Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords
- absent actors
- access
- accountability
- acculturation
- accusation
- across-the-board approach
- action
- action publique
- action research
- action-research
- actor
- actors
- adaptation
- adaptation to climate change
- adaptative planning
- adaptive capacity
- Adaptive governance
- adjustment
- administrative apportionments
- aesthetic
- Agdal
- ageing population policy
- agency
- agenda 21
- agent-based model
- agentivity
- agrarian structure
- agricultural advisors
- agricultural biodiversity
- agricultural cooperatives
- agricultural development
- agricultural models
- agricultural policy
- agricultural practices
- agricultural territories
- agriculture
- agro-diversity
- agro-ecology
- agroecological initiatives
- agroecology
- agroenvironmental practices
- agroforestry
- Ailanthus
- air monitoring
- air pollution
- air pollution control associations
- air quality information
- aircraft noise
- Algiers coastal
- allotments
- Alps
- Alsace potassium Basin
- alternative
- alternative farming
- alternative food networks
- alternative initiative
- alternative knowhow
- alternative organizations
- alternative strategy
- alternative trade
- alternative urbanism
- Amazonia
- anachronism
- analogy
- Analysis of actor’s relations
- analysis of speech
- Andes
- Angers
- animal health management
- animals
- anniversary
- anthropogenic impacts
- anthropology
- Anthropology
- apparatus
- appropriation
- appropriations
- aquaculture
- aquatic environments
- aqueduct
- archaeogeographie
- architectural project
- Architecture
- area of coexistence
- arid zone
- Ariège
- armed conflict
- arrangements
- art works
- articulation between market and non-market dimensions
- articulation/disconnection
- artificialization
- artisanal fishing
- Artisans du Monde
- ash dieback
- Asia
- assessment
- associations
- asthma
- Atlantic Canada
- atmospheric pollution
- atmospheric urban pollution
- attention
- audomarois
- autonomy
- avifauna
- awareness
- axiological conflict
- axiological neutrality
- barrage
- barrios
- baseline
- Baumol’s law
- beach
- Beaujolais
- bee farming
- beekeeping
- behavior of consumption
- behaviour
- Belgium
- Benin
- bike sharing
- bilan sociétal
- biodiversity
- Biodiversity
- biodiversity conservation
- biodiversity crisis
- biological diversity
- biomimetic design
- biomimicry
- biomonitoring
- biopolitic
- biopolitics
- bioregionalism
- bioregions
- Biosphere Reserve
- biosphere reserves
- black box
- Bodies
- body
- Bordeaux Euratlantique
- border
- botanical survey
- Bottière-Chénaie
- boundary object
- brakes
- brasilian Amazonia
- Brazilian Amazon
- bridge
- Brussels
- building
- building actual energy consumption
- buildings
- bundle of rights
- Burgundy
- Burkina Faso
- business
- business model
- calanques
- Camargue
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- campus
- canals
- capabilities
- capability
- capability approach
- capital
- capitalism
- car
- car-pooling
- car-sharing
- carbon card
- carbon price
- carbon tax
- care
- carpooling
- carrying capacity
- carsharing
- case studies
- case study
- catastrophe
- categories
- cayolar
- centre-periphery
- chain
- chaîne des Puys
- Chambord
- change
- changing of agricultural practices
- chemicals valley
- Chile
- China
- circular economy
- circulation
- circulations
- citizen cooperatives
- citizen initiatives
- citizen participation
- citizen science
- citizens groups
- citizenship
- citizens’ initiatives
- city
- city densification is the main objective of this sustainable plan. Concerns on the place of nature in the city
- city skills and professions
- civic experimentation
- civic participation
- civil liberty
- civil society
- clean development mechanism
- climate change
- climate change adaptation
- climate changes
- climate policies
- climate policies integration
- climate protection plan
- climate regime
- climatic policies
- co-ownership
- CO2 emissions
- coastal areas
- coastal management
- Coastal protection agency (France)
- coastal risks
- coastal seas
- coastal zone
- coastal zones
- coastline
- codifications
- cognitive proximity
- cognitive representations
- cohousing
- collaborative consumption
- collaborative governance
- collective action
- collective actions
- collective agri-food network
- collective choice
- collective gardens
- collective housing
- collective learning
- collective learnings
- collective memory
- collective mobilization
- collective organizations
- collective ownership
- collective research
- collective structures
- collective workshop
- collectives
- Colombia
- commensurability
- commercial vacancy
- commitment
- committed consumption.
- common
- common action
- Common Agricultural Policy
- common good
- Common good
- Common goods
- common goods
- common heritage
- common property
- common resources
- common space
- common-pool resources
- common-pool resources governance
- commons
- communalization
- communication
- communities
- community
- community based management
- community centres
- community gardens
- community participation
- community solidarity
- Community Supported Agriculture
- Community-based management
- community-based organizations
- community-supported agriculture
- communs
- commuting
- comparative analysis
- comparative law
- compensation
- competitions
- complexity
- composting
- concept
- concertation
- concession
- conciliation
- confidence
- confinement
- conflict
- conflict of temporalities
- conflict space
- conflicting
- conflicting water uses
- conflicts
- conflit
- Congo Basin
- connections and compromises of social time
- consensus for action
- conservation
- conservation stakes
- conservatoire d’espaces naturels
- constraint
- construction material
- constructivism
- consultation
- consumer goods
- consumer mobilities
- consumer role
- consumers
- container housing
- containment
- contracting authority
- contracts
- controlling process
- controverse
- controverses
- convention
- conventions
- cooperation
- cooperation mechanisms
- cooperative
- Cooperative
- cooperative transformation
- cooperatives
- coordination
- coordination of actors
- coproduction
- corporate social responsibility
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Corporate social responsibility
- Corporate Territorial Responsability
- corporeal property
- corridors
- Corsica
- Costa Rica
- countryside
- cours d’eau
- courts
- Covid
- Covid-19
- creative research
- credibility
- crisis
- crisis management
- critical approach
- critical approaches
- critical natural capital
- critical studies
- criticism
- cross-compliance
- cross-disciplinary action
- cross-disciplinary research
- crowd control
- cultural diversity
- cultural form
- cultural heritage
- culture
- culture of landscape
- culture of risk
- Cusco
- Cuxac d’Aude
- cyclone
- daily data
- daily life nature
- daily mobility
- dam
- dam removal
- Danube
- data format
- de-growth
- de-urbanisation process
- debt
- decent labour
- décentralisation
- decentralisation
- decentralization
- decentralized cooperation
- Decentralized cooperation
- decentralized governance
- decentralized management
- decision
- decision models
- decision support
- Decision system
- decision-making process
- decision-making support
- decolonization
- deep Ecology
- definition
- definitions
- deforestation
- dégradation
- degradation
- deliberation
- delimitation of boundaries
- demand responsive transportation
- dematerialisation
- democracy
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- demolition
- densification
- density
- département du Nord
- depolitization
- desalination
- design process
- despite available datas which underline its important function in urban social-ecosystems.
- developing countries
- development
- Development Assistance
- development cooperation
- development models
- Développement durable & territoires
- diachronic
- diachrony
- diagnosis
- dialogue
- different ways
- differentiated management
- digital debate
- digital transition
- diking
- Directive Cadre Européenne sur l'Eau (DCE) (European Water Framework Directorate)
- Directive Inondation (Di) (Flood Directorate)
- disaster
- disaster risk reduction
- disciplines
- discounting
- discourse
- discreet collective action
- discrete choice experiment
- disparity of the chances
- distanciation
- distribution
- distribution of income
- distributive effects
- district
- district heating
- diversification
- diversity
- Dombes
- domestic space
- domination
- downstream Loire
- Dreux (France)
- drinking water
- droughts
- drug
- Dunkirk
- durability
- dwellers
- dynamics
- earth
- eau
- eco campuses
- eco-citizenship
- eco-design
- eco-district
- eco-grazing
- eco-industrial synergies
- eco-innovation
- eco-mobility
- eco-navigation
- eco-neighborhood
- eco-neighbourhood
- eco-tax
- eco-taxation
- ecocentrism
- Ecodesign
- ecodesign
- Ecodistrict
- ecodistricts
- ecofrontier
- ecological
- ecological awareness
- ecological claims
- ecological connectivity
- ecological continuity
- ecological corridors
- ecological diagnosis
- ecological economic
- ecological economics
- ecological farming
- ecological footprint
- ecological inegalities indicators
- ecological inequalities
- ecological marketing
- ecological mitigation
- ecological network
- Ecological network
- ecological offset
- ecological pressures
- ecological restoration
- ecological sustainability
- ecological transition
- ecological transition contracts
- ecologisation
- ecologization
- ecologization of agricultural practices
- ecology
- economic actors
- economic and social transitions
- economic development
- economic development land use
- economic dynamic
- economic gains
- economic growth
- economic incentives
- economic patriotism
- economic transport system
- Economics of Heritage
- economics of proximity
- economists
- economy
- economy of functionality
- ecosystem approach
- ecosystem functionality
- ecosystem service
- ecosystem services
- ecosystem services map
- ecosystems
- ecotechnology
- education
- elderly people
- elected officials
- elected representatives
- Elinor Ostrom
- emancipation
- emissions
- employees
- employment
- employment policy
- employment unemployement
- Empordà
- empowerment
- enclave
- energetic transition
- énergie
- energopolitics
- energy
- energy artefacts
- energy climate plan
- energy community
- energy consumption
- energy demand
- energy mix
- Energy planning
- energy policy
- energy policy assessment
- energy public policies
- energy recovery
- energy scenarios
- energy supply
- energy transition
- engagement
- environment
- Environment
- environment protection
- environmental and landscape policies
- environmental assessment
- Environmental Assessment (EA)
- environmental capital
- environmental certification
- environmental conflict
- environmental controversy
- environmental damages
- environmental data
- environmental defence
- environmental democracy
- environmental disparities
- environmental economics
- environmental ethic
- environmental ethics
- environmental factor of proximity
- environmental governance
- environmental government
- environmental health
- environmental impact assessment
- environmental impact assessment (EIA)
- environmental impacts
- environmental inequalities
- environmental innovation
- environmental justice
- environmental law
- environmental legislation.
- environmental management
- environmental management system
- Environmental Management System
- environmental performance
- environmental performance indicators
- environmental philosophy
- Environmental policies
- environmental policies
- environmental political theory
- environmental politics
- environmental preferences
- environmental pressure
- environmental profits
- environmental proximity
- environmental public policies
- environmental public policy
- environmental regulation
- environmental sensitivity
- environmental services
- environmental services payments
- environmental tax
- environmental temporality
- environmental uncertainty
- environmental urban development
- environnement
- environnemental injustice
- epistemic conflict
- epistemics cultures
- epistemology
- epistémology
- equity
- equivalence
- erosion
- esthetics
- ethics
- ethics of aid
- ethics representations
- ethnography
- Euro-Mediterranean Cultural cooperation
- eurometropolis
- Europe
- european cities
- European projects
- european studies
- European Union
- evaluation
- evaluation tools
- evaluative questions
- everyday life
- everyday mobility
- exchange value
- exclusion
- exemption from tax
- exercise of power
- experiences
- experimentation
- expert appraisal
- expertise
- extractivism
- factor 4
- factor 4 for climate
- factor 4 for energy
- factor Four
- Fair trade
- family farming
- farm
- farmer
- farmers
- farmers’ seed networks
- farming investments
- fear
- Fictive commodities
- field survey
- finance
- fine land cover maps
- finiteness
- fire hydrant
- firm location
- fiscal policy
- fish mortality
- fisheries
- fishery
- fishing
- fishing rights
- fix
- flood
- flood flood mark
- flood governance
- flood hazard
- flood prevention
- flood retention areas
- flood risk management
- flooding
- flooding risks
- floods
- flow
- flows
- food
- food processing
- food security
- food supply chain
- foot tree
- fordism
- foresight
- forest
- forest management plan
- forest-game balance
- forestry
- forests
- Forms of cooperation
- forward-looking analysis
- Foucault
- founding fathers
- framework directive with field of water policy
- France
- France-Germany-Switzerland
- free drug
- french countryside
- French Guiana
- french mitigation banking
- French people
- French society
- fruit and vegetables
- fruit-bearing arboriculture
- fuel-wood
- function
- functional economy
- functional service economy
- fund for future generations
- garden
- gardeners
- gardening
- gardens
- Garonne
- gathering
- Gemapi
- general interest
- genetic resources
- Geographic Information System GIS
- geographic proximity
- geographical interdependencies
- geographical proximity
- géographie du droit
- geography
- geography of justice
- geohistorical database
- geohistory
- geoprospective
- geospatial information
- geosystem
- geovisualization
- gift
- global
- global change
- Global public good
- global public goods
- global warming
- globalisation
- globalization
- GMM model
- Gordon River (Australia)
- gouvernance
- governance
- Governance
- governance of natural resources
- government of industry
- government-driven unemployement measures
- gradient centre/periphery
- grassland
- grassland and rangeland
- Greece
- green and blue corridors
- green and blue infrastructure
- green cities
- green direct payments
- green gentrification
- green growth
- green infrastructure
- green network
- green spaces
- green waste
- green way
- greenery planning
- greenhouse gas
- greenhouse gas emissions
- greenhouse gases
- greening
- greenway
- greenways
- Grenoble area
- groundwater
- groundwater resource
- groundwater resources
- guaraná
- guaranteed vintage
- habitat banking
- Habous
- Haouz
- harmful effects
- Haute-Garonne
- Hauts-de-France
- hazard
- health
- health determinants
- health policies
- heating practices
- Hedonic Price Method
- heritage
- heritage community
- heritage compromises
- heterodoxy
- heterotopia
- hierarchical organization
- high pastures
- Himalayas
- historical and archaeological research
- historical documents
- historiography
- History
- hog farming
- honey bee renewal practices
- horticulture
- household budget
- households
- households strategies
- housing
- housing quality
- human and social sciences
- human development
- human health
- human resource management
- human sciences
- human/nature relationships
- human/wildlife conflicts
- humanism
- hunting
- Hunts Point
- hydraulic fix
- hydraulic planning
- hydraulic systems
- hydraulic works
- hydrosocial cycle
- hygienism
- iconography
- identification of actors
- identity
- Identity
- ideology
- ignorance
- Île-de-France
- Île-de-France Régional Council
- image analysis
- images
- immaterial
- immaterial commons
- impact
- impact of public policies
- implication towards the environment
- improved stove
- improvisation
- incinération
- India
- indicator
- indicators
- indicators of well being and development
- individualization
- individuals
- Indonesia
- industrial and territorial ecology
- industrial cities
- industrial ecology
- industrial ecology methodology
- industrial park
- industrial risk
- industrial risks prevention
- industrial strategy
- industrialization
- industry
- inequalities
- inequality
- information
- information and communication technologies (ICT)
- infrastructure
- infrastructures
- inhabit
- inhabitant
- inhabitants
- inhabitants’ participation
- innovation
- inquiry
- institutional actors
- institutional change
- institutional changes
- institutional compromise
- institutional economics
- institutional logics
- institutional regimes resources
- institutional resource regime
- institutional settings
- institutionalisms
- institutionalist economics
- institutionalization
- institutions
- instrument
- insularity
- insulation
- intangible commons
- intangible property
- integrated coastal management
- integrated coastal zone management
- integrated farming
- integrated management
- integrated rural development
- integrated water resources management
- intellectual property rights
- inter-basin transfers
- inter-disciplinarity
- inter-municipality
- inter-organizational cooperation
- inter-sectoriality
- interactive map
- interdependencies
- interdisciplinarity
- interdisciplinary
- interdisciplinary approach
- interdisciplinary research
- intergenerational
- intergenerational equity
- intermediate object
- intermunicipal grouping
- international adaptation finance
- international biodiversity policies
- international commission of Escaut
- international cooperation
- international relations
- international trade
- internationalization
- internet
- intersectorality
- intervention research
- interview
- interviews
- inventory
- Investment
- investors
- invisible technology
- involvement
- irreversible consequences
- irrigated agriculture
- irrigation
- irrigation association
- irrigation canals
- island development
- Island of Ré
- ISO 14001
- IT
- label
- labeling systems
- labor-managed firms
- labour
- labour environmentalism
- land
- land grabbing
- land issues
- Land Management Contract
- land ownership
- land planning
- land property
- land rights
- land stewardship
- land tenure
- land tenure system
- land trust
- land use
- land use conflict
- land use conflicts
- land-use
- land-use planning
- land-uses and neighbourhood conflicts
- landplanning
- landscape
- landscape analysis and fieldwork
- landscape architecture
- landscape conservation
- landscape dynamics
- landscape history
- landscape management
- landscape mediation
- landscape plan
- landscape project
- landscape public policy
- landscape representations
- landscape thinking
- landscape-focused approach
- landscapes workshop
- Latin-America
- Launched in 2007
- law
- law of the Anthropocene
- law Pacte
- law speech
- laying hen
- leather and footwear industry
- legal
- legal classification of space
- legal disputes
- legal ecology
- legal geography
- legal inherited
- legal public investigation
- legal rule
- legitimacy
- legitimization
- Les-trois-cités
- Lesser Antilles
- levers
- lexicometrics
- Le Havre
- liberalization
- libertarian paternalism
- lichen
- lifestyles
- Ligurian
- Lima
- limits
- literature review
- litigation
- local
- local agenda 21
- local agri-food system
- local animation
- local approach
- local authorities
- local authority
- local climate policies
- local communities
- local democracy
- local dependence
- local development
- local dynamics
- local economy
- local elections
- local energy futures studies
- local food
- local food chains
- local food systems
- local governance
- local hitchhiking
- local knowledge
- local land use plan
- local newspapers
- local policies
- local policy
- local populations
- local practices
- local public goods
- local resistances
- local stakeholders
- local sustainable development
- local urban planning
- local usages
- local Water Committee
- lockdown
- logics of action
- logistic
- logistics
- Logit model
- Loire River
- Lorraine
- low density
- Loyettes
- luxury effect
- Lyon
- Lyon Confluence
- Mâamora
- Madagascar
- mainstream economics
- Mali
- man-environment interaction
- managed realignment
- management
- management measure
- management of public policies
- management structures
- management tools
- management Transfers
- mapping
- Marais poitevin
- marine environment
- marine protected area
- maritime
- maritime spatial planning
- maritime transport
- mark
- market
- market-based instruments
- Marseille
- Marseilles
- Martinique
- mass transit
- massification
- material flow analysis
- Max Havelaar
- May 21
- meaning’s production
- measure
- mediation
- medicinal plants
- Mediterranean
- Mediterranean land tenure
- members
- memory
- mental health
- mental representations
- mercury
- mesology
- metabolism
- method
- methodology
- metropolis
- metropolitan France
- metropolitan pole
- Meurthe
- Michel Rocard
- micro-hydropower
- microfinance
- micropollutant
- middle class at world level
- Midi-Pyrénées
- milieu
- Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
- mine gas
- mines
- mining basin
- mining risk
- Mining Risk Prevention Plan (PPRM)
- mining subsidence iron-ore basin
- minorities
- mitigation
- mitigation hierarchy
- mitigation policies
- Miyawaki method
- mobility
- mobilization
- mobilizations
- modal choice
- mode of existence
- model
- modeling
- modelling
- models
- modernities
- modernity
- monetisation
- Mons-Borinage
- Mont Lozere
- Montpellier
- moral economy of fishing
- Morocco
- motivations
- mountain
- mountain law
- mountain resort
- mouth contract
- mulching
- Multi-criteria evaluation
- multi-level analysis
- multi-scale analysis
- multicriteria evaluation
- multifonctionality
- multifonctionnality
- multifunctionality of agriculture
- multiple chemical sensitivity
- Multispecies justice
- multitude
- municipal solid wastes landfill
- municipalities
- Nancy
- Nantes
- narrative
- narratives
- national organizations for agricultural and rural development
- national park
- national park core
- Natura 2000
- Natura 2000 at sea
- natural capital
- natural denitrification
- natural disasters
- natural handicap
- natural hazard
- natural hazards
- natural heritage
- natural resources
- natural sites
- nature
- nature based solutions
- nature in the city
- nature relations
- nature reserve
- nature-based renewable industries
- nature-based solution
- nature-based Solutions
- nature-based solutions
- nautical industry
- negative external effect
- negotiation
- neighborhood
- neighbourhood’s ecosystem
- neoliberalism
- Nepal
- network
- network analysis
- network of green corridors
- networking
- networks
- New Caledonia
- new enclosure movement
- new environmental pragmatism
- New Public Management
- new spatiality
- New York
- nickel
- Nimby
- no net loss (NNL)
- noise
- noise lived
- non-ownership
- non-substituability
- nonpoint pollution
- Nord Pas-de-Calais
- Nord-Pas de Calais
- Nord-Pas de Calais coal field
- normatively
- norms
- nuclear power
- nuisance management
- nuisances and risks
- Nussbaum
- oasis
- objectification
- objectif’s forking
- observatories
- observatory
- Occitanie
- occupation
- oecd
- official development assistance
- offsetting
- ontologies
- ontology
- opening up
- operational choices
- or urban biodiversity
- orders of worth
- ordinary energy behaviours
- ordinary environmentalism
- ordinary nature
- ordinary practitioners
- organic agriculture
- organic farming
- organisation
- organisational proximity
- organization management
- organizational learning
- organizations
- organized proximity
- ornithology
- ostrom
- Ottawa-Gatineau
- outdoor recreation
- Outdoor sports
- outdoors sports
- overexploitation
- ownership
- oyster-farming
- paleoenvironnemental sciences
- Palestinian Authority
- Palestinian Territories
- parc des Côteaux (The Hillside Parks)
- Paris
- Paris.
- park
- paroquial church
- participant observation
- participating research
- participation
- participation of civil society
- participations
- participative approach
- participative democracy
- participative governance
- participative observation
- participative planification
- participatory approach
- participatory assessment
- participatory democracy
- participatory management
- participatory research
- participatory workshop
- partnerships
- passing on
- pastoral activity
- pastoral units
- pastoralism
- patent
- path dependency
- pathways
- patrimonial development
- patrimonialization
- patrimony
- pattern
- payment for environmental services
- payments for ecological services
- payments for ecosystem services (PES)
- payments for environmental services
- payments for environmental services (PES)
- payments for environmental services schemes
- pays
- PDO comté cluster
- pedestrian flow
- perceptinso
- perception
- perception of agriculture
- perceptions
- perenniality
- performance
- peri-urban
- peri-urban nature areas
- periurban agriculture
- periurban landscape
- periurbanisation
- permaculture
- personal allowances
- person–environment congruity
- Peru
- pesticide
- philosophy
- Pisa
- place
- place identity
- place representation
- plain
- planetary boundaries
- planetary just transition
- planetary justice
- planner
- planning
- planning documents
- planning instruments
- planning wind energy
- plant diversity
- plant-people interactions
- plastic
- pleasure boat
- pluralism
- pluridisciplinarity
- PNR du Vexin français
- Po Delta
- Poitiers
- Polanyi
- policy
- policy instrument
- policy narratives
- policy studies
- political cultures
- political cycles
- political ecology
- Political Ecology
- political economics
- political economy
- political geography
- political landscape
- political project
- political science
- political work
- politicization
- politics
- pollution
- pollution exposure
- pond
- popular ecologism
- post-carbon
- post-containment
- post-normal science
- poverty
- poverty rate
- power
- power devolution
- power relations
- power relationships
- power sector
- power/knowledge
- practical economic philosophy
- practical rationalities
- practices
- practises
- pragmatism
- pragmatopia
- preservation
- press
- prestige
- prevention
- preventive information
- principal natural risk
- principles of justification
- private garden
- private vehicles
- Probit model
- problem framing
- problematic situation
- problematizations
- problem’s forking
- product-service systems
- productive practices
- productivity
- professional career
- professionalization
- profit rate
- project activity
- projet d’aménagement
- property
- property regime
- Property right
- property rights
- property values depreciation
- property-rights
- prospective
- prospective scenarios
- prospective studies
- protected area
- protected Areas
- protected areas
- protected designation of origin Cahors
- protected fishing zone
- protection
- protection measures
- protection of coastal wetlands
- protectionism
- protest
- proximities
- proximity
- Proximity
- proximity conflicts
- proximity pollutions
- public action
- public authorities
- public authority
- public decision
- public decision-making
- Public good
- public goods
- public narrative
- public participation
- public participation processes
- public policies
- public policies evaluation
- public policies in agroenvironment
- public policy
- public procurement
- public service
- public space
- public support
- purchase power parity
- radicalness
- radius of trust
- railway stations
- rainwater harvesting
- raison d’être
- rangelands
- rationality
- rationing
- re-use
- real environmental obligation
- rebound effects
- reception of public policy
- reciprocity
- reconversion
- recovery-recycling
- recreational practices
- recycling
- reduction of pesticides uses
- référence
- reference condition
- reflexivity
- region
- regional
- regional and country planning
- regional development
- regional disparities
- regional government
- regional natural parks
- regional nature parcs
- regional nature Park
- Regional Nature Park
- regional planning
- regional union
- regulation
- rehabilitation
- relational ethics
- relationality
- relegation
- relevance
- Relocation
- relocation
- renaturation
- renewable energies
- renewable energy
- renovation
- renting
- reorganization of space
- representation
- representations
- representations of green spaces
- representations.
- research
- research agenda
- resident groups
- residential location
- residential location choices
- residential mobility
- residential path
- resilience
- resistance to change
- resource
- resource degradation
- resources
- resources activation
- responsibilities
- Responsibility principle
- restoration
- retail commercial geography
- Reunion Island
- Rhône
- Rhone River
- Rhône-Alpes
- Rifkin
- right
- right of access
- right to the city
- right to water
- rights
- Rio+20
- risk
- risk culture
- risk management
- risk mitigation
- risk of marine flooding
- risk perception
- rivalry
- river
- river basin
- river basin district
- river contract
- river restoration
- river training
- road policy
- road project
- road works
- role of farmers family
- roles of stakeholders
- Rome conference
- route
- royalties
- royalty
- ruminant livestock
- rural
- rural area
- rural areas
- rural development
- rural development policy
- rural geography
- rural highlands
- rural living environment
- rural planning
- rural poverty
- rural space
- rural territories
- ruralization
- Sahel
- Saillans (France)
- Saint-Martin island
- Saïss aquifer
- sanitary landfill
- scale
- scales
- scarcity
- Scarpe-Escaut regional natural park
- scenario for sustainable mobility
- scenarios
- school disparities
- science
- science and technology studies
- science-policy interface
- sciences
- sciences and technologies studies
- scope
- sea-defenses
- sea-flooding
- second step
- second-hand
- second-hand shops
- sector
- Sectoral environment
- sectoral involvement
- seem to have been lately considered and marginalised in the Greater Paris planning. This narrow place for urban biodiversity in the process of metropolis making shows the difficulties to maintain nature as an important criteria for urban sustainability
- Senegal
- service employment
- services
- shared gardens
- shared urban gardens
- sharing
- ship-breaking
- shops
- short circuits
- short food supply chain
- short food supply chains
- short local chains
- short supply chains
- simulation
- site-specific policies
- ski area
- ski resorts
- ski-resorts
- Skikda
- skills
- small-dam
- sociability
- social responsibility
- social acceptability
- social acceptance
- social and solidarity economy
- social anthropology
- social appropriation
- social balance sheet
- social bond
- social capital
- social change
- social conflicts
- social consequences
- social disparity
- social diversity
- social dynamic
- social economy
- social enterprise
- social experimentation
- social expertise
- social geography
- social housing
- social imaginary
- social inclusion
- social inequalities
- social innovation
- social memory
- social movements
- social networks
- social order
- social policy
- social representation
- social representation of water
- Social representations
- social representations
- social responsibility of companies
- social responsibility of organizations
- social science
- social security contributions
- social sustainability
- social ties
- social water management
- social welfare
- social worlds
- social-ecological system
- societal governance
- society
- socio-ecological innovation
- socio-ecological interactions
- socio-ecological system
- socio-ecological systems
- socio-ecological transition
- socio-economic proximity
- Socio-economics
- socio-ecosystem
- socio-environmental dynamics
- socio-environmental inequalities
- socio-environmental stakes
- socio-political stakes
- socio-spatial dynamics
- socio-technical
- socioecological justice
- socioecological system
- sociological assessment
- sociology
- sociology of environment
- sociology of science
- sociology of social movements
- sociotechnical
- sociotechnical tool
- sociotechnical transition
- soil
- Solar radiation
- solidarity
- Solidarity-based producer-consumer partnership
- solutionism
- Soule
- source control
- sources
- south africa
- South America
- South Bronx
- South of France
- Southern Asia
- sovereignty
- space
- space consumption
- space heating
- space of co-ordination
- space production
- spaces natura
- Spain
- spatial analysis
- spatial and temporal methods
- spatial configurations
- spatial inequalities
- spatial integration
- spatial planning
- spatial scales
- specialization
- speeches
- sports culture
- sports’ professionals
- stakeholder analysis
- stakeholder dialog
- stakeholder theory
- stakeholders
- stakes
- standardisation
- standardization
- standards’ interpretation
- State
- State/Territories relationship
- statistical production
- statistics
- steppe
- steppes ecosystem
- stigma
- stormwater
- storytelling
- strategic management
- strategic spatial planning
- Strategic Territorial Management
- strategies
- strategy
- stratification
- street
- street pooling
- strong durability
- strong sustainability
- students
- Sub-Saharan African cities
- subsidies
- substituability
- substitutability
- suburban
- suburban agriculture
- suburbs
- Suhaia Lake
- supply chain
- surveillance
- survey
- sustainability
- sustainability and territories
- sustainability indicators
- sustainability science
- sustainable
- sustainable agriculture
- sustainable cities
- sustainable city
- sustainable consumption
- sustainable development
- Sustainable Development
- sustainable development in urban areas
- sustainable development indicators
- sustainable development local process
- sustainable development reserve
- sustainable energy
- Sustainable landplaning
- sustainable lifestyle
- sustainable livelihoods approach
- sustainable local development
- sustainable materialism
- sustainable mobility
- sustainable neighbourhood
- sustainable neighbourhoods
- sustainable planning
- sustainable territorial development
- sustainable territorialized development
- sustainable urban planning
- sustainable urban projects
- sustainable urbanism
- swarming
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- symbiosis
- synchronization and desynchronization of social time
- system
- system theory
- systemic approach
- systemic links
- systems of measurement and evaluation
- tactical urbanism
- tangible commons
- tarifs
- tax
- tax reform
- technical culture
- technical democracy
- technical determinism
- technical mediations
- technical object and device (system)
- technical objects
- techniques of extraction
- technological risks prevention plan
- technology
- technology Economy models
- teikei
- teleworking
- temperature setpoint
- temporal 3D model
- temporal approach
- temporal policies
- temporalités
- temporalities
- temporality
- temporary urbanism
- tenant farming
- terminology
- territorial action
- territorial anchoring
- territorial and energy climate plan
- territorial authority
- territorial communities
- territorial cooperation
- territorial development
- territorial diagnosis
- territorial ecology
- territorial economy
- territorial engineering
- territorial governance
- territorial industrial ecology
- territorial information
- territorial intelligence
- territorial interdependancies
- territorial link
- territorial metabolism
- territorial planning
- territorial policies
- territorial representations
- territorial resource
- territorial resources
- territorial solidarity
- territorial strategy
- territorial value
- territorial vulnerabilities
- territorialisation
- territorialities
- territoriality
- territorialization
- territorially project.
- territories
- territory
- territory development
- terroir
- textual analysis
- textual data analysis
- the Danube Delta
- the Greater Paris project presents the capital as the sustainable city of tomorrow. In order to question the criterias of sustainability that go with this statement
- The Netherlands
- theories of action
- theory
- theory of change
- theory of commons
- theory of destination de la chose
- thermal comfort
- thermal refurbishment
- thermal simulation
- thermic comfort
- third industrial revolution
- third places
- this article is based on a content analysis of texts linked to this project on one hand and on the analysis of interviews that were conducted with the project’s key-actors on the other hand. Our results underline that despite the integration of environmen
- Thouars
- threat
- threshold effects
- time planning
- tools
- tools of public action
- tourism
- touristic offer
- Tours
- Traditional populations
- training
- trajectories
- trajectories of actors
- trajectory
- tramway
- trans-localism
- transboundary
- transdisciplinary research
- transformation
- transhumance
- transition
- transition cities
- transition experiments
- translation process
- transmodernity
- transnational grassroots networks
- transparency
- transport
- transport infrastructure
- transport infrastructures
- transport networks
- transportation
- transportation policies
- treated wastewater reuse
- tree
- tree resource
- trust
- trustworthiness
- ttcr
- tunisia
- uncertainties
- uncertainty
- undivided land syndicate
- UNESCO world heritage
- United Kingdom
- United States
- university
- unpredictability
- uranium
- urban agriculture
- urban biodiversity
- urban change
- urban change/transformation
- urban commons
- urban design
- urban development
- urban development projects
- urban ecosystems
- Urban environment
- urban gardening
- urban governance
- urban green frames
- urban greening
- urban greenway
- urban lisiere (edge)
- urban local plan
- urban master plan
- urban metabolism
- urban micro-forest
- urban mobility
- urban nature
- urban planner
- urban planning
- urban policies
- urban politics
- urban practices
- urban project
- urban regeneration
- urban renewal
- urban resilience
- urban segregation
- urban services
- urban space
- urban spaces
- urban sprawl
- urban sustainability
- urban sustainable development
- urban transect
- urban transition
- urban utopias
- urban water service
- urban-rural gradient
- urbanism document
- urbanization
- use and preservation
- use right
- use rivalries
- user behavior
- user profile
- users
- uses
- uses right
- utopia
- utopias
- Wallonia
- Waqf
- waste
- waste heat
- waste management
- waste treatment
- wasteland
- wastelands
- wastes
- wastes planning
- water
- water access
- water agencies
- water demand management
- water governance
- water management
- water manager
- water observatories
- water policies
- water policy
- water projects
- water quality
- water resources
- water resources management
- water services
- water sharing
- water shortage
- water supply
- water supply network
- water treatment
- water users association
- waterfront
- waterfront archaeology
- watershed
- watershed institutions
- watershed services
- waterway transport
- way of inhabiting
- way of living
- weak actors
- webmapping
- weeds
- well-being
- wellbeing
- wellbeing indicators
- Western Ghats
- wet zone
- wetland
- wetlands
- wild
- wilderness
- wind farms
- wind turbines
- winter sports
- withdrawable volumes
- wood energy
- working population
- working-class area
- World Conservation Congress
- world forums