Une statue de guerrier découverte à Lattes (Hérault)
A warrior statue discovered at Lattes (Hérault). In 2002 a statue of a warrior was discovered during the excavations of the antique town at Lattes. The original piece, which is almost at life scale, represents a person partially bent over with the right leg bent behind the body and the left leg lifted forwards. The harness which figures on this sculpture is compared with Vth c. BC archaeological material. The relationships with the Iberian and Italian worlds are considered.
Index terms
France, Languedoc, Hérault, Iron Age, Languedoc, Lattes, armement, ronde bosse statue, warrior, LattesChronologique:
âge du FerReferences
Bibliographical reference
Michel PY and Michael Dietler, “Une statue de guerrier découverte à Lattes (Hérault)”, Documents d’archéologie méridionale, 26 | 2003, 235-249.
Electronic reference
Michel PY and Michael Dietler, “Une statue de guerrier découverte à Lattes (Hérault)”, Documents d’archéologie méridionale [Online], 26 | 2003, Online since 18 December 2006, connection on 09 September 2024. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/dam/819; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/dam.819
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