Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords
- aboriginal and treaty rights
- Aboriginal peoples
- abortion
- absence
- Acadia
- Acadian women
- Acadians
- Acadie
- accompaniment
- accountability
- action-research
- activism
- adolescence
- advertising
- Afghanistan and Iraq Wars
- Africa
- African American
- Afro-Canadian
- agency
- agriculture
- Alberta
- alienation
- American fiction
- Americanity
- Americas
- Amundsen (Roald)
- Anglo-Montrealers
- animal geography
- anthology
- anti-americanism
- architecture
- Arctic
- Arctique
- artists
- arts
- arts organizations
- ashram
- assault rifles
- Atlantic
- attitudes
- attrition
- Atwood (Margaret)
- autobiography
- autonomy
- ballet
- Basilières
- Bécaud (Gilbert)
- Belleau (André)
- Béranger (Pierre-Jean)
- Bernonville affair
- bicultural governance
- biculturalism
- Bigras (Dan)
- bilingualism
- biography
- Black Loyalists
- border
- border cities
- Boulay (Isabelle)
- braiding
- Brazil
- breaking away
- British colonial policy
- British Columbia
- Brodeur (Hélène)
- buck-passing
- budget transparency
- business
- businessmen
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Canada-United States relations
- Canada/US comparison
- Canadian
- Canadian art
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- Canadian defence policy
- Canadian Francophonie
- Canadian Francophonies
- Canadian government
- Canadian historiography
- Canadian history
- canadian identity
- Canadian identity
- Canadian internationalism
- Canadian literature
- Canadian national identity
- Canadian newspapers
- Canadian politic
- Canadian politics
- Canadian solitudes
- Canadian studies
- canadianism
- Canetti (Jacques)
- cantology
- capital-city
- carnavalisation
- catholic missions
- Catholicism
- census
- Centennial projects
- Chamber of commerce
- Champlain
- change and Canadian foreign policy
- childhood
- children
- choreography
- Civil War
- clerical training for adults
- Climate change
- closure
- coffeehouses
- collective memory
- Colombia
- colonial
- colonialism
- colonies
- Colonisation
- colonization
- combat experience
- comic strip
- commemoration
- commitment
- communication
- communities
- community
- comparatism
- Compassion
- concentration camps
- Confederation
- conquest
- consciousness
- Conservative party
- Constitutional Act 1982
- constitutional negotiations
- construction nationale
- consumption
- contemporary short story
- contemporary theatre
- continentalism
- Cook (Ramsay)
- Cormier (Paul)
- cover song
- covers
- covid-19
- COVID-19
- creativity
- creole languages
- Crisis
- critical infrastructure
- critical intercultural approaches
- cultural agency
- cultural heritage
- cultural heterophony
- cultural mediation
- cultural policies
- cultural policy
- cultural practices
- cultural studies
- culture
- curricula
- Custom and resistance
- cybersecurity
- D-Day
- daily newspapers
- dance
- Dance of the Happy Shades
- danse
- death
- decolonial thought
- defence
- defence policy
- defence procurement
- deferred prosecution agreement
- Deffontaines (Pierre)
- denazification
- deserters
- development policy and cooperation
- dialogue
- Dickson (Robert)
- dictionary
- digital communities
- digital media
- Dimey (Bernard)
- diplomatic relations Canada-US
- direct cinema
- discourse
- displacement
- dissemination of national literatures
- documentary
- Dor (Georges)
- draft resisters
- duality
- duos
- Duvernay (Ludger)
- dystopia
- ecology
- economic benefits
- economic development
- economic network
- economy
- education
- educational rights
- educational success
- Eeyou-Istchee-Baie-James
- electoral promises
- electoral reform
- elegy
- emancipation
- emigration
- emigration pamphlets
- empire
- Empire
- empirical law studies
- energy
- engagement
- enunciation
- environment
- environmental policies
- equity
- essentialism
- ethnicity
- ethnocritic
- ethos
- EU
- Europe
- European emigration
- evolutions of family
- featuring
- federal election
- federal election 2019
- federalism
- female refugees
- femininity
- feminism
- feminism and women’s groups
- feminist journals and cultural productions
- femmes
- Ferland (Jean-Pierre)
- fiction
- fighter aircraft
- film making
- financial services
- firearm laws
- First Nations
- First World War
- first-past-the-post
- food history
- foreign aid
- foreign policy
- formation of local clergy
- fortifications
- founding an institution
- France
- Franco-Ontarian
- Franco-Ontarian literature
- Franco-Quebec women
- francophone
- francophone literature
- Francophone rap
- Francophone songs
- francophones
- Francophonie
- francophonie
- free trade
- French
- French Canada
- French Chamber of Commerce
- French Consulate
- french immigrants
- French immigrants
- French immigration
- French language
- French Louisiana
- French migrants
- French publishers
- French State
- French teaching
- French-English duality
- funding
- H/history
- handguns
- harm reduction
- Harper
- Harper (Stephen)
- hauntology
- heterolingualism
- heterotopia
- higher education
- Highway (Tomson)
- Hinduism
- hip hop
- historian
- historians
- historical consciousness
- historiographical marginalization
- historiography
- history
- Hobsbawm (Eric)
- Hong Kong
- House of Commons
- Hubert Aquin
- human rights
- humanitarian aid
- hybridisation
- hypertextuality
- identity
- ideologies
- ideology
- illusory meaningfulness
- imagined community
- immigrant
- immigrants
- Immigrants
- Immigration
- immigration
- immigration policies
- imperial propaganda
- indigenous
- Indigenous literature
- Indigenous peoples
- Indigenous Peoples
- Indigenous students
- Indigenous writing
- information warfare
- integration
- intellectual
- intellectual commitment
- Intellectuals
- interbreeding
- Intercolonial wars
- interculturalism
- intergenerational transmission
- intermedial dialogue
- international law
- international trade
- internationalism
- internees
- Inuit
- Iraq
- Islamic State
- labour
- Labour Force
- Lake Mégantic
- land claims
- landscape
- landscape architecture
- langage
- language
- language and identity
- language contact
- language of public figures
- languages and language varieties
- Lapointe (Pierre)
- Latin America
- law
- Le Forestier (Maxime)
- legacy
- Leroux (Louis Patrick)
- letters
- Liberal government
- Liberal Party
- Liberal Party of Canada
- liberalism
- limited identities
- linguistic change
- linguistic identity
- linguistic ideologies
- linguistic pluralism
- linguistic variations
- linguistics
- literary analysis
- literary character
- literary genre
- literary publishing
- literature
- Louisbourg
- Loyalists
- Luciani (Clara)
- Macdonald (John A.)
- MacLennan
- Manitoba
- manuscript
- marginalization
- Massey Report
- Master
- Mauritian Creole
- Mauritian diaspora
- Mauritius Island
- May Day
- media
- media discourse
- medicine
- Meech Lake Agreement
- memorial landscape
- memories
- memory
- migrant literature
- migrants
- migration
- military acquisition
- mining
- mining corporations
- Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
- Ministries of Defence
- minority
- Missionaries
- mixed language
- mobility
- monarchy
- Montreal
- Montréal
- Monument
- moral values
- mother-figure
- motherhood
- movement
- Mulroney
- Multiculturalism
- multiculturalism
- municipal government
- municipal internationalization law
- municipal law
- municipal politics
- Munro
- Munro (Alice)
- music and power
- Nantes
- narratology
- nation
- nation building
- nation-branding
- nation-building
- National Holidays
- national holidays
- national identity
- national parks
- national unity
- nationalism
- native
- Native American
- native people
- native woman
- natives
- natural resources
- natural resources governance
- nature
- nature-culture conflict
- New Brunswick
- New France
- newspaper
- Nobel Prize literature
- non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
- normative effectiveness
- North
- Northwest Passage
- Nova Scotia
- pacifism
- Pagny (Florent)
- Pan-Canadian nationalism
- paradiplomacy
- Paris Conference 1919
- parliamentary debates
- party discipline
- party politics
- passage
- past
- Paternalism
- patriots
- performance
- perseverance
- Petawawa
- PhD
- place
- plantation agriculture
- pledge method
- pluralism
- poetry
- polar exploration
- policies
- policy
- political comment
- political communication
- political economy
- political leadership
- political struggles and the left in Québec
- politics
- Portuguese migration in Montreal
- post WWII
- postcolonial reading
- postcolonialism
- postsecondary school
- power transition
- practices
- Premiers
- prisoners of war
- process tracing
- progress and change
- progressive trade
- promotion
- public affairs
- public health policy
- public opinion
- public policy
- publishing
- race
- racial discrimination
- racism
- rapping
- reading mode
- reciprocity
- recognition
- reconciliation
- record
- recruiting
- Red Cross
- redress
- refuge
- refuge from militarism
- refugees
- Reggiani (Serge)
- region
- regional literature
- regionalism
- regions
- regulatory convergence
- religion
- religious congregation
- religious immigration
- religious sisters
- religious women
- representation
- representation of masculinity
- representations
- republicanism
- republicans
- residential schools
- resurgence
- rice
- Rideau Hall
- ritual/discourse homology
- Rivard (Michel)
- rock opera
- Roland Barthes
- Saskatchewan
- school system
- Scotland
- Second Sino-Japanese War
- Second World War
- secularization
- securitization theory
- security
- self-determination
- Servant
- settlement
- settlement experiences
- seventeenth century
- sex
- sex work
- Shawcross doctrine
- Shoah
- short stories
- social and environmental impacts
- socialism
- society
- Society of Holy Apostles
- sociolinguistics
- solitude
- song writer
- songs
- songs Quebec-France
- songwriters
- Southeast Europe
- sovereignty
- St. Lawrence valley
- stage
- stakeholders
- Stanley Wany
- stereotypes
- strategic culture
- strategic human rights litigation
- strategic partnership(s)
- student strike
- subversion
- support measures
- surrealism
- Sylvestre (Anne)
- symbolism
- symbols
- Syria
- territorial autonomy
- territory
- testimony
- The Blinding Sea
- the Maritime Provinces
- the Maritimes
- the other
- the United States
- theater
- theatricalism
- theatricality
- Toronto
- trade
- trade relations
- transatlantic
- transitional justice
- transitions
- translation
- trauma
- travel conditions
- trends
- Trenholme Fessenden (Clementina)
- Trudeau (Justin)
- Trudeau government
- TV shows