Les trois enclos funéraires de Mas de Vignole VII à Nîmes, Gard (Ve s. av. J.-C.)
The three funerary enclosures from of Vignole VII, Nîmes, Gard (Vth C. BC). The small crematorium excavated in 2001 and 2002 at Mas de Vignole on the Nîmes plain dates to the first half of the Vth century BC. This site allows us to fill a gap in the data regarding funerary practices during the mid Iron Age on the eastern Languedoc coast. Also, the discovery of a surrounding enclosure constitutes a new type of structure for this period in the south of France. Probably related to one of the small settlements identified on the nearby plain, this crematorium makes a contribution to the renewed discussion on the origins of the Nîmes.
Index terms
Mots-clés :
anthropologie, mobilier métallique, Languedoc oriental, sépultures à incinération, céramiques grises monochromes, enclos fossoyés, milieu de l’âge du FerKeywords:
France, Gard, eastern Languedoc, anthropology, metalwork, Gard, fusaïole, Nîmes, grey monochrome ceramic, spindles, ditched-enclosure, crematorium, middle Iron AgeReferences
Bibliographical reference
Pierre SÉJALON and Bernard Dedet, “Les trois enclos funéraires de Mas de Vignole VII à Nîmes, Gard (Ve s. av. J.-C.)”, Documents d’archéologie méridionale, 26 | 2003, 43-61.
Electronic reference
Pierre SÉJALON and Bernard Dedet, “Les trois enclos funéraires de Mas de Vignole VII à Nîmes, Gard (Ve s. av. J.-C.)”, Documents d’archéologie méridionale [Online], 26 | 2003, Online since 15 December 2006, connection on 08 September 2024. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/dam/764; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/dam.764
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