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Recommendations to authors

Éducation & Didactique

Submission of the manuscript

Contributors should send their manuscript by e-mail and in an open editable format (.doc, .docx, .odt) to the editorial office of the journal Éducation & Didactique, at the following address:

([+33]2 99 54 66 82).

Revue Éducation & Didactique, 153, rue Saint Malo / CS54310 / 35043 Rennes Cedex

General instructions

The journal publishes:

  • short texts (fewier 20,000 characters without spaces);

  • intermediate texts (around 60,000 characters without spaces);

  • long texts (around 100,000 characters without spaces and more, at the discretion of the editorial committee), whose publication will be divided into several issues;

  • short texts in response to an article already published in the journal.

Special dossiers of coordinated articles must be accompanied by a short text problematising the question that gave rise to their submission and explaining their contribution to the journal’s editorial policy.

Presentation of the text

Articles, written in French or English, must be accompanied by:

  • a title in English and French;

  • 5 keywords in English and French, separated by commas: refer to the keywords already present on the site index in order to avoid "duplicates" (similar keywords but with minimal variation): These must be in the singular, without capitals (except for proper names and acronyms); avoid compound words and/or multiple concepts (keywords of more than 4 words, avoid “and”, “of”...);

  • references and full contact details of the author(s): indicate the surname in small capitals and, if applicable, the ORCID or IdRef number of the author(s);

  • an abstract of six to eight lines, in French and English, which should be concise and factual.

It is not advisable to use non-standard abbreviations, or if necessary, define them in the body of the text (or in a footnote).

Acknowledgements should be assembled in a separate section at the beginning of the article. Do not include them as a footnote or endnote.

Typographical, ortho-typographical and spelling guidelines

The style sheet used is attached. It is necessary to respect the titles of the proposed styles (prefix “ED-”) to facilitate the styling work. To use it, write the text directly or copy your manuscript into the stylesheet. Do not worry about the visual effect, the styling will automatically set the styles to the standards of the paper edition and the digital edition.

Latin or foreign language phrases

Latin or foreign language phrases are set in italics in Roman text and vice versa.


Authors writing in French are invited to strictly respect the French orthotypographical conventions, as specified in the Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l’Imprimerie nationale (2002). Use accented capitals (À, É, È...) according to these conventions.


Authors writing in French are invited to use the rectifications of French spelling (Journal Officiel, 6 December 1990), available on the official website of the Académie française:

Bibliographic guidelines

The journal Éducation & Didactique applies the APA standards (American Psychological Association) to bibliographical references. Authors are invited to follow these standards rigorously. An overview of the standards can be found at the following address:


In the text, illustrations are referred to in parentheses as follows: (Figure 1); (Table 1). Please do not use “fig.” or “tab”.

Please note that the journal has a double-column layout: calls to figures/tables such as “figure below” or “table opposite” should always be replaced by calls such as “(see figure 1)”.

Figures must be correctly numbered and titled, and captioned if necessary (detailed description, credits...). A figure cannot simply be named “Figure 1” in the text.

Avoid duplication: if the same image is referred to several times in the text, do not reinsert it as a new image with a new numbering.

Tables can be created directly in a word processor and inserted into the text of the article, or provided in a separate file in spreadsheet format. In the case of complex tables (e.g. tables with images), it is possible to choose to send the table in .png, .jpg or .tif format.

Sending illustrations

For texts containing illustrations (images, statistical formulas, various objects, etc.), it is necessary to attach each image file, in a quality resolution (see below), to the text file of the article. If their size requires it, use a platform for transferring large files. Give each file an unambiguous name.

Use of colour

The journal is printed in black and white: for complex diagrams, consider a caption system based on shapes or letters rather than colours.

Illustrations will be in colour on the web version (RGB profile).

Note: the conversion of images to B/W or RGB is carried out by the magazine’s layout artist.

Image resolution

As far as possible, images should have a resolution of 300 DPI. For example, to achieve this resolution for printing, the original file for a 10 cm wide image in the text should be 1181 pixels wide.

Attention: enlarging the image manually, or changing the number of pixels in an image processing software does not increase the visual quality of the printed image. Therefore, if possible, use images of original high quality. This means:

  • avoiding overly pixelated images, or providing a descriptive caption if necessary;

  • in case of screen captures, take them in “full-screen” mode;

  • trying to find the source of the image, to find it in high quality (e.g. with a reverse image search on a search engine)…

Number of pixels

As the weight in bytes of a file is not representative of the quality of an image, the table below shows its actual size within the text (in cm):

Size in pixels





1 063

1 181

1 417

1 654

Actual size in cm









Evaluation framework

Articles are evaluated on the basis of the following evaluation sheet:

Article title

Article code

Date of receipt

Date of sending to evaluators

Expected return date

Scientific validity

(theoretical tools, research methodology...)





Comments, if any

Quality of writing and presentation (readability, clarity...)





Comments, if any

Relevance and scope (importance or originality of the contribution made by this text to current research on the themes of the journal)





Comments, if any

What are your recommendations regarding the possible publication of this text?





Can be published subject to corrections or modifications


Needs to be substantially amended



Other observations or comments

Elements for evaluation

The journal recommends that reviewers:

  • base their evaluation on the highest scientific standards in force in the Humanities and Social Sciences research communities;

  • always formulate their evaluation in terms as respectful as possible of the authors’ work and sensibilities;

  • always provide the authors with feedback for the effective improvement of the article, in particular in the case of B or C recommendations.

Document annexe

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