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Normas para la presentación y publicación de artículos (en inglés)

Notas da redacção

Guidelines in force from 01.01.2021

I. General Info

1. e-cadernos CES publishes manuscripts resulting from colloquia, conferences, seminars, and workshops, as well as book reviews, critical reviews, and research texts produced within advanced training programs and scientific research projects. Emphasis is placed on the publication of original manuscripts in the field of the social sciences and the humanities which contribute to enrich the inter/transdisciplinary scientific research produced at the center and maximize international comparisons.

2. Manuscripts submitted to e-cadernos CES undergo a double-blind peer review process.

3. e-cadernos CES issues are thematic. All submitted manuscripts must therefore take into account the call for papers text advertised online.

4. The Editorial Board accepts proposals for the organization of thematic issues, provided that they contain a minimum of five manuscripts. To this purpose, the Organizing Committee shall submit a proposal including call for papers text and the list of contributions. The call for papers will be advertised on the e-cadernos CES website for about three months. This process will be supervised by a member of the Editorial Board. The Organizing Committee will be responsible for gathering the proposed contributions and verifying that they conform to the e-cadernos CES guidelines for publication.

5. The Issues of e-cadernos CES may contain a final section (@cetera) with four contributions maximum in formats including interviews, debates, unpublished book reviews and other kinds of texts. These contributions will be evaluated by the Editorial Board and by the Organizing Committee. 

6. Manuscripts submitted to e-cadernos CES must be unpublished and authored by the person(s) submitting them. The manuscripts must clearly identify the source of every item that is not original (e.g. text excerpts, illustrations, tables, etc.), and make explicit reference, whenever necessary, to permissions obtained from copyright holders and/or authors. In the latter case, if the manuscripts include items protected by intellectual property rights, authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders.

7. Submission of a paper to e-cadernos CES is a certification by the author(s) that the manuscript has not otherwise been published in print or digital format (except for initial versions of the manuscript published as a working paper) and is not under review by another journal, neither will be.

II. Review and Decision Process

1. The Editorial Board reserves the right to publish or refuse publication to any submission and informs the authors of its decision and justification within a reasonable time frame upon receipt. This decision is supported by an evaluation of the manuscripts based on a double-blind peer review system, carried out in two consecutive stages:

a) initial assessment by the Organizing Committee of the special issue and the Executive Editorial Board, which decide on the manuscript’s submission to the following stage of the process, involving its evaluation by anonymous reviewers; this decision is made taking into consideration criteria of relevance, interest and quality, defined according to the journal's editorial policy, as well as the manuscript’s conformity to the submission guidelines contained in this document and to the call for papers;

b) detailed evaluation of the selected manuscripts by anonymous reviewers through a double-blind peer review system. Reviews resulting of this process will be used as a basis for the final decision on the manuscript's publication.

2. The Organizing Committee of the special issue and the Executive Editorial Board can suggest changes in the manuscript, according to the recommendations made by the reviewers, and re-evaluate the revised paper in order to make the final decision on its publication. Once the final version is settled, no more modifications will be allowed.

3. Published texts are of the sole responsibility of the respective authors.

III. Publication, distribution, and reproduction rights

1. Authors of texts published in e-cadernos CES authorize the transfer of edition, publication, distribution, reproduction, and marketing rights (including all the items they may contain, such as photographs, drawings, tables, data files, etc.) to e-cadernos CES. This transfer of rights is royalty-free, and e-cadernos CES will not offer any other compensation besides supplying the authors with three copies of the issue, if the publication is available in paper format. All contents of e-cadernos CES are published online under a Creative Commons License Attribution CC BY.

2. Reprinting in e-cadernos CES is allowed in exceptional cases, based on criteria of scholarly and intellectual relevance and opportuneness and in the following cases: if the text was published in another language, in books and journals (paper and/or electronic); was published in books (such as a book chapter or a chapter in a collection) 12 months before; if the text was published in a dissertation or thesis if not for commercial purposes. Reprinting will only be possible with an authorization from the owner(s) of the intellectual property rights.

3. Authors who wish to republish a manuscript accepted for publication in e-cadernos CES, in whole or in part, should always make an explicit reference to the original publication in e-cadernos CES, as defined by the Creative Commons License Attribution CC BY.

IV. Guidelines for text submission

1. All manuscripts to be considered for publication in thematic issues will be presented in their final version in Portuguese, English, Spanish, or French. Unless otherwise stated, manuscripts must not exceed 60,000 characters (with spaces), including notes and references. After 2012, all articles in Portuguese follow the new orthographic rules.

2. For the final section (@cetera), which will publish four contributions maximum, interviews and debates (up to 25,000 characters including spaces) may be submitted as well as unpublished book reviews (about 5,000 characters including spaces). Other text formats may be assessed if deemed relevant to the issue by the Organizing Committee or the Editorial Board.

3. In order to protect anonymity, the first page of the document should include the name of the author(s) as well as the name of the institution where s/he currently develops his/her activity. There should be no other reference to the author’s name in the body of the text, headings or footnotes.

4. Manuscripts should always include five keywords and an abstract in Portuguese, English or Spanish. The abstract should not exceed 900 characters and it must include the title of the manuscript – no longer than15 words.

5. Manuscripts should be sent by email to in Word format for Mac or WinWord. Authors must expressly acknowledge to have read and accepted e-cadernos CES “Guidelines for Publication” by reproducing the text below and adding the missing data:

I, ________________________, as author of the text entitled ___________________________, declare that:

  1. the submitted text does not match, in whole or in part, any published text (in print or digital format), in the same language or another;

  2. the text is not currently under submission to another publication;

  3. I have read and accept e-cadernos CES “Guidelines for submission and publication of manuscripts” available at

In the case of co-authored texts, one of the authors must state that s/he is authorized by the remaining authors to act as their representative in all contacts with e-cadernos CES. S/he must also state that, on behalf of all authors, s/he has read and accepted e-cadernos CES “guidelines for publication” by reproducing the following text and adding the missing data:

I, ________________________, as co-author of the text entitled ___________________________, and acting as representative of the remaining authors, declare that:

  1. the submitted text does not match, in whole or in part, any published text (in print or digital format), in the same language or another;

  2. the text is not currently under submission to another publication;

  3. I have read and accept e-cadernos CES “Guidelines for submission and publication of manuscripts” available at

6. Manuscripts submitted to e-cadernos CES may include tables, figures, photographs, or drawings that illustrate or clarify the arguments exposed. Images must be sent in the same text document and also separately in JPEG or TIF format. If images include text, the font used should be Arial, size 9, regular. All images must be accompanied by a clear indication of the source and respective copyright.

V. Preparing the text

Manuscript formatting

1. Manuscripts must be paged in Arabic numbers.

2. Manuscripts must be submitted in Arial 11 font, with 1.5 cm line spacing and margins of 3 cm (left) and 2.5 cm (right, top, and bottom). Manuscripts must not have extra spaces between paragraphs or any special formatting.

3. Tables, graphs or images must be separately inserted in the last pages of the document with Roman numbers and bearing sufficient quality for reproduction. Clear indication must be given in the text as to where images are to be inserted (e.g. ‘Insert Table IV here’).

4. Epigraphs, if there are any, should be brief.

5. The number and size of footnotes should not be extensive. Notes should be numerically ordered and inserted in the footer of the corresponding page.

6. Figures referring to notes should show in superscript after the punctuation mark (e.g. as it can be easily proved.3)

7. Cross-references to other pages should always use Latin expressions (cf. supra, cf. infra), in italics and in full.


1. All quotations from foreign authors should be translated, except in special cases that justify the use of the original version.

2. Brief quotations (2-3 lines) should be incorporated into the text between double quotation marks (“ ”). Quotes within other quotes should be marked by single quotation marks (‘ ’). Longer quotations should be collected and formatted in a smaller letter size than the text, without quotation marks.

3. Interpolations should be identified by square brackets [ ].

4. Omissions are indicated by suspension points within square brackets [...].

Bibliographical references

1. Bibliographical references should always be made in the text, in abbreviated form between brackets, according to the following order: author’s last name, publication date and, whenever necessary, page number. In the case of indirect quotations, this information must be preceded by the term apud. Examples:

A single author: (Santos, 2006: 17 ff.).
Two authors: (Reis and Baganha, 2001).
Three or more authors: (Nunes
et al., 2006).
Indirect citation:
(apud Tavares, 2005: 7).

2. A complete list should be given at the end of the text, under the title “Bibliographical references”. The list should be ordered alphabetically by the authors’ author last name and include only the works referred throughout the text. In the case of two authors, the names should be separated by “and” (example: Bebiano, Rui and Estanque, Elísio (2007)). In the case of three or more authors, only the first author should be given, followed by the abbreviation et al. The author’s name should never be abbreviated (e.g. Fortuna, Carlos, not Fortuna, C.). An editor should always be indicated. When referring to journal articles or chapters in a collection, the pages of the quoted text should be given as well. References should strictly follow the model of the following examples:

a) Books:

Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2006), A gramática do tempo. Para uma nova cultura política. Porto: Afrontamento.

Calafate Ribeiro, Margarida; Meneses, Maria Paula (eds.) (2008), Moçambique: das palavras escritas. Porto: Afrontamento.

b) Collections:

Caldeira, Isabel (ed.) (2004), Novas histórias literárias. Coimbra: Minerva.

Reis, José (2001), “A globalização como metáfora da perplexidade? Os processos geoeconómicos e o ‘simples’ funcionamento dos sistemas complexos”, in Boaventura de Sousa Santos (ed.), Globalização: Fatalidade ou utopia? Porto: Afrontamento, 109-134.

Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2006), “The University in the 21st Century: Towards a Democratic and Emancipatory University Reform”, in Robert Rhoads; Carlos Alberto Torres (eds.), The University, State, and Market. The Political Economy of Globalization in the Americas. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 60-100.

c) Journals:

Ribeiro, António Sousa (2002), “As Humanidades como utopia”, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 63, 201-209.

Or, if appropriate, the indication of the volume and issue:

Hespanha, Pedro (2002), “‘Observing Cities’ Social Inequalities: A Cartographic Case Study of Aveiro, Portugal”, Cities, 20(4), 211-225. [in this case: volume 20, issue 4, pages 211-225].

d) If there are two or more references of the same author and of the same year, the letters a, b, etc. should be added to the date. Examples:

Ramalho, Maria Irene (ed.) (2004a), Poesia do mundo: antologia bilingue Vol. IV. Viseu: Palimage Editores.

Ramalho, Maria Irene (2004b), The Accidental Bridge: Hart Crane’s Theory of the Lyric, in Michael Hinds; Stephen Matterson (eds.), The American Poetry Book. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 89-98.

e) The consulted edition should always be indicated. The date of the first edition can also be mentioned, but only if it is relevant. This information should come between square brackets at the end of the reference. Examples: [5th ed.]; [5th ed.; orig. ed.:1948].

f) In the case of electronic publications, the date of the last visit to the webpage and respective URL address should be indicated according to the following format:

Emily Thomson (2009), “Do Ends Justify Means? Feminist Economics Perspectives of the Business Case for Gender Equality in the UK Labour Market”, e-cadernos ces, 5, 118-133. Accessed on 02.12.2011, at

Madeira, Paulo Miguel (2011), “Desempregados registados nos Centros de Emprego sobem em Novembro pelo quinto mês”, Público, 14 December. Accessed on 14.12.2011, at

g) In the case of printed articles, chapters or books available online the same reference system should be followed, including the date of the last visit to the webpage and respective URL address. Example:

Pinfari, Marco (2011), “Time to Agree: Is Time Pressure Good for Peace Negotiations?”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 55(5), 683-709. Accessed on 13.12.2011, at

h) When quoting electronic information available on a webpage the following elements should be included: author or entity responsible for the webpage (date), “page title”, date of visit and respective URL address. Example:

Centro de Estudos Sociais (2011), “Prémio CES para Jovens Cientistas Sociais de Língua Portuguesa”. Accessed on 14.12.2011, at

i) When referring to legislation or standards, the reference must identify the legal statute or provision as quoted in the text. For example, when mentioning the text “In conformity with Decree-Law No. 239/97 of September 9th”, the following must be included in the bibliography:

Decree-Law no. 239/97 of September 9th. Diário da República n.º 208/97 - I Série A. Ministério do Ambiente. Lisboa.13. Proofs

VI. Manuscript revision

1. Manuscript revision must be made with the text editing tool “Track Changes” provided by WinWord and Word for Mac, or other means that allow highlighting, strikethrough, different colour underlining, etc. in the text places where changes were made, in order to assist reviewers and editors after the authors’ revisions.

2. Manuscripts accepted for publication must include, at the end and before the bibliographical references, the institutional affiliation and its postal address, as well as an email contact.

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