Formation spécifique ou générale ? Implications en terme de croissance
The purpose of the paper is to study the accumulation of human capital on the life-cycle in an OLG framework. The agents are supposed to live for two periods : in the first they are going to school, and, in the second, they work and can be trained through on-the-job training. We point out that, according to the preferences of the agents, education and on-the-job training are complement or substitute. The nature of on-the-job training acts on the intertemporal equilibrium, and we show that general training is more benefit for growth that specific training.
Index terms
JEL Codes:
I20 - General, J24 - Human Capital; Skills; Occupational Choice; Labor Productivity, O4 - Economic Growth and Aggregate ProductivityReferences
Electronic reference
Alice Fabre, “Formation spécifique ou générale ? Implications en terme de croissance”, Économie publique/Public economics [Online], 06 | 2000/2, Online since 07 December 2005, connection on 07 September 2024. URL:; DOI:
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