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77 | 2014
Alice Munro’s short fiction writing

Les nouvelles d’Alice Munro

This issue of Revue Etudes Canadiennes/ Canadian Studies, (n°77) is devoted to Alice Munro’s short fiction writing and particularly to her first set of short-stories Dance of the Happy Shades. It is dedicated to a Canadian author who is not a household name in France. Alice Munro received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2013. This was a first for a Canadian author, leading observers to wonder if Canadian literature might be less « international » than other literatures in English.

Taking into account some « renewed » interest in Canadian literature, in France and in Europe, we encouraged contributors to think along two lines. First we wondered how Canadian, Munro’s writing was indeed (either in form or content), looking principally at her début story collection, Dance of the Happy Shades. Second of all, we invited academics to consider if Canadian literature in English was « less visible » than other English-speaking literatures in our university curricala.

The Revue is composed of a series of remarkable papers on Munro’s prose, style and motifs. All of them renew the traditional readings of Munro’s short fiction writing, particularly thanks to their original close-reading of her texts.

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