XV-2 | 2023
Therapy and Conflict. Between Pragmatism and Psychoanalysis
Edited by Federico Lijoi, Valentina Petrolini and Matteo Santarelli
Symposia. Therapy and Conflict. Between Pragmatism and Psychoanalysis
Introduction to the Symposium
Conflict, Tragedy, and Survivance
George Herbert Mead and Psychoanalysis [Full text]Problems and Prospects
Jung and James [Full text]The Conflict of Opposites and Typology as an Epistemological Method
Restoring the Dreamer [Full text]Faith and Suspicion in Dewey and Freud
Communicative Power(lessness) [Full text]Democratic Ethics and the Role of Social Psychoanalysis for Melioristic Social Science
Between Anger and Hope [Full text]Emotions in Progress
John Dewey and Psychiatry [Full text]Overcoming Resistance to Growth
On Experiencing Sustainability [Full text]Clarifying the Sensory Approach with the Pragmatist Aesthetics’ Conception of Aesthetic Sensibility
Perception in Plato’s Heaven? [Full text]Santayana and the “Essence Wing” of American Critical Realism
Pragmatism, Metaphilosophy, Eclecticism [Full text]
Symposia. Solidarität und Vulnerabilität
Edited by Danilo Gajic and Michael Reder-
Jane Addams‘ dialogischer Pragmatismus [Full text]Vulnerabilität und Solidarität als Ausgangspunkt für soziale, integrale Demokratie
Radikale Solidarität! [Full text]Zur Kritik sozialer Solidarität im Anschluss an die Kritische Theorie und José Medinas radikalen Pragmatismus
Vulnerabilität als Problem [Full text]Pragmatistische Überlegungen zur Politisierung bedrohten Lebens in sozialen Protestbewegungen
Über Vulnerabilität und Solidarität [Full text]Eine pragmatistische Re-Konzeptualisierung
Pragma Prize
Interview with Shaun Gallagher [Full text]
Book Reviews and Critical Notices
Critical Notice of Richard Shusterman, Ars Erotica. Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love [Full text]Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 2021
London, Springer, 2022
Review of Carlos Vara Sanchez, Aesthetic Rhythms [Full text]Milan, Aesthetica Edizioni, 2023