About the Journal
International interdisciplinary journal
Droit et Cultures is an interdisciplinary journal focusing on legal phenomena.
The idea(s) of Law(s) and rights have a meaning only in reference to a system of values, norms and cultures revealing dynamic forms of social or societal arrangement. Cultures, social and political organisations, legal constructions, in their diversity, invite us to rethink models, categories and classifications.
For Droit et Cultures, the challenge is double: to free oneself from the temptation of reducing the legal phenomenon to a single version and to promote a plural understanding of cultural facts; this implies apprehending representations, praxis and discourse of actors. Belong to this process analyses, in time as in space, on the plurality of paradigms, on the transformations of concepts, on the permutations of references, on the fluctuations of research fields and observation sites. Are also part of it the studies on variations of perceptions, reinterpretations of traditions as well as reconfigurations of social relations on the international, regional and local levels.
Droit et Cultures thus welcomes any reflection concerning these processes.