Partage optimal entre assurance maladie privée et publique : la situation française au regard d’expériences étrangères
In France, private complementary health insurance covers nine out of ten individuals and the intention is to exend it further. This progressive generalisation coupled with the recent initiatives taken by private insurers to better manage health risks has led to a questioning of the relationship between such private schemes and the public compulsory health insurance fund, and more generally, of the role of such schemes in the health care system. This questioning is common to most industrialised countries although under variable forms. It comes to defining the respective roles of the State and the market which, in certain sectors such as education and health, still remains highly contentious.
Electronic reference
Dominique Polton and Lise Rochaix, “Partage optimal entre assurance maladie privée et publique : la situation française au regard d’expériences étrangères”, Économie publique/Public economics [Online], 14 | 2004/1, Online since 05 January 2006, connection on 11 September 2024. URL:; DOI:
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