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Un traceur archéozoologique des périodes de crise : la consommation de viande de cheval en Gaule méditerranéenne protohistorique

p. 183-196


The archaeozoological study of fauna from the protohistoric sites from southern Gaul undertaken during the last twenty last years have yielded a lot of data. Amongst them is information relating to the consumption of horse meat which are considered in this paper. This data is contextualised within the history of the archaeological sites in question, and they contribute to the assessment of several aspects of the food supply of theses peoples. First, there is the separation of the different species exploited for their meat: large cattle on one side, and small ruminants and pigs on the other. Then, the study of horse-meat consumption always appears to have been related to crisis situations of various lengths and intensity. The crisis must however affect the all of settlement, and not just one structure. Thirdly, this study also allows us to consider the extent of the hunting-territory (of stag) of a Mediterranean Gallic population during the Early Iron Age, based on the archaeological fauna from the sites Tonnerre (Herault) and of Liquière (Gard) sites.

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Bibliographical reference

Philippe COLUMEAU, Un traceur archéozoologique des périodes de crise : la consommation de viande de cheval en Gaule méditerranéenne protohistorique”Documents d’archéologie méridionale, 29-30 | 2007, 183-196.

Electronic reference

Philippe COLUMEAU, Un traceur archéozoologique des périodes de crise : la consommation de viande de cheval en Gaule méditerranéenne protohistorique”Documents d’archéologie méridionale [Online], 29-30 | 2007, Online since 18 September 2013, connection on 06 October 2024. URL:; DOI:

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