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Submission and Publication Guidelines

Submission of proposals

Cultura accepts the submission of original proposals, that has not been published previously and are not currently being considered for publication elsewhere, through three types:

a) Spontaneous proposal (permanently open)

b) Invitation from the coordinators of thematic dossiers or the Editorial Board

c) Calls published on the website of the journal or CHAM – Centre for the Humanities


Submission and publication of articles are free of charge.

Scientific Refereeing

In line with the criteria applicable to scientific publications with international circulation, proposals submitted to Cultura will be subject to scientific refereeing (double-blind peer review). The name(s) of the referee(s) will be provided in the final publication.

Open Access

Cultura is a diamond open access journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, adaptation, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.

After publication, CHAM – Centre for the Humanities reserves the right to make all contents available in open access through OpenEdition, RUN - Repository of the NOVA University of Lisbon, NOVA Research Portal, and other databases and scientific content aggregation platforms.


The contents of the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and not of Cultura or CHAM. Acceptance of an article for publication entails the free and exclusive transfer of the right of first publication to the publisher.

Rights over any images included in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors, and must be attested by documentary evidence. A copyright notice will be included in the credits.

The submission of proposals implies agreement to the terms and delivery of a signed copy of CHAM’s “Declaration of Authorship and Authorization for Publication”.

Self-Archiving Policy

Authors can deposit in any repository, without any embargo period, the publisher’s final version (Final published version / Publisher’s Version / VoR) made available by the journal.

Authors are not allowed to deposit the preprint ou postprint versions (see Sherpa/Romeo).

ORCID Unique Identifier

Cultura requires authors to include the ORCID iD in their proposal. ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that authors own and control, and that distinguishes them from every other researcher. ORCID iD can be obtained at:

Privacy Policy

The names and email addresses submitted to Cultura will be used solely for the purposes stated by the publisher and will not be made public for any other purposes or shared with third parties.

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