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Envío de artículos (en inglés)

The journal e-cadernos ces aims to promote advanced research produced in the field of the social sciences and the humanities which contributes to enrich inter/transdisciplinary perspectives. The issues of e-cadernos ces are thematic, and the manuscripts submitted should take into account the call for papers advertised on the e-cadernos ces website (see “Call for papers” at

Manuscripts should comply with the Guidelines for Manuscript Submission and Publication (available at, should be presented in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French and sent to All manuscripts will go through a blind peer review process.

The issues of e-cadernos ces may contain a final section (@cetera), with four contributions maximum, in formats including interviews and debates (up to 25,000 characters including spaces), unpublished book reviews (about 5,000 characters including spaces) and other kinds of texts. These contributions will be evaluated by the Editorial Board and by the Organizing Committee. 

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