Marchés organisés et marchés de gré à gré en électricité
The first section presents a cross-boundary type of contract which will serve as a reference further on and also gives a brief outline of the two points that will be defended here : first, creating a sufficient number of efficient electricity markets turns out to be difficult ; Second, increasing this difficulty by repeating previous well documented organisational mistakes seems purposeless. Addressing the first topic, the second section shows that however simple the reference contract may be, it cannot for the time being be used for existing commercial products, whether on organised or on mutual agreement markets. Markets for such products do not yet exist or are still in a development stage. The third section explores the reasons for this situation. Finally, the paper also refers to the European experience and the steps taken to integrate electricity markets in Europe.
Electronic reference
Yves Smeers, “Marchés organisés et marchés de gré à gré en électricité”, Économie publique/Public economics [Online], 14 | 2004/1, Online since 05 January 2006, connection on 12 September 2024. URL:; DOI:
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