Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords | Palabras claves
- abandon
- academic profession
- academics
- acceptability
- access to information
- accompaniment
- accountability for results
- action model
- action research
- activity
- activity analysis
- activity theory
- adaptation
- adaptive learning
- adult education
- adult learning
- adult training
- affectivity
- affordance
- Africa
- agency
- agriculture
- alternance
- ambient intelligence
- appropriation
- archaeological museum
- artificial intelligence
- assessment
- assistance
- asymmetries
- attentional guidance
- audiences
- audiovisual
- audiovisual aids
- audiovisual history
- autism spectrum disorder
- autonomy
- Autonomy
- C2i
- campus
- campus based teaching
- capabilities e-learning
- certification
- changes in pedagogical work
- changes in the profession of teacher-researchers
- cheating
- chronotopes
- class group
- clinical approach
- CLOM written interactions
- co-conception
- co-construction
- co-construction of knowledge
- coactive learning
- coconstruction of the concept of hybridization
- cognition
- collaboration
- collaboration between teachers and researchers
- collaborative discourse
- collaborative engineering
- collaborative learning
- collaborative tasks
- collaborative work
- collective activities
- collective tasks
- college
- college teachers
- communicating machines
- communication and cognitive availability
- communication channels
- community manager
- community of practice
- community portal
- comodality
- competence
- competency framework
- complexity
- Computer science
- computer science
- computer-assisted language learning
- computer-based learning environment
- computer-supported collaborative learning
- computerized practices
- computerized tutor
- computing systems
- concept of presence in online and face-to-face teaching
- conceptions
- conceptions of research
- conceptual approaches
- condition and constraints
- conference interpreting
- configurations
- confinement
- confusion
- connected devices
- connected middle school
- content
- continuing education
- contract teachers
- controllability
- cooperation
- corporate MOOC
- course design team
- COVID-19
- covid-19
- Covid-19
- Covid-19 pandemic
- critical analysis
- critical thinking
- curricular innovation
- curriculum
- dance
- data
- democratization of knowledge
- descriptive cluster statistics
- design
- design approach
- design based research
- design methodology
- design rules
- design thinking
- design-based research
- device
- device potential
- dialectic
- dialogue
- didactic time
- didactics
- didactics of informatics
- difficulties
- digital
- digital citizenship
- digital curriculum
- digital data
- digital devices
- digital disciplinarity
- digital ecology
- digital education
- digital educational resources
- digital environment
- digital experimentation
- Digital Literacy
- digital literacy.
- digital maturity
- digital mediation
- digital pedagogical uses
- digital platform
- digital platforms
- digital relationship
- digital resource sharing
- digital shift
- digital sobriety
- digital sociology
- digital tablet
- digital tablets
- digital teaching
- digital technologies
- digital traces
- digital transformation
- digital use
- Digital use
- digital uses
- digital work environment
- digital workspace
- digitalization
- digitization
- diligence effect
- diploma
- disability
- discourse analysis
- discussion forum
- discussion forums
- distance
- distance education
- distance education (DE)
- distance education ; eTandem
- distance education; community; spirit; trust; interaction; learning; persistence; attrition; ALN; online
- distance education; history of access; open educational resources; openness in higher education
- Distance Learning
- distance learning
- Distance learning
- distance learning environment
- distance learning system
- distance learning tutor
- distance teacher training
- distance teaching
- distance training
- distance training devices
- distance tutoring
- distant coaching
- distant learning
- distant mode
- document practices
- documentalist
- documentary practices
- documents
- drop out
- dropout
- dual-mode
- e-Learning
- e-learning
- e-learning environments
- e-learning management
- e-reputation
- e-skills
- e-tandem
- ecological maturity
- economy of promises
- education
- education policies
- educational continuity
- educational engineering
- educational financialization
- educational industrialization
- Educational Industrialization
- educational informatics
- educational innovation
- educational methods
- educational modalities
- educational models
- educational policy
- educational relationship
- educational research
- educational resources
- educational space
- educational support
- educational system
- educational technologies
- educational technology
- educational technology plan
- educational video
- education’s industrialization
- ehealth
- elearning
- electronic portfolio
- embodied system
- empirical model
- employment of tutors
- empowerment
- enabling environment
- engagement
- engagement dimensions
- engagement drivers
- engagement indicators
- engineer in education
- engineering
- enunciation
- environment
- error analysis
- ethics
- ethos
- eTLL
- European teacher
- evaluation
- expansive learning
- experience
- experienced teachers
- experimental device
- exploratory data analysis
- Exploratory research
- exploratory research
- eZoomBook
- eZoomLayer
- F2F
- face-to-face teaching
- Facebook Messenger
- feedback
- film rhetoric
- final production
- FL teacher training
- flipped classroom
- flow
- format
- Forttice
- forum
- fragmented timing
- francophone Sub-Saharan Africa
- free conversation
- French dictation
- French didactics
- French native language
- French speaking world
- funding
- health crisis
- help in a digital context
- help-seeking
- helps
- heritage
- higher education
- Higher Education
- Higher education
- higher education and research
- higher education digital technologies
- hybrid device
- Hybrid education
- hybrid environment
- hybrid learning
- hybrid learning environment
- hybrid mediation
- hybrid system
- hybrid teachers training device
- hybrid teaching
- Hybridation
- hybridisation
- hybridization
- HyFlex
- HyFlex course
- ICT (E)
- ICT in Education
- ICT uses
- idealization technologization
- identity
- Immigrants
- impact
- imprint of technology
- in-company training
- in-service teacher
- in-service training
- indetermination
- indicators
- industrialization
- industrialization and commodification of education
- industrialization of education
- industrialization of training
- industrialization training
- industry
- inequalities
- informal learning
- informal recognition
- informatics
- information
- information and communication
- information mediation
- information training
- innovation
- innovation models
- instant correction
- institutional efficiency
- institutional logic
- institutional technology-mediated learning environment
- instructional design
- Instructional design
- Instructional designer
- instrumental approach
- instrumental genesis
- instrumental mediation
- instrumental relation
- instrumentation
- instrumentation of learning
- instrumented practices
- Instrumented tutoring
- instruments
- interaction
- interaction traces
- interactions
- interactive spaces
- Interactive Whiteboard
- intercomprehension
- intercultural
- intercultural competence
- intercultural conversation
- internationalisation
- Internet
- internet
- interviews
- invention
- ISA model
- isolation
- language learning
- lap-tops
- learner autonomy
- learner profile
- learner-orientation
- learners
- learners’ points of view
- learner’s preferences
- learning
- learning analytics
- learning and teaching foreign languages
- learning city
- learning design
- learning devices design
- learning environments
- Learning Experience
- learning in the workplace
- learning outcomes
- learning pathways
- learning platform
- learning process
- learning progress
- learning spaces
- learning strategies
- learning support
- learning system
- learning systems engineering
- learning to program
- lecture
- leisure
- lifelong learning
- link teachers-students
- literature review
- lockdown
- lockdowns
- logic of use
- Logo turtle
- macro-task
- managing emotions
- marketing strategy
- mass media
- mass survey
- master MEEF
- mathematics
- measuring scale
- media and information education
- media based learning systems
- media coverage
- media-based learning environments
- mediation
- mediation of knowledge
- mediatization
- mentoring
- metacognition
- metacognitive strategies
- methodological positioning
- mhealth
- Micro-teaching
- microworlds
- mistakes
- misuse of technology
- mlearning
- mobile app
- mobile digital agenda
- mobile learning
- modeling
- moment
- mooc
- Mooc
- MOOC content creation
- Moodle
- motivation
- movement
- multimodal approach
- multimodality
- music
- mutual validation
- Myanmar
- myth
- obstacles
- on line training.
- on-line training
- online communities
- online correction
- Online course
- Online education
- online interactions
- online language learning
- online language teacher education
- online learning
- online networks
- online press
- online teaching
- online training
- online tutoring
- online
- Open Access
- open and distance learning
- open and distance training
- open and learning
- Open Archives
- Open Badges
- Open Education
- open educational resources
- Open Educational Resources
- open university
- oral competence
- oral proficiency
- organizational reconfiguration
- Organizations
- Pairform@nce
- pandemic
- paradigm
- paradigm of Churchill
- participant behaviour/action
- participative culture
- participatory action research
- participatory tasks
- pedagogical continuity
- pedagogical device
- pedagogical films
- pedagogical innovation
- Pedagogical Innovation
- pedagogical platform
- pedagogical relationship
- pedagogical resource
- pedagogical role
- pedagogical supervision
- pedagogy
- peer feedback
- perceived self-efficacy
- perceived usefulness
- Perceptions
- performances
- performativity
- perseverance
- personal digital practices
- personal learning environment
- Personal Learning Environment
- personalize
- personalized courses
- personnalization
- perspectives
- philosophy
- piano learning
- platform
- platitudes
- podscasts
- Power issues
- practices
- practices hybridity
- prejudice
- prescription
- presence
- presence in distance learning
- Preservice Teacher Training
- primary school
- privacy
- proactivity
- problem-based learning
- problem-situation
- production of meaning
- professional development
- professional didactics
- professional gestures
- professional knowledge
- professional posture
- professional practice information
- professional socialization
- professional training
- professionalization
- professionnalization
- project-based pedagogy
- provocation
- proximal zone of instrumental development
- proximity
- psychoanalysis
- psychological ability to manage time
- pupils
- rationalization
- readership
- reappropriation
- reason for entering training
- reception
- Reflection
- reflective practitioner
- reflexive model
- reflexivity
- reform of vocational training
- relation to time
- relational pedagogy
- relational transaction
- remediation
- remote interaction
- remote monitoring
- remote student
- remote tutoring
- representation
- representations
- reputation
- research activities
- Research and development
- research career
- research education
- research in French
- research in university teaching and learning
- research supervision
- research supervision in master
- research.
- resource
- resources
- respect rhythms
- responsible digital
- retention
- reuse
- rhythm
- rhythmic education
- route of appropriation
- satisfaction
- schemas
- schemes of attention
- school format
- school learning
- school management
- school principals
- school-librarian
- schoolwork
- scientific knowledge
- Scientific modelling
- Scientific Research
- scientific topics
- second life
- self and co-evaluation
- self-determination
- self-determination theory
- self-direction
- self-learning
- self-paced courses
- Self-regulation
- self-report scale validation
- self-study
- self-teaching
- semiopragmatics
- semiotics
- senior teacher
- sense of competence
- serendipity effect
- serious game
- shared representation
- Simondon
- simultaneous bimodal
- situation analysis
- skills
- smart city
- social appropriation
- social engineer
- social interactions
- social media
- social network
- Social Network Sites for Language Learning (SNSLL)
- social networks
- social representation
- social representations
- social spheres
- Social Web
- socio-affective presence
- socio-constructivism
- sociotechnical systems
- solitude
- stage
- standardization
- state
- state of research
- strategy
- student
- student characteristics
- student experience
- student support
- Student teacher
- students
- students’ engagement
- students’ points of view
- subjective quality
- success
- supervision
- supervisory activities
- support
- survey
- surveys and interviews
- symmetries
- synchronisation
- synchronous communication
- synchronous virtual classroom
- systemic approach
- systemic model
- Tangible Design
- taxonomy
- teacher
- Teacher Education
- teacher education programmes
- teacher professional development
- Teacher Trainer Collaborative Work
- teacher training
- teachers
- teaching
- teaching distance skills
- teaching function
- teaching hybridization
- Teaching Platforms
- Teaching practice
- teaching practice
- teaching practices
- teaching profession
- teaching transposition
- technical and social interactions
- technical culture
- techno-pedagogical innovation
- techno-pedagogical system
- teen sociability
- temporalities
- temporality
- tension
- territorialization
- territories
- theoretical approaches
- thread of discussion
- threshold concepts
- time
- time experience
- time frame
- time management
- time package
- tool
- trade
- traditional universities
- trainer
- Trainers
- training
- training device
- training of trainers
- training organization
- training scenario development
- training systems
- transactional presence
- transition
- travel health
- Triple Hybrid
- trust
- turnkey resources
- tutor
- tutoring
- tutoring functions
- tutoring strategy
- tutoring.
- tutors
- tutorship functions
- tutors’ work
- uncertainty
- universities
- university
- university digital pedagogy
- university education
- University lecturers
- university pedagogy
- University pedagogy
- university system
- university teachers
- university teaching
- university teaching and learning
- university.
- unpredictability
- usage
- use of educational technology
- use of ICT
- use-diffusion
- uses
- uses of digital technologies
- uses of the Internet