Instructions for authors
Haut de pageSubmitting a text
The texts submitted must never have been published beforehand. Their authors agree to them being kept in the exclusive possession of the journal until they are published. The texts are assessed anonymously by two readers who may or may not be members of the review committee. The authors will be informed of the reply regarding their proposals no longer than two months after their texts were received by the journal.
The texts must be sent by e-mail to in either Word or equivalent file form.
Editing standards
Études arméniennes contemporaines accepts articles in both French and English, of which the volume must not exceed 60 000 symbols (including gaps, notes and bibliography). The title of the article must be followed by its author’s name, the latter’s educational establishment, a summary containing 600 symbols at the most, followed by five key words.
Texts must be delivered in Times font, letter size 12 (compulsory one-code font) with a 1.5 interline and central spacing with no indentation whatsoever. Use French quotation marks, (« A ») for French texts and English quotation marks, (“A”) for English ones. Capital letters must also be written with accents when applicable, for example, “État”, “Moyen Âge” or “ À l’origine ”.
Footnotes must be written in letter size 10, centrally spaced with a continued numbering system. Abbreviations must be explained the very first time they are used. Terms appearing in a foreign language must systematically be written in italics; this also applies to the titles of works or journals.
Transcribing foreign terms
Proper nouns and foreign terms must be transcribed consistently. With regard to Armenian in particular, it will be either a Western or an Eastern transcription which is chosen, depending on the cultural area in question. Regarding Turkish, preference will be given to the contemporary written form. As for Arabic and Persian, the usual forms of transcribing words in these languages in French or English text will be conformed to, depending on which language the article is in, that is, either French or English.
Presenting bibliographical references
Inside footnotes, bibliographical references must feature as follows:
F. Braudel, 1983, p. xx-xx.
Complete bibliographical references must feature in a conclusive bibliography at the end of the article, as follows:
– Example of a work being referred to:
Beledian Krikor, Cinquante ans de littérature arménienne en France, Paris : CNRS Editions, 2001.
– Example of chapters referred to from a collection of works:
Suny Ronald, “Constructing Primordialism in Armenia and Kazakhstan: Old Histories for New Nations“, in Max Paul Friedman et Padraic Kenney (eds.), Partisan Histories. The Past in Contemporary Global Politics, New York: Palgrave, 2005, p. 91-110.
– Example of article:
Garibian Sévane, “From 1915 Allied Joint Déclaration to 1920 Treaty of Sèvres: Back to an International Criminal Law in Progress”, Armenian Review, vol. 52 (1-2), 2010, p. 87-102.
Maps, graphs and illustrations
Authors who wish to illustrate their articles through a, or several maps or illustrations must conform to the following standards: Maps must feature in PDF format and must be in black and white only, whilst authors must bear in mind the journal’s dimension (14.5 X 22cm) and necessary space for margins; the illustrations, which must also feature in black and white, must be delivered scanned in 300 DPI definition and must be in either JPEG or TIFF format. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that the information supplied is exempt from copyright.