The review process for articles
Guidelines for the submission of articles
The journal Documents publishes articles in connection with the conferences the society organises or co-organises. The contributions are sent to the editors of the journal, together with a detailed presentation of the theme of the proposed contribution (usually the argument of the symposium), a (provisional) table of contents and a list of authors (with their function and responsibilities). The articles are submitted to a double-anonymous peer review. The referees, members of the scientific committee of the journal or outside experts, do not belong to the same institution as the authors.
The editors reserve the right to obtain a second opinion whenever necessary.
Other articles can be sent, in conformity with a call for papers, made in various networks (Calenda…) and circulated one year before the date fixed for the sending of articles. The call is also available on the website of the journal ( The articles received will first be reviewed by the editors of the journal, who decide on their scientific quality and suitability for the profile of the journal. The articles submitted must also respect the guidelines.
Where the opinion is favourable, the articles are sent for a double-blind /double-anonymous peer review.
Peer-review process
Double-blind/ double anonymous review by independent reviewers, members of the scientific committee or outside experts, not belonging to the same institution as the authors.
The criteria for publication are as follows:
The scientific quality and the methodological and conceptual approach appear clearly
The article presents clearly the reference corpus and the objectives of the research
The analyses and interpretation are coherent and introduce a comparative dimension
The scientific discourse is solid, referring to other authors in the field
The article makes an original contribution
The reviewers give their opinion using an assessment chart. Four possibilities are left to the experts:
Accept for publication without revision
Accept on condition several changes are made
Suggest some modifications in order for the article to be considered for publication
Reject for publication in DHFLES
In the case of two negative opinions, the submitted article is automatically rejected.
In the case of one negative opinion and one positive, the article is submitted for a third anonymous review.
In the case of one negative decision and one fairly positive suggesting some changes before publication, the author must revise their article according to the suggested modifications; once modified the article is sent for a new review by two anonymous reviewers.
In the case of two positive or very positive opinions, with no changes required, the article is accepted for publication.
Average time between submission and publication: 20 weeks