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About the Journal

Founded in 1974, Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens is a publication affiliated with the University Paul-Valéry Montpellier, France, which is committed to publishing insightful and innovative scholarship on British Victorian and Edwardian literature, art, and cultural history.

It is a double-blind, peer-reviewed bi-annual journal which accepts year-round submissions, in French or in English, for both its general and special issues, as well as book reviews.

Latest issue
99 Printemps | 2024
Hitting the Road : expériences et récits de voyage à l’époque victorienne et édouardienne (colloque SFEVE, Université de Tours, 2-3 février 2023) ; Transmission(s) (61e congrès SAES, Université Rennes 2, 1er-3 juin 2023)

Edited by Tri Tran, Fabienne Moine and Laurence Roussillon Constanty

The articles in this volume result from the SFEVE symposium held on February 2-3, 2023, and organized by Tri Tran and the ICD laboratory (EA 6297) at the University of Tours. This issue brings together 7 interdisciplinary articles with an introduction, focusing on different aspects of the individual experiences of travel during the 19th century. This volume presents the accounts of famous and not-so-famous British travellers, women and men, be they explorers, scientists, missionaries, writers or artists. The contributions are followed by an interview of Professor Adrian Wisnicki discussing the various Digital Humanities projects in Victorian studies he carried out. The volume also includes a selection of articles from the SFEVE workshop that was held during the SAES Conference at the University of Rennes in June 2023, the theme of which was “Transmissions”.

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