Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords
- A Kind of Alaska
- A Passage to India
- a Romance
- a room of one’s own
- A Room of One’s Own
- A. Christie
- A. Enright
- A.Brookner
- A.S. Byatt
- A. Badiou
- A. Brookner
- A. Carter
- A. Enright
- A. Powell
- Aaron' Rod
- abject
- abjection
- abnormality
- absence
- absence/presence
- abstraction
- absurd confines
- acid techno
- acte gratuit
- action-adventure infiltration games
- active agents
- Adam Thirlwell
- adaptation
- address
- adjustment
- adultery
- aesthetic
- aesthetic of interruption
- aesthetic plurality
- aesthetics
- affabulation
- affect
- affect theory
- affects
- Afropolitan
- Agamben
- ageing
- agency
- agit-prop
- agon
- Ahmed
- Alan Hollinghurst
- Albion
- Alenka Zupančič
- Alfred Tennyson
- Ali Smith
- Alice Oswald
- allegory
- allographic novels
- almost nothing
- alterity
- Althusser
- Altmanesque
- ambiguous visibilisation
- ambivalence
- Amis (Martin)
- amnesia
- anachronism
- analogy
- anamorphosis
- anarchism
- Anatomy of a Soldier
- Andrew McMillan
- androgyne
- androgyny
- anempathetic effect
- Angels and Insects
- anger
- anger/rage
- Anglo-Saxon
- Angus Wilson
- animality
- animals
- animism
- Anna Hope
- Another World
- anthropocene
- Anthropocene
- anti-colonialism
- anxiety
- aphasia
- apocalypse
- apophatic
- apparition
- Arachne
- archipelago
- architect
- architecture
- archives
- Arctic Summer and Other Fiction
- Armitage (Simon)
- art
- art and science
- Arthur Rimbaud
- arts and crafts
- art criticism
- Assassin’s Creed
- Athanasiou
- Atkinson (Kate)
- Atonement
- atonement
- attention
- attic
- attunement
- auctorbiography
- Auden
- Auden (W. H.)
- audibility
- audience
- audience response
- audiences
- audio-visual
- Augustine
- aura
- authenticité
- authenticity
- author
- authorial postures
- authority
- authorship
- autobiographie
- autobiography
- autofiction
- autonomy
- avant-garde theatre
- avant-gardes
- avatar
- avatarization
- avisuality
- A Tale of Two Cities
- B. Chatwin
- B.S. Johnson
- Babel
- Bakhtin
- balance
- BAME fiction
- banalisation
- barbarism
- bare life
- bare lives
- Barelife
- Bareness
- Barker (Pat)
- baroque
- Barthes
- basho
- bastard
- beachscape
- Beckett
- Beckett (Samuel)
- becoming
- becoming animal
- behaviorism
- being
- belonging
- Belonging
- Ben Okri
- Benjamin
- Beowulf
- Bertrand Belin
- betrayal
- Between the Acts
- Bible
- Bildugsroman
- Bildungsroman
- biographer
- biographical novel
- biography
- Biography and Fiction
- biopolitics
- biotech bodies
- black humour
- blank
- blindness
- Blitz
- blockage
- blurring
- body
- body politic
- bomb
- book
- Book of Dave
- Booker Prize
- borders
- botany
- bouleversement
- Boundaries
- boundary
- Bowen
- Bowen (Elizabeth)
- Bradbury
- brain
- break
- breath and rhythm
- Brexit
- Brexlit
- bridging
- Briseis
- Britain
- British Army
- British contemporary fiction
- British fiction
- British Library
- British Literature
- British literature
- british literature
- British novel
- british politics
- British theatre
- Britishness
- Brontë (Charlotte)
- Brooke (Jocelyn)
- Bryher
- bureaucracy
- burial
- Burnside (John)
- Butler
- Butler (Judith)
- Butler Anthropocene
- Byatt (A.S.)
- Byatt (A. S.)
- Byron
- C
- C. Connolly
- calling
- Camp
- Canadian fiction
- Canadian literature
- Canetti (Elias)
- Cannon (Joanna)
- canon
- Canova
- Capital
- capitalism
- Cardinal Manning
- care
- caricature
- Carlyle (Thomas)
- carnival
- carnivalesque
- Carter (Angela)
- cartography
- catastrophe
- celebration
- Censorship
- censorship
- centre
- challenge
- chance
- chance encounters
- characterisation
- characters
- Charles Baudelaire
- Charles Dickens
- Charles II
- chasm
- Chernobyl
- Chesterton (G. K.)
- childhood
- childhood narrative
- children’s literature
- chora
- Christine Brooke-Rose
- cinema
- cinematic apparatus
- cinematic representation
- circle
- circularity
- circulation
- city
- City of the Mind
- cityscape
- class
- class mockery
- Cli-fi
- climate change
- climate change fiction
- climate fiction
- clinical
- closure
- clue
- co-presence
- co-spaciaity
- Cock and Bull
- Coetzee
- Coe (Jonathan)
- cognitive dissonance
- cognitive mapping
- coincidence
- Cold War
- Cold War literature
- collage
- collected memory
- collective
- Collishaw (Mat)
- collision
- comedy
- comedy of manners
- comedy of menace
- comic and politics.
- Commitment
- commitment
- commodity capitalism
- common
- communications technology
- Communism
- communitarianism
- community
- compositional units
- Compton-Burnett
- condition of England novel
- condition of women
- condition-of-England
- condition-of-England-novels
- confession
- confessional poetry
- confluence
- conformity
- connection
- Conrad
- consciousness
- consideration
- consolation
- consonant cluster
- constellations
- Constraint
- construction
- consumerism
- consumption
- contagion
- contamination
- contemplation
- contemporariness
- contemporary
- contemporary art
- contemporary British drama
- contemporary British fiction
- contemporary British literature
- contemporary British novel
- contemporary British poetry
- contemporary drama
- contemporary English fiction
- contemporary English literature
- contemporary English poetry
- contemporary fashion photography
- contemporary fiction
- contemporary novel
- contemporary poetry
- contemporary poetry and poetics
- contemporary practice
- contemporary rewritings
- contemporary studies
- contemporary theatre
- contemporary theatre and art
- contesting narratives
- contingency
- continuation
- continuity
- convergence
- conversation
- coquels
- corporeal migration
- corporeity
- corpse
- correspondences
- corruption
- cosmopolitanism
- costume
- costume drama
- costuming
- council estate novel
- council housing
- counter-interpellation
- counter-narrative
- counterpoint
- country house
- countryside
- Coventry
- Cowper Powys
- cows
- craft
- craftsmanship
- Craiglockhart
- creation
- creative process
- crime fiction
- criminalization
- Crises
- crisis
- crisis of faith
- crisis of the event
- critical animal studies
- critical theory
- criticism
- critique
- crossing
- crossings
- crossovers
- Crouch
- cruel optimism
- crypt
- crypting
- cultural critique
- cultural landscape
- cultural studies
- Cumbria
- cupboard
- Cusk
- Cusk (Rachel)
- cycle
- Cynan Jones
- cynomorph
- Czechoslovakia
- D. H. Auden
- D. H. Lawrence
- D. Lodge
- D. Riley
- D.H. Lawrence
- D.H. Lawrence
- D. H. Lawrence
- D. Richardson
- dance and music therapy
- Daphne du Maurier
- dark
- Darwin
- Darwinism
- Dasein
- David Edgar
- death
- death drive
- Death in Venice
- Death of the Heart
- debut novel
- decency
- decline
- deconstruction
- defamiliarisation
- definition
- Deleuze
- Deleuze (Gilles)
- Deleuze (Gilles)
- demise
- democracy
- demos
- denial
- Denis Donoghue
- Denise Riley
- dependence
- depictions of sexuality
- Derek Walcott
- derision
- Derrida
- Derrida (Jacques)
- description
- despair
- destiny
- destitution
- destruction
- detachment
- detective fiction
- detective novel
- detective story
- deterritorialisation
- deterritorialization
- De Quincey (Thomas)
- dialect
- dialect.
- dialectic
- dialectics
- dialogue
- diary
- diaspora
- Dickens
- Dickens (Charles)
- Dickensian
- didactic counterpoint
- digital literature
- digital photography
- digital subjectivities
- disappearance
- disaster fiction
- discipleship
- discontinuity
- discourse
- disease
- disenchantment
- disenfranchisement
- disfiguration
- disgust
- disillusion
- dislocation
- dislocations
- disorder
- displacement
- dispossession
- disruption
- dissection
- dissensus
- dissonance
- dissonant voices
- distance
- distantiation
- distorsions
- distraction
- distribution of the sensible
- distributism
- disturbance
- divergence
- diversity
- divine order
- Doctor Who
- documentary realism
- dolnik
- domesticity
- Dominick LaCapra
- Don Paterson
- Dorothy Richardson
- double entendre
- doubles
- doubt
- Doyle
- Drabble (Margaret)
- drama
- dramatic form
- dramatic poem
- dramaturgy
- dream
- drift
- drifting
- Dublin
- Duffy (Carol Ann)
- duplicity
- dust.
- Dustin Griffin
- Du Maurier (Daphne)
- DV8
- dystopia
- dystopian theatre
- E. Levinas
- E.M. Forster
- E.M. Forster
- E. Bowen
- E. M. Forster
- East End
- eccentric
- eccentricity
- echo
- echolocation
- ecocriticism
- ecological
- ecological grief
- ecology
- ecopoetics
- Edith Pargeter
- editing
- Edmund Husserl
- Edward Bond
- egalitarianism
- ego
- Eisenzweig
- ekphrasis
- elegy
- Eliot
- Eliot (George)
- Eliot (T.S.)
- ellipsis
- Ellis Peters
- Ellison (Ralph)
- elsewhere
- elucidations
- Ely (Steve)
- emancipation
- embedding
- embeddings
- embodiment
- emigration
- emotion
- emotions
- empathetic effect
- empathic unsettlement
- empathy
- empires
- empiricism
- empowerment
- emptiness
- encounter
- end
- end of literature
- Endgame
- ending
- Ending Up
- engagement
- England
- English contemporary literature
- English garden
- English novel
- English poetry
- englishness
- Englishness
- Enlightenment
- entertainment
- enthrallment
- entropy
- enunciation
- environment
- environmental ethics
- epic
- epiphany
- epistemology
- epistolary literature
- époché
- erotomania
- errors
- escape
- eschatology
- espace sonore
- espionage
- essay
- Essays
- essays
- estate
- estrangement
- eternal return
- ethics
- Ethics
- ethics and aesthetics
- ethics of attention
- ethics of care
- ethics of outrage
- eugenics
- eurocentrism
- Evelyn Waugh
- événements illégaux
- event
- Ever After
- evidence
- ex-centric
- excendance
- exception
- exceptionalism
- excess
- excluded
- exclusion
- exhausted
- exhaustion
- exhumation
- exile
- existentialism
- experience
- experiment
- experimental fiction
- experimentalism
- experimentation
- explanation
- exposition
- exposure
- Expo 58
- exteriority
- extimacy
- extroversion
- F. Adcock
- F. Auerbach
- F. Bacon
- F. Nussbaum
- fabrication
- face-to-face
- fades to black
- failure
- fairy tale
- faith
- fake
- falsification
- family romance
- fantasy
- fantasy humoristique
- farce
- fascism
- fashion history
- fashion photography
- father
- fatum
- Fatwa
- feeble-mindedness
- female identity
- feminine writing
- femininity
- feminism
- feminism(s)
- Feminisms
- feminist criticism
- feminist literary criticism
- Ferdinand Cheval
- festival culture
- fiction
- fictions of the end
- fidelity
- figure
- figure of the artist
- figure of the author
- filiation
- film
- film adaptation
- filth
- fixation of meaning
- flaw
- Fleming (Peter)
- Florence Nightingale
- Flush
- flux
- flying
- focalisation
- folk music
- folksong
- Ford Madox Ford
- forest
- forking-path narrative
- formal innovations
- formal vs candid photography
- forms of life
- Forster (E.M.)
- Forstern (E.M.)
- Fortuny (Mariano)
- Forward Poetry Prize
- Foucault
- Foucault (Michel)
- Fowles
- fractures
- fragility
- fragment
- fragmentation
- fragments
- frailty
- frame
- frame narrative
- France
- fratricide
- free four-beat metre
- freedom of expression
- Freedom of speech
- Freud
- Freud (Sigmund)
- frictions
- friendship
- fromage
- Fuller (John)
- fundamentalism
- fusion
- G. Mackay Brown
- G. Swift
- G.W. Sebald
- G. Greene
- G. Swift
- game
- gaming
- Ganteau
- gap
- gaping hole
- garden
- gardening
- gay poetry
- gaze
- gender
- gender identity
- gender relations
- genderless
- genealogy
- General Gordon
- generation
- generic transition
- genre
- genres
- gentleman
- gentrification
- geocriticism
- Geoffrey Hill
- geography
- geography of the deep
- geology
- Geraldine Monk
- germination
- ghost
- ghosting
- ghosts
- ghost texts
- gift
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
- Giorgio Agamben
- Giorgione
- Glastonbury
- Glastonbury Romance
- glitch
- globalia
- globalisation
- globalization
- Goldsmiths Prize
- Gormley (Antony)
- Gosford Park
- gothic
- Graham Swift
- Granta
- Great Apes
- great chain of being
- Great War
- Great House
- Greek
- Greene (Graham)
- grief
- grief memoir
- grievability
- grime
- grotesque
- Grotte Chauvet
- Guattari (Félix)
- guerre
- guerrilla pastoral
- Guillaume Le Blanc
- guilt
- Gunaratne (Guy)
- Gustave Courbet
- H. Bergson
- H. Furst
- habitat
- Hall (Sarah)
- Hamilton Finlay (Ian)
- hapax
- haptic
- Harold Nicolson
- Harold Pinter
- Haroun and the Sea of Stories
- Harrison (Tony)
- Harry Parker
- Hartley (L. P.)
- haunting
- Haweswater
- health
- Helen Mort
- heritage
- Heritage cinema
- hermeneutical injustice
- hermeneutics
- heroism
- heterochrony
- heterogeneity
- heterolingualism
- heterotopia
- high culture
- high modernism
- Highsmith (Patricia)
- Hilda Doolittle
- histoire orale
- historical consciousness
- historical deferral
- historical fiction
- historical novel
- historicity
- historiographic metafiction
- historiographie
- History
- history
- Hitchcock (Alfred)
- Hollinghurst
- Holocaust fiction
- home
- homo sacer
- homosexuality
- honesty
- Horizon
- horizon
- horticulture
- hospital
- hospitality
- house
- Howards End
- Hughes (Ted)
- Hull (John)
- humanity
- humiliation
- humility
- humour
- hybridisation
- hybridity
- hybridization
- hydra
- hyperbole
- hyperlinks
- hypertextuality
- I. McEwan
- I. Sinclair
- I.McEwan
- I. McEwan
- Iain Sinclair
- iamb
- Ian McEwan
- ichthyosaurus geology
- iconoclasm
- iconophilia
- iconophobia
- iconotextuality
- Ideal Palace
- idealisation
- identity
- identity construction
- ideology
- idioculture
- idiosyncrasy
- Iliad
- ilinx
- illness
- illumination
- illusion
- image
- image/text
- images
- imaginary
- imagination
- imagined communities
- immigration
- imperialism
- impersonality
- implicitness
- importance
- imposture
- impurity
- In Memoriam
- In the City by the Sea
- in-between
- in-yer-head theatre
- inadmissibillity
- inaudibility
- inclusion
- indeterminacy
- India
- indignation
- individual
- individual and collective pathologies
- individualism
- infancy
- infanticide
- influence
- Ingersoll (Earl G.)
- Ingold
- inheritance
- inner voice
- innocence
- innovation
- Insel
- inserts
- instability
- institution
- insularity
- intelligibility
- inter-dependence
- inter-generational
- interdependences
- interfilmicity
- intergenerational feminism
- interior monologue
- interior voyage
- intériority
- interiority
- intermediality
- intermediary horizon
- intermission
- intermodernism
- interpellation
- interpretation
- interruption
- interruptive stylistics
- intersectionality
- intertext
- intertexts
- intertextuality
- interwar britain
- intimacy
- intonation
- intra-action
- introspection
- introversion
- inversion
- invisibilisation
- invisibility
- invisibility studies
- invisiblisation
- involuntary memory
- Iraq War
- Ireland
- Iris Barry
- irony
- irreducibility
- irreversibility
- Islam
- it-narrative
- Italy
- Ivory
- Ivory (James)
- J. Banville
- J. Barnes
- J. Betjeman
- J. Darling
- J. Swift
- J. Winterson
- J.H. Prynne
- J. Cowper Powys
- J. Derrida
- J. Joyce
- Jacob Polley
- Jacques Lacan
- James (Henry)
- James Graham Ballard
- Jan Carson
- Jane Austen
- Japan
- jazz
- Jean Clottes
- Jean Rhys
- Jean-François Millet
- Jeanette Winterson
- Jean A. Gittins
- Jhabvala
- Joanna Laurens
- John Berger
- John Fuller
- John Lanchester
- John Middleton Murry
- Johnson
- Jonathan Coe
- Jonathan Coe’s children literature
- Jonathan Swift
- Joseph Anton
- Joseph Conrad
- journal
- Joyce
- Joyce (James)
- Judith Butler
- Julia Margaret Cameron
- Julian Barnes
- just city
- L. Durrell
- L. Lochhead
- L. MacNeice
- L. Freud
- label
- labelling
- Lacan (Jacques)
- lack
- lack of being
- Lake District
- land
- landscape
- landscape writing
- landsman
- language
- Larkin
- Last Orders
- late capitalism
- laughter
- Laugier (Sandra)
- Laura Wade
- Laurence Durrell
- Lawlor
- Le Blanc (Guillaume)
- Lea
- leadership crisis
- Leavis (F. R.)
- legacy
- Lehmann (Rosamond)
- Leigh (Mike)
- Leonard Woolf
- lesbianism
- Leslie Stephen
- Lessing
- letter
- letters
- Levinas
- Levinas (Emmanuel)
- levity
- Le Blanc
- liberation
- lieu de mémoire
- Life After Life
- Life-Writing
- lifeworld
- light
- Light of Day
- liminality
- limit
- limits
- lines
- linguistic prosody
- linguistic repression
- listening
- literary character
- literary events
- literary experimentation
- literary field
- literary genres
- literary geography
- literary influence
- literary labels
- literary magazine
- literary mapping
- literary marketing
- literary memory
- literary modernism
- literary reconstruction
- literary revolution
- literary taxonomy
- literature
- living ghosts
- localia
- Lodge
- logical
- London
- London writing
- Londres
- long poem
- loop
- Losey (Joseph)
- loss
- loss and dispossession
- love
- Love among the Ruins
- low comedy
- Lucy Caldwell
- ludism
- ludisme
- Luka and the Fire of Life
- Lyell
- Lynne Truss
- lyric
- Lytton Strachey
- M. Amis
- M. Foucault
- M. Kneale
- M. Amis
- M. Heidegger
- M. Makarius
- Macfarlane (Robert)
- mad woman
- madness
- magical realism
- mainstream theatre
- Major Oak
- making
- Malcolm Lowry
- map
- maps
- marche
- Margaret Drabble
- Margaret Forster
- Margaret Thatcher
- margin
- marginality
- margins
- Martin Amis
- Martin Crimp
- Marx
- mascarade
- masculine-feminine
- masculinities
- masculinity
- mash-up
- masquerade
- masters and servants
- mastery
- matches
- material ecocriticism
- materialism
- materiality
- maternity
- matter
- Maud
- Maurice
- McCann
- McCarthy
- McEwan
- McEwan (Ian)
- McGrath
- McGregor
- McGregor (Jon)
- mechanization
- mediation
- medical casebooks
- medicine
- melancholia
- melancholy
- melodrama
- memento mori
- Memento Mori
- memoir
- Memoire
- memorialization
- memories
- memory
- memory work
- Men in Space
- menippea
- mental illness
- métafiction
- metafiction
- metalepse
- metamodern oscillation
- metamodernism
- metamorphosis
- metanarratives
- metaphor
- metaphysics of finitude
- metatext
- metatextuality
- métathéâtre
- metonymy
- Michael Frayn
- Michel Collot
- Middle Ages
- Middleton (Peter)
- Miéville (China)
- migration
- Mikhail Bakhtine
- militant
- mimesis
- mimesis of nothing
- mimetic representation
- Mina Loy
- mind
- minor
- minor characters
- minor literature
- minorities
- Mitchell
- modal anthropology
- Modernism
- modernism
- modernisme
- modernist aesthetics
- Modernist Biography
- modernist biography
- modernist fiction
- modernist purity
- Modernist studies
- modernity
- moments of being
- monarchy
- monologue
- monster
- monstrosity
- monstrosity poetics
- montage
- Montaigne
- Monte Verità
- monument
- moral choice
- moral particularism
- moral philosophy and criticism
- moral pornographer
- moral progress
- Morris (William)
- mosaic
- motherhood
- Mothering Sunday
- motor car
- mourning
- movement
- movie
- Mrs Dalloway
- multi-voiced novel
- multiculturalism
- multilingualism
- multiplicity
- multitude
- multiverse theory
- multivocality
- murder
- Murdoch (Iris)
- music
- music-hall
- Musical
- musical rhythm
- musicality
- musiques électroniques
- myth
- myth of Philomela
- mythology
- myths
- Nachträglichkeit
- nakedness
- naming
- Nana
- narration
- narrative
- narrative conventions
- narrative counterpoint
- narrative democracy
- narrative geopositioning
- narrative structure
- narrative tension
- narratives of invisibility
- nation
- national identity
- Native American
- Naturalism
- naturalism
- nature
- nature writing
- Nazism
- necessity
- negative form
- negotiation
- Nelly Dean
- neo-gothic
- neo-New Woman
- neo-Victorian
- neo-Victorian fiction
- neo-Victorian novel
- neo-Victorian novels
- neo-Victorianism
- neoliberalism
- neomedievalism
- neuronovel
- new biography
- new cities
- New Confessions
- new formalism
- new materialism
- new media
- New Modernist Studies
- New Novel
- new post-colonialism
- new realism
- New Woman
- new writing
- Nicholas Royle
- Nick Payne
- Nicole Roland
- Nietzsche (Friedrich)
- Night and Day
- no-place
- Noah
- non-fiction
- non-linearity
- non-metrical poetry
- nonsense
- normality
- normativity
- norms
- north
- Northern England
- Northern English
- Northwest Passage
- nostalgia
- not-all phallic
- note value
- Notes on Blindness
- nothing
- nothingness
- nouveau roman
- nouvelle
- novel
- novella
- nuclear criticism
- Number 11
- numinous
- Nuns and Soldiers
- NW
- object a
- oblivion
- obsession
- Occupation
- ocularcentrism
- Okri
- olfaction
- Olympics
- omission
- On Comedy
- ontologisation of remains
- ontology
- open access
- open portrait
- opening
- openness
- oppression
- optical unconscious
- optimisation
- oral
- ordinary
- ordinary language philosophy
- ordinary life
- ordinary lives
- orientalism
- origins
- Orlando
- orphanhood
- Orwell
- ostracization
- Oswald (Alice)
- other
- Other
- otherness
- ottava rima
- outrage
- outsideness of knowing
- Ovid
- Ovid’s Metamorphoses
- Oxbridge
- oxymoron
- O’Neill (Joseph)
- P. Barker
- P. Larkin
- P. Lively
- P. Muldoon
- P. Reading
- P. Ackroyd
- P. Redgrove
- pageant
- painting
- palaeontology
- palimpsest
- palimpsests
- pandemics
- panegyric
- paradise
- paradox
- paradoxes
- parallax
- parasexuality
- parataxis
- paratext
- paratopia
- park
- parodie
- parody
- participative literature
- particularism
- party
- Party Time
- passing
- past
- pastiche
- pastoral
- pastoral elegy
- Pat Barker
- paternity
- pathetic fallacy
- pathology
- pathos
- Patience Agbabi
- patriarchal discourse
- patriarchy
- Patrick Neate
- pattern
- patterns
- paysage
- peace »
- Pears
- Pelluchon (Corine)
- Penelope Lively
- Pennines
- perception
- performance
- performative catachresis
- performativity
- permeation
- persistence
- Peter Ackroyd
- Peter Pan
- Peter Prince
- Peter Riley
- phallic mode
- phénoménologie
- phenomenology
- Philip Ridley
- philistine controversy
- philosophy
- photo-albums
- photographic unconscious
- photography
- physics of the infinite
- physiological
- picaresque
- pictorial turn
- Pictorialism
- picturesque
- Pierre-Oscar Levy
- Pilgrimage
- Pinter (Harold)
- pitch height
- place
- place-myth
- Plains and People”
- play
- playfulness
- pleasure
- plot
- pluralism
- plurality
- plurilingualism
- Poe (Edgar Allan)
- poems
- poethic fiction
- poetic language
- poetics
- poetics of displacement
- poetics of intertitling
- poetry
- poetry and anthropology
- poetry beyond the human
- police
- polis
- political implications
- political message
- political revolution
- political subversion
- political theatre
- politics
- polygeneric
- polyphony
- popular culture
- populism
- pornography
- Porter
- portrait
- positions
- possession
- Possession
- possibility
- possible worlds
- post World War One
- post-9/11 narratives
- post-apocalypse
- post-dramatic
- post-human
- post-humanism
- post-pastoral
- post-postmodernism
- post-romantic
- post-suffragette militancy
- post-war reconstruction
- postcolonial
- postcolonial literature
- postcolonial studies
- Postcolonialism
- postdramatic
- posthuman
- posthumous publication
- postmemory
- postmodern
- postmodern city
- postmodern realism
- postmodernism
- postmodernisme
- postmodern nihilism
- poverty
- power
- Powys
- practice
- pragmatics
- Prague and Polish structural schools
- Prague Spring
- praxis
- pre-histories
- pre-modernist
- precariouness
- precarious lives
- precariousness
- precarity
- pregnancy
- prehistoric caves and cave art
- prequel
- presence
- present
- présent
- presentation
- primitivism
- privacy
- privatization
- production
- propagation
- prose
- prosody
- protean
- Proust
- proximity
- psychiatric photography
- psychiatry
- psychic landscape
- psychoanalysis
- psychoanalytic literary criticism
- psychogeography
- psychopoetics
- psychotheology
- public art
- public transport
- publishing
- punctuation
- punctum
- purity
- R.S. Thomas
- R. F. Langley
- R. Ginzberg
- R. Macaulay
- race
- Racism
- Radclyffe Hall
- radical poetics
- radicalism
- radioplay
- Rancière
- Rancière (Jacques)
- re-embedding
- re-enchantment
- re-poetization
- reaccentuation
- Read (Herbert)
- reader
- reader response
- reader-response theory
- reader’s response
- reading
- reading postcolonialism
- realism
- reality
- rebellion
- rebirth
- reception
- recitative
- recoil
- reconciliation
- reconstruction
- reconstructions
- recordability
- recovery
- reflexivity
- refugees
- Regeneration
- regeneration
- regimentation
- regional studies
- reinvention
- relation
- relational (self)knowledge
- relationality
- relationships
- Remainder
- remediation
- remembrance
- reminiscence
- renaissance
- reorientation
- repetition
- répétition
- reportage
- repossession
- representation
- representation of the past
- resentment
- resistance
- resonance
- responsibility
- Restoration comedy
- resurgence
- return
- revelation
- revenance
- reverse
- reversibility
- revision
- revisiting
- revolution
- rewriting
- rewritings of history
- rhizome
- rhythm
- rhythmicity
- Richard Norton-Taylor
- Richardson
- Rimbaud (Arthur)
- risk
- risk-taking
- Rita Felski
- Robinson Crusoe
- Roger Caillois
- romance
- Ronald Firbank
- Rosanvallon (Pierre)
- Rose Macaulay
- Rose Tremain
- Royle
- rubber
- ruin
- ruines
- ruins
- rupture
- ruptures
- rural idyll
- rural life
- rural novel
- Rushdie
- Russian formalism
- S. Armitage
- S. Heaney
- S. Critchley
- S. Freud
- S. Wasson
- sacer
- sacred
- sacrifice
- Sadeian Woman
- sadomasochism
- Salena Godden
- Salman Rushdie
- saltimbanques
- Samuel Beckett
- sapphism
- Sappho
- sarah hall
- Sarah Moss
- Sarraute (Nathalie)
- Sartre (Jean-Paul)
- Satin Island
- satire
- satirical stance
- scales
- scandal
- scar
- Schrader (Paul)
- science
- science fiction
- science-fiction
- scientific revolution
- Scillies
- Scott (Walter)
- screen memory
- screenplay
- screenwriter
- script-writing
- sculpture
- sea
- Sean Bonney
- Sebastian Faulks
- secondary witness
- secrecy
- secret
- sedimentation
- self
- self-consciousness
- self-portrait
- self-reflexivity
- selfhood
- self portrait
- semantics
- sensation
- sensuous world
- series
- seriousness
- servants in Victorian novels
- sex comedy
- sex wars
- sexsation
- sexual marginality
- sexuality
- Shalimar the Clown
- Shamsie
- sharing
- shell-shock
- Sherlock
- shiguro
- Shoah
- shock
- Short story
- short story
- short story cycle
- shortcoming
- shortness
- short story
- Shukla (Nikesh)
- Shuttlecock
- sidération
- Siegfried Kracauer
- signs
- silence
- Simon Armitage
- Simon Stephens
- Sims (George)
- simulacrum
- Sinclair (Iain)
- singularity
- Sissinghurst
- sitcom
- site-specific poetry
- sixties
- skeptical age
- sketches
- slam
- Slavoj Zizek
- sleuth
- slow motion
- Smith
- Smith (Ali)
- Smyth (Ethel)
- snapshot
- social class
- social determinism
- social invisibility
- social novel
- social reality
- socialism
- society
- Solar
- solipsism
- somnabulism
- song
- songwriting
- Sonnet
- Sontag
- Sophie Robinson
- sound
- sounds
- soundworks
- Sovereignty of Good (The)
- space
- spatial form
- spatial representation
- spatialisation
- spectacularisation
- spectral
- spectralité
- spectrality
- spectralization
- spectre
- specularisation
- speculation
- speculative fiction
- speech
- speech pragmatics
- speleology
- Spengler
- Spinney (James)
- Spinoza
- spirit
- spoken word
- spool
- squat parties
- St-Lô
- stain
- stanza
- state of England
- State of England novel
- State of England novel
- state of exception
- state-of-the-nation
- statue wars
- Stephen Gyllenhaal
- Steve Ely
- still life
- stoicism
- strabismus
- strangeness
- stream of consciousness
- stream-of-consciousness
- street lyricists
- stress clash
- structural lack
- structure
- struggle
- struggle for recognition
- Stuart Hall
- Studies of Ageism; comedy and ideology
- subject
- subjectivity
- sublime
- sublimity
- subversion
- suffering
- suffrage
- suicide
- suprasegmental
- surrealism
- survivance
- surviving
- surviving image
- Susan Sontag
- suspended time
- suspension
- Sweet Shop Owner
- Swift
- Swift (Graham)
- symbolism
- symptom
- symptoms
- syncretism
- syntax
- T. Hardy
- T. McGreevy
- taboo
- Taiye Selasi
- Tartu semiotics
- technoself
- Ted Hughes
- teenage and trauma
- teleology
- television series
- temporality
- Tennyson
- Tennyson’s Gift
- tension
- Terence Davies
- Terence Rattigan
- terorrism
- Terry Pratchett
- text-image
- text-setting
- textile
- textual erotics
- textual ruins
- textual strategy
- textual blanks
- textual breaks
- thanato-graphy
- Thatcher
- Thatcherism
- The Adelphi magazine
- The Bell
- The Biographer’s Tale
- The Bone Flowers
- the city
- The Comfort of Strangers
- the common
- the eternal
- the face
- the figure of the orphan
- the global
- The Green Knight
- The Hill of Devi
- The Hotel
- the immemorial.
- the individual
- The Life to Come and Other Stories
- the logic of place
- The Long Dry
- the modernist subject
- the New Biography
- The New Biography
- The Odd One In
- The Old Devils
- the one and the multiple
- the Other
- the other
- the Outside
- The Plumed Serpent
- the relation between literary and historiographical representation
- The Rotters' Club
- The Rotters’ Club
- The Rover
- the sacrificial
- The Silence of the Girls
- The Sixth Beatitude
- The Sun and the Fish
- The Three Birds
- the traumatological
- The Unfortunates
- The Watsons
- The Well of Loneliness
- The Wise Virgins
- the writing of the feminine
- The Zone of Interest
- theatre
- Theatre of Action
- theatrical performance
- theatricality
- Theocritus
- theorists and fiction
- theory
- theory and practice
- There but for the
- The Heat of the Day
- the sublime
- thing
- third space
- thirties
- Thomas Arnold
- Thomas Carlyle
- Three Guineas
- threshold
- tiers-paysage
- Tim Atkins
- time
- time and space in literature
- timor mortis
- Tomorrow
- tone choice
- Tony Harrison
- Tony Lopez
- topography
- totalitarianism
- Touching the Rock
- tourism
- town and country
- To the Lighthouse
- trace
- traces
- tradition
- tragicomedy
- trans-gender
- transcendence
- transcorporeality
- transgression
- transition
- transitions
- translation
- transmission
- transnational literature
- transparency
- transposition
- transtextuality
- trauma
- trauma theory
- traumatic realism
- traumatic realism
- travel
- travel literature
- travel narrative
- travel writing
- tree portrait
- trickster
- truth
- tune
- TV serial
- TV series
- twentieth century
- twentieth-century British literature
- tyche
- typewriter poems
- typographical blanks
- typographical silences
- typography
- T Hardy
- V. Woolf
- V.Woolf
- V. Jankelevitch
- V. Woolf
- Van Dine
- vanishing line
- vanitas
- variation
- vegetal life
- Venice
- ventriloquism
- verbatim
- verbatim theatre
- very little
- vibrancy
- vibration
- Victorian biography
- Victorian era
- Victorian house
- Victorian novel
- Victorian woman
- Victorianism
- videogames
- violence
- Virgil
- Virginia Woolf
- virtual
- visibility
- visibility.
- vision
- visual
- visual arts
- visual devices
- visual representation
- visual ruins
- Vita Sackville-West
- vital energy
- vitality
- voice
- voicelessness
- void
- Voyage in the Dark
- vulnerability
- W. de la Mare
- W. Golding
- W.B. Yeats
- W.J.T. Mitchell
- W.S. Graham
- W. Benjamin
- W. Iser
- Wales
- Walking Home
- Walking to Hollywood
- wandering
- war
- war experience
- war (representation)
- Waterland
- Waters
- Waugh
- wax-fabric
- Weil (Simone)
- Wells (H.G.)
- Wells (H. G.)
- What a Carve Up!
- What a Carve up!
- Whitman
- whodunit
- Wilfrid Owen
- will
- Will Self
- willfulness
- William Blake
- William Boyd
- William James
- William Marx
- Winterson
- Wish You Were Here
- witness
- Wittgenstein (Ludwig)
- Wolf (Nelly)
- Wolrd War I
- womb envy
- women and democracy
- women’s writing
- Woolf
- Woolf (Leonard).
- Woolf (Virginia)
- Woolf (Leonard)
- word and image studies
- word child
- work
- working-class poetry
- world
- World Literature
- World War 1
- World War I
- World War II
- World Wars
- world-city
- world-literature
- wound
- Wright (Joe)
- writing
- writing of history
- written
- Wuthering Heights
- ‘A Tale Told by Moonlight’
- ‘A. S. Byatt’
- ‘animot’
- ‘Bioquest novel[s]’
- ‘black’ British literature
- ‘distribution of the sensible’
- ‘historiographic metafiction’
- ‘moments of being’
- ‘neo-historical fiction’
- ‘not knowing’
- ‘Precipice-Encurled’
- ‘State of England novel’
- ‘Sugar’
- ‘The Child and the Parent’
- ‘The Conjugial Angel’
- ‘them and us’
- ‘you’ narratives