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Evaluation of the articles

Diacronie edits monographic and miscellaneous numbers.

As concerned the monographic numbers, a call for paper will be published on Calenda, HNET, on other web search tools, and on the social networks. Each abstract will be submitted to a first evaluation by the number editors. Consequently, the selected authors will send their articles which, after a second evaluation process, will be finally published.

As concerned the miscellaneous numbers, the articles are submitted to a first evaluation of the editorial board. After this first step the articles are sent to two referees, chose directly by the editorial board. Therefore, the referees send their referee paper and their comment to editorial board. In case of different opinion by the referees, will be chose a third referee. The editorial board takes into consideration the referees opinions and evaluations and chose which articles should be published (publishable in the original form; publishable after the suggested changes; not publishable). The editorial board can decide to send the referees papers directly to the author, to ask changes due to the referees evaluations; or to ask adjustments to fit the editorial line of the review.

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