Régulation et politique de concurrence dans les réseaux électriques
In the electricity networks recently opened to competition, a division of labour often emerges between a sector specific regulatory authority and other authorities monitoring competition at national or international level. For sector specific authorities, the tasks mainly consist of collecting information about the sector, ensuring the transition towards a more competitive market structure and organising the universal service, whereas the competition authorities’ main task is to ensure that operators across the activity field abide by the rules. Whilst sharing a common global objective – that of improving sector efficiency–, considerable differences remain between the two types of institutions.The paper briefly describes the differences but also the common points between the two types of interventions, analyzes the resulting economic consequences and illustrates these stakes on the electricity sector case.
Electronic reference
Anne Perrot, “Régulation et politique de concurrence dans les réseaux électriques”, Économie publique/Public economics [Online], 14 | 2004/1, Online since 05 January 2006, connection on 15 September 2024. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/economiepublique/217; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/economiepublique.217
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