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Atlas numérique du Sud de l'Inde

Atlas of South India - 1991

Sébastien Oliveau

Texte intégral

1Maps in India were once a rare artefact. Although this trend is changing, they still remain pretty scarce. Moreover, the development of automatic cartography tools available through internet tend to hide what remains a lack of knowledge of space. A good example of this situation is the census map website (​), which, despite its richness, leaves the reader his own, without any explanation, to figure out what might be the spatialization of census data.

2The atlas presented here aims to help the reader go beyond this simple presentation of data by offering an analysis of South Indian territory. For this purpose, we used the SIFP database, which georeferenced the 1991 census data both at village and town level. To produce readable maps, which include more than 75.000 units, advanced mapping methodology was used. We have selected data most likely to interest the widest possible audience and ordered them into 5 categories: Demography, Gender, SC/ST population, Economy, Agriculture.

3Enter the Atlas here:

4Or here:​atlasofindia/​atlas91/​index.htm

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Référence électronique

Sébastien Oliveau, « Atlas of South India - 1991 », Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography [En ligne], Dossiers, mis en ligne le 26 mars 2005, consulté le 07 octobre 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Sébastien Oliveau

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