Les trois tombes du premier âge du Fer de Gallière à Montpellier (Hérault)
Three Early Iron Age Tombs from Gallière, Montpellier (Hérault).Three secondary deposits of cremation graves of the VIIth century BC excavated in Gallière contribute to fill the lack of knowledge about the funeral practices of the first Iron age in the costal area of the eastern Languedoc. These graves are composed by three elements : a funeral deposit in a shallow burial pit and an annex deposit on the paleo soil that could suggest a mound covering all of it.
The burnt bones which represent one personn are deposed higgledy-piggledy in the burial pit accompanied with a very reduced number of personnal items or incomplete wares. Here the funeral pratices are similar than those suggested, at the same time, by the cremation mounds of the scrublands of the hinterland.
Index terms
Mots-clés :
céramique non tournée, anthropologie, premier âge du Fer, Languedoc oriental, sépultures à incinération, bracelets de bronze, anneau en ferKeywords:
France, Hérault, eastern Languedoc, anthropology, fusaïole, Montpellier, cremation graves, bronze bracelet, iron ring, non-wheeled potery, first Iron age, HeraultReferences
Bibliographical reference
Bernard Dedet and Renaud Lisfranc, “Les trois tombes du premier âge du Fer de Gallière à Montpellier (Hérault)”, Documents d’archéologie méridionale, 28 | 2006, 91-104.
Electronic reference
Bernard Dedet and Renaud Lisfranc, “Les trois tombes du premier âge du Fer de Gallière à Montpellier (Hérault)”, Documents d’archéologie méridionale [Online], 28 | 2006, Online since 05 November 2006, connection on 07 October 2024. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/dam/535; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/dam.535
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