Índice | Keywords
- abolitionist thought
- absolute
- absolute criterion of truth
- absolutism
- abstinence
- Academia dos Humildes e Ignorantes
- academic press
- Academy of Sciences of Lisbon
- acting out (Agieren)
- action
- administration
- Adriano Moreira
- Aesthetics
- affect
- affection
- Africa
- aggregates
- ākāśa
- alchemy
- Aléo
- Algarve
- all three truly combine to constitute the phenomenal matter of the Borromean knot. By means of Husserl
- allegory
- America
- analytical edition
- ānantya
- Ancient Mexico
- Ancient Rome
- ancient-modern polarity
- and its intention is showing that in those singulars society and architecture are presented or prefigured
- and the science of the customs. There is many ways to lead the knowledge of Morals
- andalusian arabic historiography
- André Gonçalves
- Angola
- annual flood
- anthropological
- anthropology
- anti-republicanism
- anti-semitism
- Antigone
- António Ribeiro dos Santos
- António Vieira
- Antonio Vieira
- aperception
- apostle Saint Thomas
- archival policy
- Argentine
- aristocracy-bourgeoisie
- army
- art
- Art on Portugal at XX Century
- assistance
- Associação das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa
- Assyria
- astronomy
- Atlantic
- atom
- atomism
- atoms
- audience
- augustan literature
- Augusto Monterroso
- Augustus
- auspicious and inauspicious days
- authorised editions
- authors names
- autocracy
- axiology
- Aztecs
- Bandarra's Trovas
- baniane
- Basílica da Estrela
- Baumgarten
- beauty
- being
- belief
- Bernardo Carvalho
- biblical deluge
- bibliographic classification and indexation
- bibliographical collections
- Biblioteca do Povo e das Escolas
- biobibliography
- biography
- Boccaccio
- body
- book
- book and reading promotion
- books
- booksellers
- bookshops
- bookstores
- border
- borders
- borders literature-history
- Botticelli
- Brazil
- Brazilian History
- Brazilian libraries
- bubbles
- but the satire is a good way to understand and defend the moral values by denouncing those who break the morality
- by Rabelais
- calendar
- calendars
- Canzoniere
- Cape Verde
- care
- Carl Schmitt
- carmelites
- cartesian cogitum
- cartesian method
- cartography
- Castro
- Catalonia
- catechism
- categorical and pre-categorical knowledge
- Catholic Enlightenment
- causality
- cause
- censorship
- Center
- certitude
- Character
- chemistry
- chemistry; G. W. Leibniz
- child mortality
- children’s literature
- China
- christian democracy
- chronicles
- chronological disputes
- chronology
- chrónos
- church
- cinema
- circulation of foreigners
- citizenship
- civic rituals
- civil calendar
- civism
- civitates)
- clarity
- Clarke
- classical mythology
- classical philosophy
- classification systems
- climb
- clock
- collections
- collective memory
- collective memory
- colonial
- Colonial Act revocation
- colonial Brazil
- colonial policy
- colonialism
- commerce
- common sense
- communication
- community
- comparatism
- competition (for public service)
- conflict
- confusion
- conjecture
- consciousness
- constance
- constitution
- constitutionalism
- contemporaneity
- contemporary art
- contemporary Brazilian fiction
- contemporary culture
- contemporary epistemology
- contingent futures
- contractarianism
- conversion
- corporative state
- corporativism
- Corpus Iuris Civiles
- Correio Braziliense
- cosmopolitan
- cosmopolitanism
- cosmopolitanism of the poor
- counter-reformation
- counterfeited editions
- counterfeiting
- created order
- Creoules
- crioule
- crisis
- crisis of subject
- critical literacy
- criticism
- critique
- cult
- cultural asymmetries
- cultural contacts with Italy
- cultural difference
- cultural differences
- cultural heritage
- cultural history
- cultural identity
- cultural magazines
- cultural mediatiors
- cultural policy
- cultural resistance
- culturalism
- culture
- cycles
- cyclical time
- D. João V
- David Corazzi
- death
- death penalty
- death-drive
- debate of ideas
- Decameron
- decoloniality
- definition
- definitions
- Deir el-Medina
- Delfim Santos
- democracy
- depoliticization
- Descartes
- design
- desire
- despotism
- determinismo
- devices
- dialog
- dialog between civilizations
- dialogism
- Diamantino Martins
- dictatorship
- Diderot
- difference
- Digital literacy
- digital services
- diplomacy
- discoveries
- distinction
- doctrinarian movements
- documentary collections
- dogma
- doubt
- drama
- dream
- drive
- duration
- dynasty
- dystopia
- early Middle Ages
- Early Modern Times
- earthquake
- East Timor
- economy
- edition
- editor
- editorial collections
- editors
- eidophusikon
- eighteenth century
- eighteenth century art
- Eisenstein
- electronic publishing
- emancipationist thought
- emotion
- empire
- Emulation
- Encyclopédie
- Engraving
- enlightenment
- Enlightenment
- entrance exams
- ephemeris
- epicureanism
- Epicurus
- epistemology
- equality
- era
- Eric Voegelin
- erudite debates
- essence of knowledge
- essential
- Estado Novo
- etching
- eternity
- ethic
- ethics
- ethnic law
- Eucharistic Iconography
- Europe
- european intellectuals
- evidence
- evolution
- excess
- existence
- existentialism
- expansion in Asia
- experience
- expression
- expressive intelligibility
- expurgation
- F. Suárez
- fact-value
- fairy tale (Märchen-Brüder Grimm)
- faith
- fasting
- fear
- feasts
- federalism
- feed
- feminism
- feminist journals
- Fernando Gil
- Ferreira de (1898-1974)
- Ferréz
- fiber
- fiction
- fiction-history
- fictions
- fields of history
- force
- form
- formation of a republican conscience
- foundation of Portugal’s First Republic (economy)
- foundations
- France
- Franciscan friars
- Francisco Alves
- freedom
- freemasonry
- Freud
- friendship
- Frontiers
- function
- functional politician
- future
- G. W. Leibniz
- Gassendi
- Gazetas
- Gazettes
- general will
- Genovesi
- germanism
- germanophilia
- Gevalt
- Gilberto Freyre
- globalization
- gnoseology
- Goa
- goan intellectuals
- God
- good
- good sense
- grace
- gradualism
- gramar
- gratitude
- Great Britain
- greek calendars
- Griffith
- ground
- Grounding our analysis in two factors – the lack of status and crisis of meaning in the Lacanian topology of the Borromean knot – we will attempt to explain the phenomenologi- cal meaning of the knot. Boiled down to its quintessence
- guardianship
- Guinea-Bissau
- Gustavo Cordeiro Ramos
- hallucination
- Hannah Arendt
- happiness
- harmony
- health
- hemerology
- heraldry
- heritage
- heritagization
- heterotopy
- Hidácio de Chaves
- hierocratic political thought
- Hipólito da Costa
- Hispanic thought
- historical archives
- historical knowledge
- historical methodology
- historical totality
- historical tradition
- historical writing
- Historicism
- historicity
- historiography
- History
- history
- history of Gallaecia
- History of Ideas
- history of ideas
- history of mathematics
- history of papacy
- history of philosophy
- history of political ideas
- history of reading
- history of the book and publishing
- history of the book and writing
- history of the Catholic Church
- history of the press
- Hobbes
- Horace
- human finitude
- humanism
- humour studies
- hygiene
- hygiene and public health
- Iberian and Ibero-American cultures
- iconography
- Iconography
- iconology
- Idalino da Costa Brochado
- idea
- ideas
- identitary memory
- identity
- identity models
- ideology
- illustrated book
- illustration
- image and power
- imaginary
- Imitation
- immigration
- immobile or stationary time
- immortality
- imperialism
- in largest measure
- incunabula
- index of forbidden books
- India
- indian civilization
- individual
- infinite
- infinitesimal calculus
- informação
- information literacy
- Inquisition
- inquisition
- instant
- instinct of functionality
- instruction
- insurances
- Integralismo Lusitano
- intellect
- intellectual
- intellectual elites
- intelligibility
- inter-expression
- inter-institutional collaboration
- inter-institutional cooperation
- intermediate bodies
- international law in ancient Rome
- international politics
- interpretation
- interpreters
- intuition
- Italy
- ius gentium
- Jacques Derrida
- James of Viterbo’s De regimine christiano
- Japan
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Jeremiah
- jesuits
- Joan
- John Rawls
- Jorge Luís Borges
- José de Sousa Pereira
- José Esteves Pereira
- José Garcia Domingues
- José Ortega y Gasset
- joumalists professional formation
- journal of philosophy
- journalism
- journalism history
- journalism teaching
- journey diary
- Juan Ramón Jiménez
- Judah
- judaism
- judgment
- justice
- Lacan
- lachmannism
- laicism
- Langsdorff Expedition
- language
- law
- Law
- Leão Ramos Ascensão
- learning
- learning books
- Leibniz
- liberalism
- Liberalism
- libertarianism
- liberty
- liberalism
- libraries
- Libraries
- library
- library regitration book
- life
- limitation of collective bargaining
- lineal concept
- linear model/circular model
- linear time
- literary censorship
- literary design
- literary genre
- literary reading mediation
- literary vanguard
- literature
- lived experience
- living body
- local collective identity
- logic of principles
- logical form of reason
- Louise Weiss
- Loutherbourg
- love
- Ludwig Binswanger
- Luís Cabral Moncada
- luni-solar
- luso-tropicalism
- M. Teixeira- Gomes
- Macau
- magazine
- magazines
- man
- management of difference
- manifestation
- Marcello Caetano
- Marcelo Mastrilli
- marginal literature
- Market
- Marquis de Pombal
- marriage
- Marsilius of Padua’s Defensor Pacis
- Martins Sarmento
- Martins Sarmento Society
- martyrodom
- marxism
- mater
- material culture
- materialism
- mathematics
- Max Weber
- Mayas
- meaning
- meaning of space
- measuring time
- mechanicism
- mechanism
- media
- medicine
- memory
- memory and nation
- memory/tradition
- mental shape
- mentalisation
- Merleau-Ponty and Patočka
- Mesoamerica
- Mesopotamia
- messianic
- metaontology
- metaphysic of systematic individuality
- metaphysical system
- metaphysics
- methodology
- México
- Michel Henry
- Middle Age
- Milton Vargas
- minimo filosófico
- misericórdias
- missionary
- missionary networks
- mistery
- modal logic
- modality
- modernism
- modernity
- Modernity
- mokśa
- molecule
- momentariness
- monad
- monarchy
- monism
- month
- moral
- moral atheist
- moral philosophy
- Morals is the main concern of Diderot’s works and in Le Neveu de Rameau. Morals means two things: customs
- movable book
- Mozambique
- multiple borders
- municipalism
- municipality
- mystery
- Nação Portuguesa
- Naples
- narrative
- narrative image
- Nastagio of the Onesti
- nation
- nation representation
- nation sovereignty
- national identity
- national ideologies structure
- National Library of Portugal
- nationalism
- nationalist culture
- nations and cities (gentes
- natural law
- natural science
- naturalism
- naturality
- nature
- nazism
- nazism; brazilian military government
- necessitarianism
- necessity
- need
- neurology
- New Kingdom
- new media literacy
- new territorialities
- New World
- New Year
- news
- nineteenth century
- nobiliarian discourse
- nobility
- nobility books
- Nobre
- nobreza
- nomos
- non-physical needs
- norm
- object
- Objectivism
- obligation
- Octavio Paz
- of course
- ojectivity vs. subjectivity
- Old Testament
- on the other one il is him who offers a vigorous satire of a society which denies the values of common morality. The hypothesis is that this double satire aims to show the limits of philosophy as regards the morality.
- ontognoseology
- ontology
- operator
- opinions and behaviors that a society values
- ordem nova
- order
- organic intellectual
- organic monarchy
- organism
- orientalism
- origin and finality of the spiritual or priesthood power
- origins
- Ortega y Gasset
- Os Lusíadas
- otherness
- outskirts
- pain
- painting
- papal androgyny
- papal primacy
- paper
- paper mills
- paradigm
- paradise
- parish general practitioner
- passions
- passivity
- past
- pastoral
- patriotism
- Paulistas monastery of Portel
- peace
- pedagogical ideas
- perception
- period
- periodical press
- personal honour
- personnel onomastics
- persuasion power
- Pessoa and Germany
- petites perceptions
- Petrarch
- phenomenology
- philology
- philosophical community
- philosophical logic
- philosophy
- philosophy of knowledge
- philosophy of the body
- philosophy of the existence
- photography
- physical education
- physiocracy
- physis
- pictorial sources
- Pierre-Antoine Quillard
- planning and philosophy
- pleasure
- pleasure-principle
- plenitude
- plural identities
- Poesia 61
- poetry
- polemic literature
- police state
- political economy
- political elite
- political geography
- political ideas
- political philosophy
- politics
- Portugal
- Portugal-I Republic
- portuguese Asia
- portuguese coat of arms
- portuguese colonies
- Portuguese comedy in old-fashioned style
- portuguese culture
- portuguese decolonization
- Portuguese destiny
- portuguese emigration
- portuguese empire in India
- portuguese etching
- portuguese Guinea
- portuguese language
- portuguese philosophy
- portuguese State
- portuguese-brazilian relations
- portuguese-brazilianhood
- positivism
- possibility
- post-incunabula
- post-modernity
- practical knowledge
- practice/knowing
- pradeśa
- pre-classical cultures
- presence
- present
- press
- principle of sufficient reason
- printed book
- printed books
- printer
- printers
- printing press
- printing press in Portugal
- problematization
- process
- production and circulation of texts
- production of presence
- prohibition of strike
- propaganda
- prophetic dream
- prophetism
- proscription of class struggle
- providentialism
- psychoanalysis
- psychopathology
- public education
- public health
- public libraries
- Public library
- public reading
- public space
- public sphere
- public utility
- publishers
- publishing
- publishing history
- publishing houses
- races
- rationality
- rationality-emotions
- radicalism
- reader
- readers
- reading
- reading communities
- reading history
- reading mediation
- reading practices
- Real Gabinete Português de Leitura
- real unit-idea
- reality
- reaportuguesamento
- reason
- rebus
- recurrence
- reform
- reformed philosophy
- regional elites
- regions of reality
- religion
- Religious ideas
- religious images
- religious synchretism
- Renascença Portuguesa
- repetition
- representation
- republic
- republicanism
- requisite
- resentment
- restitutio textus
- Revista Internacional de Língua Portuguesa
- revolutionary thought
- right behavior
- Rio de Janeiro
- ritual
- Roberto (1903-1969)
- Roman games
- Roman justice
- Roman law
- roman visual culture
- Royal Public Library
- royalty
- ṛta
- rūpa
- Russia
- sacrifice
- safety
- saint
- Saint Paul of Thebes the First Hermit
- Saint Theresa of Ávila
- salon
- saṃsāra
- saṃskāra
- Santa Coloma de Gramenet
- São Tomé and Príncipe
- Sarmento Rodrigues
- saudosismo
- science
- scientific expeditions of the 19th Century
- scientific ideas
- scribal news
- sculpture in Portugal
- sea travels
- season
- seasonal moment
- séc. XVIII
- secession
- self-evidence
- short stories
- signature
- Silviano Santiago
- sinology
- sixteenth century literature
- skepticism
- slavery
- smṛti
- sociability
- social art
- social assistance
- social catholicism
- social construction of the body
- social criticism
- social justice
- Social Security
- social welfare state
- socialism
- society
- socio-cultural mediation
- sociocultural mediation
- sociology
- solidarity between capital and labour
- sophists
- Sophocles
- sothic calendar
- sothic cycle
- Sousa family
- South Atlantic
- sovereign
- Sovran Maxims
- space
- Spain
- Spanish Monarchy
- spirit
- sport
- St. Francis Xavier
- State
- state
- State Council
- struggle
- Stuart Hall
- studying and teaching literatures
- subject
- subject-object
- superdiversity
- supranational communitarianism
- symbology
- taboo food
- taqlīd/ijtihad
- teaching
- technique
- teleology
- temporal logic
- temporality
- temptation
- tension
- Teófilo Braga
- terminology
- territory
- text
- textual critique
- The Birth of Venus
- the Borromean knot is made up of points and holes. These holes are the result of experimental movements on an emotional and carnal plane. Impulse
- the hilarious equivoques related with this...
- The Mass Rebellion
- the perverts. Le Neveu de Rameau is a « satyre ». This article focuses on the kind of satire this dialogue is. It seems that if on one side the pervert (Lui) is the target of the satire
- the questions that later were presented in the utopian Western Thought about the theme of "Anti-utopia". In particular
- the social reflection of the economic
- theatre of the soul
- theology
- theory of modal distinction
- theory of sensation
- there is the intention to show the relations between the "Ideal Societies" and the "Ideal Architecture"... As if they where mutually implicated. And
- thinkability
- This article reports to the known episode of the famous novel "Gargantua"
- Thomas Hobbes
- Thomas More
- Thomasius
- thomistic philosophy
- thought
- Thucydides
- time
- time perception
- trade unions welfare services
- tradition
- traditional monarchy
- traditionalism
- tragedy
- tranquillity
- transdisciplinarity
- transformation
- travel
- tribute
- truth
- typographical adornments
- typographical mark
- typographical marks
- typography
- Walter Mignolo
- war
- watermarks
- we will show that the native and stationary Earth provides the fulcrum for these movements. The knotting movements of emotional life are thus granted ontological meaning. They are the many vari- ants of the primordial movement towards being.
- western civilization
- whites cities
- will
- Wolff
- woman
- women studies
- world
- worship
- writing history