Aménagements et évolution de l’exploitation agricole du Mas de Vignoles IX entre la fin du VIe et le IVes. av. n. è. à Nîmes (Gard)
The preventive excavation of the Mas de Vignoles IX in Nîmes (Gard) allowed to uncover remainders of a protohistoric residential unit dated between the end of the 6th and the 4th century BC. Located in the plain of the Vistre, the site consists in vast enclosures spreading over 2.5 hectares. Within each, postholes, extraction pits and wells complete the range of preserved hollow structures. The excavation of their landfills has allowed to uncover a large number of remains and to extract samples. Despite some tiny testimonies, it was possible to address questions about the functioning of a farm over time, the type of activities, consumption facies and the social status of the occupiers.
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Pierre SÉJALON, Philippe CAYN, Nathalie CHARDENON, Isabel FIGUEIRAL and Vianney FOREST, “Aménagements et évolution de l’exploitation agricole du Mas de Vignoles IX entre la fin du VIe et le IVes. av. n. è. à Nîmes (Gard)”, Documents d’archéologie méridionale [Online], 36 | 2013, Online since 19 January 2016, connection on 16 September 2024. URL:; DOI:
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