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Droit et Cultures is an interdisciplinary journal focussing on legal phenomena. The idea of law and rights only has a meaning in relationship to a system of values, norms and cultures revealing dynamic forms of social and societal organisation. The diversity of cultures and social, political and legal structures invites us to rethink models, categories and classifications. The challenge of Droit et Cultures is to avoid the reduction of law to a single narrative and to promote a plural reading of cultural phenomena. This involves understanding the presentations, discursive practices and behaviour of its actors.

Latest issue
86 | 2024/1
Beyond punishment towards reparation: Explorations of a restorative approach to the harm caused by crimes

De la punition à la réparation : une approche restaurative des dommages causés par les crimes
Edited by Olga Jubany and Isabelle Carles

This issue aims to explore the conceptualisation and application of restorative justice in a range of contexts and for different crimes, with a particular focus on hate crimes. Whilst some of the papers in this special issue draw upon a comparative research across six European countries, focused on the role of restorative justice in anti-LGBT hate crimes and discrimination, further articles explore other aspects of restorative justice. These include the theoretical underpinnings of restorative justice and the effects of restorative justice on victims, offenders, and society as a whole, posing the question whether restorative justice can contribute to social justice and transformation. Experiences and expectations of both victims and professionals are analysed in order to explore the potential and possibilities of restorative justice, as well as the barriers to applying this approach. The different perspectives expose how concepts such as reparationagency, or justice itself are intertwined in contested discourses.

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