Les justifications de l’intervention publique dans les systèmes de santé
The share of the public sector in health care system varies enormously from country to country. In this paper, we examine the justifications of public intervention both in insurance provision and in health care supply. This allows us to explain the variability of systems by considering health insurance as a means of redistribution.
Index terms
JEL Codes:
H23 - Externalities; Redistributives Effects; Environmental Taxes and Subsidies, H42 - Publicly Provided Private Goods, I1 - Health, I18 - Government Policy; Regulation; Public HealthReferences
Electronic reference
Dominique Henriet and Jean-Charles Rochet, “Les justifications de l’intervention publique dans les systèmes de santé”, Économie publique/Public economics [Online], 02 | 1998/2, Online since 09 February 2007, connection on 05 November 2024. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/economiepublique/1862; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/economiepublique.1862
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