Le quotient familial a-t-il stimulé la natalité française ?
In this article, we try to estimate the impact of financial incentives on fertility using the natural experiment method. The data used in this paper come from annual 1915-1998 income tabulations produced by the French Income Tax system, which has always embedded strong familial measures in order to stimulate fertility. We focused on two particular episodes : the ceiling of the effects of the Quotient familial decided in 1981, and the extension of the incentives towards the third child which took place in 1980. Our estimates tend to prove that fiscal policy has a very small impact on French top revenues’ fertility. But this impact is peculiar in the sense that it is quite clearly asymmetric : the incentives are a little more efficient at the third child’s level, and the elasticity of fertility seems a little stronger for very high revenues.
Index terms
JEL Codes:
D19 - Other, H31 - Household, J13 - Fertility; Family Planning; Child Care; Children; YouthReferences
Electronic reference
Camille Landais, “Le quotient familial a-t-il stimulé la natalité française ?”, Économie publique/Public economics [Online], 13 | 2003/2, Online since 04 January 2006, connection on 07 September 2024. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/economiepublique/279; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/economiepublique.279
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