Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords | Palabras claves
- a known donor
- aboriginal
- Aboriginal peoples
- aboriginal tradition
- abortion
- academic performance
- Académie de médecine
- Acadia
- access
- access to care
- access to health care
- accompaniment
- acculturation
- activism
- addiction
- adolescence
- adolescent
- adolescent socialisation
- adolescent-parent relationship
- adolescents
- adoption
- adoption from foster-care
- adoption process
- adoptive gay fathers
- adoptive parent
- adoptive parenthood
- adult
- adult adoptees
- adult care
- adult education
- adultism
- affiliation
- Africa
- age
- age friendly municipalities (AFM)
- age social relations
- age-related infertility
- ageing
- agency
- Agency
- ages
- aging
- aging women
- Agir tôt
- agricultural environment
- alcohol
- Algerians
- alliance games
- alternating residences
- altruism
- altruistic preference
- Alzheimer’s disease
- ambivalence
- analytical method
- anchorage
- animal studies
- animals
- anonymity in childbirth
- anonymous delivery
- anthropology
- anthropozoological relationships
- appropriation
- art-based research
- assessment
- assimilation
- assistance
- assisted procreation
- assisted reproduction
- assisted reproductive technologies
- assisted reproductive technology
- at home
- at-risk youth
- attachment
- attitudes
- atypical families
- autism
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- autoethnography
- autonomy
- baby boom
- barriers
- beauty
- begetting
- behavior
- behaviour problems
- Beirut
- Belgium
- beliefs
- Benin
- best interests of the child
- bicycle
- bilingual intercultural education
- binational couple
- biographical research
- biography
- biological family
- biologization
- biopower
- biotechnology
- biparental norm
- birth
- birth family
- blended families
- body
- body politic
- bodybuilding
- bond
- boundaries
- boundary work
- Brazil
- breastfeeding
- brelfie
- Buddhism
- Buddhist Scouting
- Burkina Faso
- business women
- businesses
- cadets
- Cameroon
- Canada
- cancer
- capacity
- care
- care trajectories
- care-giving
- caregiver
- caregivers
- case study
- celebrities
- certified family care provider
- change
- change of migratory status
- Charter of the French language
- child
- child care
- child development
- child labour
- child labourers
- child participation
- child photography
- child protection
- child representation
- child rights
- Child welfare
- child welfare
- child welfare system
- childbirth
- childcare
- childfree
- childhood
- childhood cancer
- childhood protection
- childless
- children
- children and families
- children production
- children with a disability
- children with disabilities
- children with special needs
- children's letters
- children’s experience
- children’s mental health
- children’s origins
- child’s needs
- Chile
- China
- chinese migrant
- chosen family
- chronic illness
- circulation of children
- citizenship
- city
- civil law
- civil rights
- civil state
- civil status
- civil union
- clinical sociology
- clothes
- clothing
- coding
- coeducation
- cohabitation
- cohabitation with in-laws
- cold war
- collaboration
- collaborative governance
- collaborative practices
- college
- Colonial India
- colonization
- commitment
- common-law marriage
- common-law unions
- communication technologies
- communication technology
- Communist Party
- community
- companion animals
- comparison France/Germany
- complex chronic condition
- conception of the person
- conciliation
- conflict
- conjugal bifurcations
- conjugal infidelity
- conjugal unions
- conjugal violence
- conjugality
- connected screens
- construction
- construction of identities
- constructionism
- content analysis
- contextualization
- contraception
- contraceptive work
- contract work
- couple
- couples
- courts
- COVID 19
- COVID-19
- creative litterature
- criminalisation of violence
- critical discourse analysis
- critical illness
- critical study
- cryopreservation
- cultural identity
- culture
- culture and identity
- custody
- cyberbullying
- cyberviolence
- cycling
- daily kinship
- daily life
- daily mobility
- database
- daughter-in-law
- day nursery
- daycare services
- death
- debt
- dementia
- democracy
- dependency
- descendants of immigrants
- desinstitutionnalisation
- desire for a child
- determinants
- development
- diet
- dietary attitude and behaviour
- dietary practices
- digital communication
- digital practice
- digital practices
- digital technologies
- digital uses
- dilemma
- diplomacy
- disability theory
- disclosure
- discourse analysis
- discrimination
- discussion forum
- dispositions
- distance
- distinction
- distress
- distribution of work between men and women
- divided loyalties
- divorce
- Djibouti
- dog
- dogs
- domestic social intervention
- domestic violence
- domestic work
- domicile
- donor conception
- donor offspring
- double careers
- drug abuse
- drug addiction
- dual process model of coping
- dynamic multifactor
- early childhood
- early childhood center
- early childhood education
- early encouragement
- early prevention
- early widowhood
- eating attitude
- eco-citizenship
- ecological practice
- economic difficulties
- economic inequalities
- ecosystemic family therapy
- education
- educational home interventions
- educational intervention
- educational path
- educational practice
- educational practices
- educational standards
- educational system
- educational tension
- educative methods
- educative politics
- educators
- effective programs
- egg donation
- egg donor
- elder
- elderly dependent relative
- elderly partners
- elderly women
- eldership
- eldest child
- elective kinship ties
- electronic sociability
- embryo
- emotion
- emotional support
- emotional well-being
- emotional work
- employment
- end of life
- endogamous couple
- endogamy/exogamy
- energy transition
- engendering
- entrepreneurship
- Environment
- environment
- epistemology
- equality
- ethics
- ethnic background
- ethnicity
- ethnographic approach
- ethnographic approaches
- ethnographical approach
- ethnography
- ethos
- euthanasia
- evaluation
- evaluation of results
- everyday
- evidence
- exile
- expert assessment
- exploratory research
- exposure to conjugal violence
- exposure to intimate partner violence
- extra-family care
- factors of attraction and conservation
- familialism
- families
- family
- family affiliation
- family album
- family assistant
- family at a distance
- family blending
- family body
- family caregiver
- family caregivers
- family commitment
- family configuration
- family configurations
- family conflict
- family councils
- family dynamic
- family dynamics
- family education
- family field
- family formations
- family income
- family link
- family management
- family memory
- family micro-rituals
- family mobilization
- family models
- family network
- family photograph
- family photographs
- family policies
- family policy
- family practices
- family project
- family reconfiguration
- family reference model
- family relations
- family relationship
- family relationships
- family religiousness
- family resilience
- family reunification
- family support
- family tale
- family ties
- family trajectories
- family violence
- family voluntary groups
- family vulnerability
- family-work articulation
- family-work balance
- family-work conciliation
- familyhood
- familyism
- family
- farm labour
- farm succession
- father
- father-child bond
- father-infant bonding
- fatherhood
- fathering
- feeling of parental competency
- femicidio
- feminicidio
- feminism
- feminist perspective
- feminization
- fertility
- fetal categories
- fetus
- fiction-based research
- filial trauma
- filiation
- filiation link
- Filipino immigrants
- financial compensation
- financial management
- financial support
- first name
- First Nations
- food
- food socialization
- forced migration
- foster care placement
- foster care time limits
- foster family
- France
- France/Spain comparison
- francophonie
- French migrants
- French-speaking Switzerland
- full adoption
- functional systems
- gamete donation
- gamification
- gay and lesbian families
- gay and lesbian families; trans families
- gay and lesbian parenting
- gay fathers
- gay parenting
- gender
- gender expression
- gender identity
- gender of infertility
- gender violence
- gendered identities
- gendered roles
- gendered temporalities
- genealogical impasse
- genealogical tree
- genealogy
- generation
- generation 1.5
- generation gap
- generational tensions
- generations
- genetic connection
- genetic paternity
- genetic screening
- genetics
- genocide
- genogram
- geographic mobility
- Germany
- gestational surrogacy
- government statistics
- grandparents
- grief
- Guadeloupe
- Halal
- Handicapped child
- happiness
- health
- health care
- health care services
- health professional
- health professionals
- health program
- health team
- healthcare professional
- healthcare workers
- help-giving practices
- helper
- heritage
- hermeneutics
- heteronormative
- heteronormativity
- Higher Education in Brittany
- highly qualified migrants
- histoiry
- historical trauma
- history
- home
- home care
- home support
- homoparental families
- homoparentality
- Hong Kong
- hope
- hostile social context
- household finances
- housing
- human capital
- human reproduction
- human reproductive work
- human rights
- human-animal bond
- human-animal relationship
- human-non-human relationship
- humanistic psychology
- hybridity
- hygge
- identities
- identity
- identity building
- identity development
- identity strategies
- ideology
- illegal migration
- illness
- immersion
- immigrant
- immigrant families
- immigration
- implementation and evaluation
- incapacity
- incidence
- independence
- India
- indigenous youth
- individual
- individualization
- inequalities
- infanthood
- infanticide
- infertility
- informal caregivers
- information
- information and communication technologies
- information society
- inheritance
- inside-outside
- institution
- institutional arrangements of family support
- integration
- intellectual disability
- intercultural
- interculturality
- interdisciplinarity
- interest groups
- intergenerational cohabitation
- intergenerational relations
- intergenerational relationship
- intergenerational relationships
- intergenerational transmission
- intermarriage
- internalized problems
- international adoption
- international immigrants
- international migrants
- international mobility
- Internet
- internet
- interruption of schooling
- intersectionality
- intersectionnality
- intersectoral partnership
- intervention
- intervention approach
- intimacy
- intimate citizenship
- intrafamily violence
- introduction to adult life
- Inuit child
- Inuit culture
- Inuit families
- Inuit youth
- Inuktitut language
- inverted parenting
- Islam
- Italy
- landlord
- languages
- large families
- laundry
- law
- law (absence of)
- legal status
- legal system
- legislative debates
- lesbian parenthood
- lesbian parenting
- lesbian-headed households
- life course
- life cycle
- life histories
- life stages
- life stories
- life-course
- lifestyle habits
- lifes’s path
- lineage
- lingua franca
- living apart
- living together and living apart
- local exchange trading systems
- lockdown
- logic of action
- long-term care
- longing for children
- longitudinal analysis
- love
- low income
- mainstreaming
- management
- manliness
- Mapuche education
- marital autonomy
- marital individualization
- marital intimacy
- marital option
- marital power
- marital separation
- marriage
- marriage ideology
- marriage settlement
- marriage
- Martinique
- masculinities
- masculinity
- maternal identity
- maternity
- maternity/motherhood
- matrimonial right
- Mauritania
- meal
- measure
- measurement
- media
- media education
- medical profession
- medicalization
- medically assisted procreation
- medically assisted reproduction
- men
- mental effects
- mental health
- mentalization
- midwives
- migrant family
- migrant shelter
- migration
- migration for study purposes
- migration imagination
- migration policies
- migration policy
- migration Policy
- migration processes
- migration project
- mitigation
- mixed conjugality
- mixed couple
- mixed couples
- mixed unions
- mixity
- mobility
- mobility support mechanism
- mobilization
- modernity
- monetarization of social life
- money
- money management
- Montreal
- Morocco
- mother
- motherhood
- mothering
- mothers
- motivation
- mourning
- movement
- movement advocating family policies
- Mozambique
- multi-kinship
- multiparenting
- multiple parenthood
- multiresidentiality
- municipal family policies
- mutual aid
- name
- naming
- narrative approach
- narratives
- nationality
- needs
- needs assessment
- neglectfulness
- neighborhood
- neoliberalism
- neonaticide
- networks
- neurocognitive disorders
- New Brunswick
- new countryside populations
- new reproductive technologies
- new reproductive technology
- New Zealand
- nobility
- non-recourse
- norm
- norms
- North-African
- North-South relations
- Norway
- numericals technologies
- nursery curriculum
- nurses
- nutrition
- paid work
- palliative
- palliative care
- pandemic
- Papua New Guinea
- parent
- parent child relationship
- parent-child contact
- parent-child relationship
- parent-child visits
- parentage
- parental commitment
- parental identity
- parental involvement
- parental leave
- parental practices
- parental responsibility
- parental sensitivity
- parental skills
- parental stress
- parental support
- parental work
- parentalism
- parenthood
- parenting
- parenting practice
- parenting practices
- parenting support
- parenting work
- parents
- parents/children relationships
- participant
- participation
- participation of children
- participatory governance.
- partner
- partnership
- paternal assessment
- paternal evaluation
- paternal identity
- paternal involvement
- paternal sense of competence
- paternal stress
- paternity
- patrimony
- pedagogy
- pediatric liaison
- pediatric palliative care
- pediatrics
- peer groups
- peer research
- peers
- peers’ influence
- pensions
- perception
- perception of value
- perceptions
- performativity
- perinatality
- personal identity
- personal networks
- pet
- photographs
- photography
- physical activities
- physical activity
- placed children
- placement
- play aera
- playgrounds
- police officers
- policies
- policy
- political
- political socialization
- politicization
- politics
- popular neighborhood
- post-adoption service
- post-migration
- power
- precariousness
- preciousness
- predictive screening
- pregnancy
- prematurity
- prenatal care
- prenatal screening
- preschool
- prevention
- prevention of violence
- primary caregiver
- private space
- problem gambling
- process of individualization
- procreation
- procreative labour
- profession
- professional activity
- professional group
- professional identity
- professional integration
- professional practices
- professional training
- professionalization
- program evaluation
- project
- projective tests
- protection
- psychogenealogy
- psychological approach
- psychological distress
- psychological state
- psychological suffering
- psychology
- psychosexual development
- psychosocial expertise
- public action
- public health
- public health policiy
- public issues
- public place
- public policies
- public policy
- public problems
- public space
- public spaces
- public/private
- Rabat
- Rabindranath Tagore
- rationality
- rebuilt couples
- recipients
- reconstruction
- recreational activities
- reflexivity
- refugee
- refugee women
- regulation
- regulations
- rehabilitation
- relatedness
- relational family
- relationship
- relationship to knowledge
- relationship with time
- relationships
- relatives
- religion
- rental housing
- representational role
- representations
- reproduction
- reproduction work
- reproductive autonomy
- reproductive health
- reproductive norms
- reproductive politics
- reproductive rights
- reproductive technologies
- reproductive temporality
- reproductive work
- Republic
- research
- research-training-intervention
- residential anchorage
- residential experience
- residential mobility
- residential schools
- resilience
- resiliency
- resistance
- resources
- respiratory health
- respite
- retired woman
- retirement
- return
- reverse socialization
- reversed socialization
- right of access
- rights
- Rights of the child
- risk
- risk of danger
- risk perception
- ritual
- road safety
- role
- roman marriage
- Romania
- rural
- rural area
- rural areas
- rural employment
- rurality
- Rwanda
- same-sex adoption
- same-sex couples
- same-sex families
- same-sex parenting
- sanitary standards
- school
- school architecture
- school education
- schooling
- search for origins
- secondary trauma
- secondary-level teachers of both sexes
- seeking health and help
- segregation
- self- and collective rehabilitation
- self-ethnography
- semantics
- senior
- seniors
- sense of belonging
- sensitive urban area
- sentiment analysis
- separation
- separations
- severe illness
- sex
- sexting
- sexual abuse
- sexual division of labor
- sexual division of labour
- sexual identity
- sexual orientation
- sexual scripts
- sexual violence
- sexuality
- shared decision-making
- shopping center
- sibling relationships
- siblings
- siblingship
- sickness
- significant other
- simple adoption
- single parenthood
- single-mothers
- singlehood
- social action
- social and digital divide
- social and political issues
- social and subjective transformations
- social assistant
- social bond
- social capital
- social class
- social classes
- social construction of the family
- social context
- social control
- social disparity
- social inequalities
- social inequality
- social inqualities
- social integration
- social integration.
- social invisibility
- social management
- social media
- social networks
- social norms
- social orphans
- social paradigm
- social policies
- social policy
- social relation
- social relations
- social relationships
- social representation
- social representations
- social sciences
- social sciences and humanities
- social services
- social state
- social support
- social temporality
- social time
- social time frame linkage
- social trajectory
- socialization
- socio-anthropological approach
- socio-digital uses
- socio-economic inequalities
- socio-educational accompaniment
- socio-historic approach
- socio-historical approach
- socio-judicial intervention
- socio-legal analysis
- socio-legal approach
- socioeconomic disadvantage
- socioeconomic inequalities
- sociology
- sociology of ages
- sociology of experience
- sociology of language
- solidarity
- solo family
- South Asian women
- South Korea
- space
- Spain
- spatial practice
- spatial representation
- special education
- speech analysis
- sperm donation
- stakeholders
- standard
- State
- state
- sterilisation
- stigma
- stigma management
- street
- stress
- stressors
- structural violence
- student
- sub-Saharan African emigrants
- subject
- subjectification
- subjective commitment
- subjectivity
- substitution
- suicide
- suicide cluster
- support
- surrogacy
- surrogate mother
- surrogate motherhood
- survey Trajectoires et origines
- sustainable consumption
- Swiss household panel
- Switzerland
- symbiosis
- symbolic filiation
- symbolic order
- symbolic order (of gender)
- symbolic relationships
- syrian refugees
- table companionship
- Tahiti
- Tahitian
- Taiwan
- teaching practical experiences
- teenage years
- teenagers
- temporal borders
- temporal experience
- temporal socialization
- temporality
- territorial appropriation
- territory
- the couple
- the nature of work
- thematic analysis
- theoretical perspectives
- therapeutic relationship
- therapy
- third-party reproduction
- time
- time management
- time-duration
- time-frame
- time-use
- to play
- Togo
- town planner
- trace memory style digital
- tradition
- traditional adoption
- trajectories
- trajectory
- trans families
- trans parenting
- trans theory
- trans youth
- transcultural psychiatry
- transfer
- transgender
- transgender identity
- transmission
- transnational family
- transnational family spaces
- transphobia
- transsexual
- trauma
- trial
- trust
- two-stage migration
- walking school bus
- wealth
- wedding
- well-being
- wellbeing
- wellness
- West
- widowhood
- woman
- women
- women empowerment
- women in precarious situations
- work
- work gender division
- work of time
- work-family balance
- work-family reconciliation
- work-life balance
- work/ family conciliation
- work/family linkage
- working class
- working classes
- working-class
- working-class neighbourhood
- world of work