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Instructions for authors

Article formatting

Article length


Number of characters (with spaces)


Special Report

Varia (Miscellany)

40,000 - 45,000

Articles submitted for double-blind peer-review.

Experiences and Viewpoints

10,000 – 15,000

Articles are not submitted for peer-review, written by cultural and academic professionals: viewpoints, experiment reports, reports of funded studies, etc.

Current Studies and Papers

6,000 – 12,000

Doctoral thesis reviews.

Synopses of Master’s level research.

Ongoing studies.


5,000 – 15,000

Book reviews.


10,000 – 12,000

Exhibition reviews written from a museological standpoint. .


Everything should be written in Times New Roman 12 pt., single spaced and justified.

Article’s Title

The title, maximum 75 characters with spaces, should be in bold and aligned left.

Author’s Name and Institution

The author’s name, institution, and email should be written under the article’s title in lowercase characters and aligned left.

For thesis reviews and master’s research synopses, authors are asked to provide references for the work discussed, again in lowercase characters and aligned left.

Ex: Reference(s): Thèse de doctorat en sciences de l’information et de la communication, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, soutenue le 29 novembre 2018.

For the Reviews section, the author’s name and title of the reviewed work should be in bold and aligned left, with the reviewer’s name institution written in lowercase characters, aligned left. The full reference for the work reviezed (name in parentheses, date, of publication, title, place and editor).

Ex: References(s): Gamboni (Dario). 2020. Le Musée comme expérience. Dialogue itinérant sur les musées d’artistes et de collectionneurs, Paris: Hazan.

Text Body

  • No indentation at the beginning of paragraphs.

  • No quotations at the beginning of the article or of subsections.

  • Only French quotation marks (« ») should be used, English inverted commas (“ ”) should be used for second tier citations (quotations with quotations).

  • Within the body of the text, no bold, underlined or Small Caps should be used, only italics for words and expressions in a foreign language.

  • Page numbers, or other information, should not be inserted into headers or footers.

Subsection Titles

Two levels of subsection can be used, without numbering.

  • Subtitle 1: bold, aligned left.

  • Subtitle 2: italics, aligned left.


Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of each page and listed with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3…).


  • Acronyms that are pronounced as one would read them (for example, Unesco, Mucem) have only their first letter capitalized; only acronyms that are spelled out should be completely uppercase (for example, EHESS).

  • Centuries should be written with « e » in superscript, for example « XIVe siècle ».

  • Maintain accentuation on capital letters.

  • No slashes should be included: avoid formulations such as « and/or », « visitors/spectators », etc.

  • Avoid parentheses within words, such as « (re)present », « (re)discover », « culture(s) », « (over)estimate », etc.

  • When the term « musée » refers to a specific institution, it should begin with a capital letter, and following terms should be in lowercase characters, save for proper nouns. For example, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Musée d’anthropologie de Colombie-Britannique. When the term « musée » does not refer to a specific institution, it should begin with a lowercase letter (for example, this museum as a space which inspires artists).

  • Functions and titles should be systematically feminized.

Bibliographical References

In the body of the text

Avoid excessive general references without specific page numbers. All references should be in the form “Author, date: page(s)”.

Ex.: (Revel, 1986: 851) or (Revel, 1986: 851-854)

When the reference is to an electronic resource without page numbers should be given in the form “Author, date: s.p.”.

In the case of citations to two different references within the same parentheses, these should be separated by a semicolon.

Ex.: (Bourdieu & Darbel, 1966: 165; Lahire, 2004: 33)

In case of multiple authors, use an ampersand between the two» 

Ex.: (Bourdieu & Darbel, 1966: 165).

In cases with more than two authors, cite only the first author with the annotation “et al.”.

Ex.: (Reynach et al., 1895: 5).

At the end of the article

Only works and publications cited within the body of the text should be included in the final bibliography. The author’s full first name should be written in parentheses.

Book titles

Ex.: Goffman (Erving). 1991. Les Cadres de l’expérience. Paris: Éd. de Minuit. (Le sens commun.)

Journal articles 

Ex: Samson (Denis) 1992. “L’évaluation formative et la genèse du texte”. Publics & Musées, 1, 1er sem., p. 57-73.

Ex.: Miles (Roger). 1988. “Exhibit Evaluation in the Natural History Museum (London)”. ILVS Review, 1(1), p. 24-33.

Book chapters 

Ex: Bitgood (Stephan). 1989. “Évaluation des musées du point de vue de la conception sociale”, p. 87-106 in Faire voir, faire savoir: La muséologie scientifique au présent / under the direction of Bernard Schiele. Québec: Musée de la Civilisation.

Visuals and schematics

In a limited number only, all visuals and other illustrations should be absolutely necessary to the understanding of the article. Images should be sent in a nondestructive compression format (TIFF, PSD, PNG, JPG), with a minimal dimension of 1500 pixels wide and 300 dpi resolution.

Each illustration is published with a legend giving the image’s number (i.e. Figure 1, Figure 2), title, source, and copyright.

Ex: Figure 1. Gaetano Giulio Zumbo, Le Sépulcre (wood, glass, colored wax and paint), ©Musée d’histoire naturelle de l’Université de Florence, section zoologie, la Specola.

Biographical note

Each author must submit a short biography (10-15 lines) mentioning their institution, fields of study, recent publications and email. This text is printed at the end of their article.

Ex.: First name, last name, function and institution. Research fields. Two to three recent publications. Email address.

The postal address at which the author wishes to receive their copy of the issue should be included as well.

Abstracts and keywords

For articles in the Varia (Miscellany) section, authors should write an abstract of about 10 lines with 5 to 6 keywords in both French and English. The journal takes on the translation of the abstracts and keywords into Spanish. These are printed at the end of the article, after the short biography.

Transfer of rights

Authors of articles in the feature report and Varia (Miscellany) sections transfer their literary and artistic property right to the article to Publics & Musées, owner of the journal. They must fill in and sign a transfer of rights form before the publication of their article.

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