Guidelines for authors and editors
Top of page1. General information
The European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy – EJPAP publishes articles which explore the American tradition in philosophy, with a special focus on pragmatism and on the relationships of pragmatism to the social sciences. EJPAP promotes exploration of interdisciplinary issues and approaches and favors the mutual dialogue among different traditions in philosophy and in the social sciences.
EJPAP is a peer reviewed journal, it is published twice a year (in April and October), and it is fully accessible online free of subscription. It is indexed in Scopus, Erih Plus, and Web of Science Core Collection.
EJPAP welcomes the submission of manuscripts in any area of interest of the journal: e.g., pragmatism as a philosophical tradition, its relations with other philosophical currents, its contemporary transformations, as well as its impact outside philosophy in the social and natural sciences.
Submission of a manuscript is understood to imply that the paper is original, has not already been published in whole or in substantial part elsewhere, and is not currently under consideration by any other journal. All papers are double-peer reviewed.
Each issue of the journal has normally the following sections (see below for submission instructions):
Symposia: peer reviewed articles devoted to the exploration of a specific theme, associated to a call for papers and managed by guest editors; symposia include a limited number of invited papers.
Essays: a selection of papers received by the journal in the former six to twelve months. The selection is based on the peer-review process.
Multilingual: peer-reviewed original articles in French, German, Italian and Spanish received by the journal in the past six to twelve months. The multilingual section may include symposia in French, German, Italian and Spanish.
Book Reviews and Critical Notices: short reviews and longer critical notices of recently published works concerning topics covered by the journal.
Some issues also include:
Book Symposia: commissioned symposia on recent publications on American philosophy and pragmatism with the responses of the authors.
Interviews: commissioned interviews with established scholars on various aspects of their work.
2. Instructions for authors
2.1. Articles
The journal welcomes submissions of articles to be considered for symposia, essays, and the multilingual section.
Article submissions for the Symposia section should be sent by email to the guest editors and follow the specific instructions provided in the call for paper, in addition to the general guidelines described below.
Article submissions for the Essays section should be written in English and sent by email to ejpapsubmission[at]
Article submissions for the Multilingual section, written in in French, German, Italian or Spanish, should be sent by email to multilingual.ejpap[at]
Whether for symposia, essays, or the multilingual section, submitted papers must be prepared for blind review, omitting self-identifying information. Personal information (title, name, academic affiliation and email contact address) should be placed in a separate cover sheet. Manuscripts should be 5,000 to 8,000 words, footnotes and bibliography included, and accompanied by an abstract of 150-250 words. The review process is normally completed within 10-12 weeks, with articles typically appearing 6 to 12 months after acceptance.
Submitted articles should be formatted according to the Chicago style. In particular:
Single space (12pt) and not double space must be used.
Cited works in the text should be referred to as follows:
Sleeper 1987 when reference does not include page numbers.
Sleeper (1987: 34-6) when reference to page number is given. -
Notes should be put at the end of the page and made automatically, not manually.
The bibliography of all the works cited must be put at the end of the document and it must be compiled according to the Name-date style. Examples:
Books: Cavell Stanley, (2003), Emerson's Transcendental Etudes, Stanford, Stanford University Press.
Articles: Corrington Robert S., (1983), “A Comparison of Royce’s Key Notion of the Community of Interpretation with the Hermeneutics of Gadamer and Heidegger”, Transactions of the Peirce Society, 19 (3), 23-45.
Book chapters: De Tienne André, (2010), “Le signe en personne chez Peirce, avec échos wittgensteiniens”, in François Latraverse (ed.), Peirce, Wittgenstein et le pragmatisme, Paris, L’Harmattan, 223-45. -
Abbreviations for the works of Peirce, James, and Dewey, should follow the standard normally used in the literature (mandatory if the article is on Peirce, James, Dewey; only preferred if they are mentioned tangentially. See a list of the most cited works here.
2.2. Reviews and critical notices
EJPAP publishes reviews and critical notices of recent books on pragmatism and American philosophy with a focus on books appeared in Europe in all European languages, although also books from other parts of the world will be considered. Standard reviews do not exceed 2,000 words. Critical notices consist in critical essays about a volume, slightly longer (2,500-4,000 words) than standard reviews. Critical notices have their own title.
Unsolicited book reviews and critical notices cannot be accepted, but it is possible to propose a book review or a critical notice, as well as to send a book to be considered for a review or a critical notice.
Authors who wish to publish a review or a critical notice should contact the book review editor, Sofia Alexandratos (email: alexandratos.francescasofia[at]
To send books for review, please contact Roberta Dreon (robdre[at] and send a copy to: Roberta Dreon - Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali, Università Ca’ Foscari - Dorsoduro 3484/D - 30123 Venezia (VE) – Italy.
2.3. The peer review process
All submitted articles and invited contributions are subject to at least two peer reviews done by experts in the field. In case of diverging reviews and upon decision of the editorial board, the article will be submitted to a third reviewer.
Reviews and critical notices are accepted by the editorial board.
2.4. After acceptance
After an article or a review is accepted for publication, it is revised by the managing editor or the section editor for editorial aspects; once polished, it is sent to the author for their approval of the minor changes.
Finally, the article or review is double checked and formatted for publication by the production editor. The production editor sends a pdf version to the author for their proof reading. Once approved by the author it is included in the issue to be published ad no changes will be possible anymore.
3. Instructions for guest editors
3.1. Symposia proposals
EJPAP welcomes proposals for symposia focusing on a particular theme, author, or perspective withing the journal’s general scope.
A proposal should include a general description of the topic and its relevance to the contemporary debate, and an explanation of the reasons why it meets the interests and general scope of EJPAP. It should also include a list of at least two names of potential invited contributors.
To propose a symposium as a guest editor, please contact the journal editors, Roberta Dreon (robdre[at] and Sarin Marchetti (sarin.marchetti[at]
3.2. Instructions for symposia
A symposium includes between 5 and 10 articles, besides the introduction by the guest editor(s).
Each article should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words.
All articles must have been revised by a native English speaker with expertise in philosophy before being submitted. Usually this is done by the authors themselves, but guest editors are expected to make sure it is so.
Each session must include papers selected through a call for papers and papers directly invited by the editor(s). Invited papers should be between 2 and 5. Changes at a later time should remain an exception and must be agreed with the editors.
All submitted articles and invited contributions are subject to at least two peer reviews done by experts in the field. In case of diverging reviews and upon decision of the editorial board, the article will be submitted to a third reviewer. The editorial board reserves the right to reject the paper in case it does not comply with the journal’s scientific standards.
Editors should seek a gender balance as well as balance between junior and senior contributors and must maintain an international standing.
Guest editors must keep track of the review process and save the relevant documents (author and title of each received paper, blind reviews, final decision). These materials must be sent to the editorial board for archival purposes.
3.3. Typical timeline
A Call for papers must circulate at least 18 months before the expected publication date. The call must include a title, a description of the theme and aims, an explanation of its relevance, and examples of possible topics for papers. It must also include the list of invited papers of authors who already agreed to contribute. Guest editors are expected to agree with the journal editors on the text of the call. The deadline of the call should be at least 6 months before the publication date.
Once ready and approved by the journal editors, the call for papers is sent out to major philosophy lists and social media channels by the managing editor. After the official announcement has been made, guest editors are welcome to spread it and share it on their own social media accounts.
Publication dates are approximately mid-April for issue 1 and mid-October for issue 2.
Guest editors are expected to contact expert reviewers and complete the entire review process, including revisions, within a maximum of 4 months from the CFP deadline.
Complete and revised papers are due from the guest editors to the managing editor at least 2 months before the publication date (therefore, mid-February for issue 1 and mid-August for issue 2). Guest editors are asked to ensure that the paper length, citation style, and format respect the “Instructions for authors” (see above), and that the files include an abstract and the contact details of the authors (name, affiliation, and email).
4. More information
Guest editors and authors must respect EJPAP’s Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement, available here.
For more information, please contact the editors.