Presentation & editorial policy
The journal Education & Didactique was born from a desire expressed within the Association for Comparative Research in Didactics to rethink the relationship between didactics within educational research and to develop the relationship between didactics and other Human and Society Sciences. With this in mind, the journal will focus on publishing contributions from various didactics, some of which are specifically devoted to a comparative approach, and contributions from the sciences of education, philosophy, sociology, psychology, linguistics... centered on facts of education and training.
... And evolution
Education & Didactique is now included in the list of reference journals of the AERES and the 70th section. This form of distinction encourages us to further increase our demands on the scientific quality of the articles published, but also on their evaluation, which we will endeavor to make more transparent, more rigorous, faster, more respectful of authors' work and Evaluators, and hopefully more formative.
The publication of the magazine is expanding considerably, as it now takes place on the portal ( The last two years of publication will be “under embargo", but older issues will be available for download, while subscribers will have access to the numbers on which they subscribe. We will keep readers informed of the various developments of the new site and its possibilities. The prospect of online versions of the published articles seems particularly interesting to us, since it should be possible quickly to put on line additional elements that increase the interest and relevance of published articles (related texts, videos, empirical materials structured from a perspective Well-defined, etc.).
Editorial Policy
Having noted the small number of international-level journals present in France likely to publish research on teaching and learning, the Association for Comparative Research in Didactics (ARCD) launched in 2007 the journal Education & Didactique at the Presses Universitaires of Rennes. The aim is to build an international journal of high scientific standing, working in tandem with different national and international research institutions and teams, but with a real autonomy in relation to them. The aim is to disseminate original research articles directly or indirectly related to teaching and learning. This scientific project, marked essentially by the pluralism of approaches and by interdisciplinarity, is characterized in particular by the desire to rethink the relations, within educational research, between didactics and with other sciences of the " Man and society, both nationally and internationally.
Since its creation in 2007, the journal has expanded its editorial project. It now hosts various types of writings specified below, their publication aiming to achieve a balance, for example on a volume corresponding to one year:
Articles from various didactics; |
Articles devoted specifically to a comparative approach; |
Articles from non-didactic subjects: (Educational sciences, sociology, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, anthropology, communication sciences, history...); |
“Special dossiers" including a set of co-ordinated articles that are explicitly included in the journal's policy; However, we emphasize the following point: the publishing of dossiers remains exceptional. The journal only publishes special dossiers on subjects and themes central to the question of comparatism. The journal gives priority to dossiers produced in connection with the events it co-organises. |
A “Replies " section, whose articles, generally short, are written in reaction to an article previously published in the journal (with the possibility of the author of this article responding to the reaction in the same issue, as Procedures in some of the best Anglo-Saxon journals); |
A “Debate" section, devoted to a discussion or controversy, between recognized researchers, on a lively question of education; |
A “Reading notes" section. |