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90 Automne | 2019
Epistemocriticism: Science and Literature – A Tribute to Annie Escuret

De l’épistémocritique – Science et littérature. En hommage à Annie Escuret
Edited by Luc Bouvard

This special isssue of Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens is meant as a tribute to Professor Annie Escuret who passed away on 17 April 2018 after editing this periodical from 1997 to 2013 and contributing many articles on the most famous Victorian authors. It is also meant as a state of the art review in epistemocriticism, the branch of study she contributed to developing in France. To open up the volume we have decided to re-publish her article entitled ‘Science et fiction’ which was first published in issue 46 of October 1997. Among those who knew and appreciated her, some of our best researchers have felt a strong desire to participate in this tribute. Others who knew her less or did not have the privilege of knowing her have read the call for papers and wished to include their own article into the volume. Thus the reader will find essays about the Victorian novelists we all know so well whose works are here analysed from an epistemocritical perspective: Thomas Hardy, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Robert Browning, etc. The introduction will inform the reader about the directions taken by each and every contributor. This volume closes on three separate essays gathered here because of their common field of expertise, British turn-of-the-century Decadence: Arthur Symons, Aubrey Beardsley and Walter Pater’s views on French contemporary fiction. We wish you a pleasant, fruitful reading.

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