilience
- Resilience and Digital Fiduciaries of ImagesThis article proposes an analysis of the punctuation performed by institutional actors in the communication of internal crisis
- resistance
- resourcing
- responsibility
- reversed social innovation
- reviews
- revolution
- Revolution Of Dignity
- risk
- risks
- Robotics
- Robots
- romania
- Rumour
- rural development
- rurality
- Rwanda
- safety
- Samarco
- sanitation network.
- schizophrenia
- school education
- School education
- scientific mediation
- security
- security technology
- self-representation
- self-training
- semiotics
- Senegal
- Sharing of research materials
- situationism
- skills
- Smart city
- smart city
- smart-government
- Smartphone
- smartship
- SMEs
- social
- social acceptability
- social and solidarity economy.
- social development
- social equity
- social innovation
- social link
- Social media
- Social Media
- social media
- social mobilization
- social movement
- social movements
- social movements; social media; mediatization; Covid-19; Lyon Pour La Liberté.
- social network
- social networks
- Social networks
- social sciences
- Social space
- social systems
- Socialization
- Socio-political Development
- soft law
- solidarity
- SOPHIA the robot
- South
- South Korea
- spectator
- speech
- speech analysis
- stakeholder
- stakeholder engagement
- Stakeholders
- state of knowledge
- status of the definition
- stigmergy
- Student
- students
- Students
- subalternity
- sustainable development
- Syria
- system theory
- Tanzania
- teacher training
- teacher training.
- teachers
- technical and vocational training
- Technological innovation
- technological lure
- technological uses
- technologies of Information and communication
- technology
- technology mediated education
- telephone
- Telephone
- territory
- terrorism
- text and learning
- Theories
- to establish a typology of the risks involved in sharing research data with public authorities
- to question the concepts to be mobilised in order to account for the stakes of these risks
- tourism
- trade
- tradition
- traditional medicine.
- traditions
- training organizations
- transdisciplinarity
- transidentity
- transnational community
- transparency
- tripadvisor
- trust
- trust and resilience. This paper studies equally the punctuation by images as a characteristical mediatisation of the new digital information devices
- Tumblr
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- TV series
- wastecrisis
- we have looked into the nature of the flux of soft news stories that have been shared between 10 Mediterranean countries via their public broadcasting corporations. We have chosen 5 countries from the northern side of the Mediterranean Sea
- web
- web2.0
- west africa
- whether observational
- with digital fiduciaries of information images. Punctuation
- Woélab
- woman