V-1 | 2013
Pragmatism and Creativity
Edited by Giovanni Maddalena and Fernando Zalamea
Symposia. Pragmatism and Creativity
Introduction [Full text]
Reason and Imagination in Charles S. Peirce [Full text]
The Creative Moment of Scientific Apprehension [Full text]Understanding the Consummation of Scientific Explanation through Dewey and Peirce
The Philosopher as a Child of His Own Time [Full text]Rorty on Irony and Creativity
Plasticity and Creativity in the Logic Notebook [Full text]
Time as Experience/Experience as Temporality [Full text]Pragmatic and Perfectionist Reflections on Extemporaneous Creativity
How Novelty Arises from Fields of Experience [Full text]A Comparison Between W. James and A. N. Whitehead
Symposium on Dewey’s Unmodern Philosophy and Modern Philosophy
Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, 2012-
Edited and with an introduction by P. Deen, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, 2012
The Nature of the Modern Mind [Full text]Some Remarks on Dewey’s Unmodern Philosophy and Modern Philosophy
From Mythology to Logic [Full text]Dewey’s View of Modernity and the Linguistic Nature of Experience
Was Art as Experience Socially Effective? [Full text]Dewey, the Federal Art Project and Abstract Expressionism
Neopragmatism Viewed by Pragmaticism [Full text]A Redescription
Chicago Pragmatism and the Extended Mind Theory [Full text]Mead and Dewey on the Nature of Cognition
Neuropragmatism: A Neurophilosophical Manifesto [Full text]
Book Reviews
John Lachs, Stoic Pragmatism [Full text]Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 2012, 204 pages
José Medina, The Epistemology of Resistance [Full text]Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012, 352 pages
Frankfurt a. M., Campus, 2011, 381 pages