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Introduction to GeoOpenMod

Models and software programs
Arnaud Banos
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Présentation de GeOpenMod
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Presentación de GeOpenMod

Texte intégral


1As with experimental protocols, a model is intended to be reproduced by others in order to be validated or refuted. The section/subsection GeOpenMod aims at giving authors of geographic models the possibility to publish short articles without having to necessarily wait for stabilised results. This allows them to be referenced, to define the scientific context of the model and to describe the contents through a standardized protocol.

2The full commented code for the model will be integrated to the article as well as a demonstrator (executable or an interactive applet). These joined elements will be evaluated by at least two evaluators in the same way as for articles generally submitted on Cybergeo.

3Once they are accepted, the models are designed to evolve (dynamic versioning) according to the authors’ future developments and to other authors’ suggestions for improvement or for extension. In this regard, the editorial board has made a certain number of complementary recommendations:

  • We favour models developed within free software platforms

  • The demonstrator needs to be independent from the used development software platform and we need to be able to run it easily and in an autonomous way

  • The computer code needs to be structured and commented

  • The model should be described in the associated article using the ODD (Object Database Designer) protocol, as explained in:
    Grimm, V., Berger, U., Bastiansen, F., Eliassen, S., Ginot, V., Giske, J., DeAngelis, D. L. (2006). A standard protocol for describing individual-based and agent-based models. Ecological Modelling, 198(1-2), 115-126.
    Polhill, J. G., Parker, D. C., Brown, D. G. & Grimm, V. (2008). Using the ODD protocol for describing three agent-based social simulation models for land use change. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 11(2), 3​11/​2/​3.html

4Furthermore, this section also intends on giving priority to free software programs developed by the research community. These will need to be described in a sufficiently explicit way and be accessible on the internet. They will be tested by two evaluators who will give their opinion on their relevance for the community.

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Référence électronique

Arnaud Banos, « Introduction to GeoOpenMod », Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography [En ligne], GeOpenMod - Modèles et logiciels, mis en ligne le 10 octobre 2014, consulté le 16 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Arnaud Banos

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