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Fisch M., (1986), Peirce, Semeiotic, and Pragmatism: Essays by Max H. Fisch, Ketner K. & Kloessel C. (eds.), Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Flower E. & M. Murphey, (1977), A History of Philosophy in America, vol. II, New York, Capricorn Books.
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Hilmy S., (1987), The Later Wittgenstein: The Emergence of a New Philosophical Method, Oxford, Basil Blackwell.
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Hookway C., (2000), Truth, Rationality, and Pragmatism, City, Clarendon Press.
Hookway C., (2005), “The Pragmatist Maxim and the Proof of Pragmatism,” Cognitio: revista de filosofia, 6 (1), 25-42.
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Houser N., (1998), “Introduction,” The Essential Peirce, vol. 2, EP2: xvii-xxxviii.
Houser N., (2003), “Pragmatism and the Loss of Innocence,” Cognitio: revista de filosofia, 4 (2), 197-210.
Houser N., (2005), “The Scent of Truth,” Semiotica, 153 (1/4), 455-66.
Houser N., (2007), “Azione e rappresentazione nel pragmatismo di Peirce” (“Action and Representation in Peirce’s Pragmatism”), Pragmatismo e filosofia analitica, Differenze e interazioni, Calcaterra R. (ed.), Rome, Quodlibet; forthcoming in English in Pragmatism and Analytic Philosophy (New York and Amsterdam, Rodopi Press).
Houser N., (2010.1), “Peirce, Phenomenology, and Semiotics,” The Routledge Companion to Semiotics, Paul Cobley P. (ed.), City, Routledge.
Houser N., (2010.2), Introduction to volume 8 of the Writings of Charles S. Peirce, Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Houser N., (2010.3), “The Church of Pragmatism,” Semiotica, 178, (1/4), 105-14.
Houser N., (2010.4), “Reconsidering Peirce’s Relevance,” Ideas in Action, Bergman M., Paavola S., Pietarinen A. & H. Rydenfelt, (eds.), Helsinki, Nordic Pragmatism Network, 1-16.
James W., (1884), “On Some Omissions of Introspective Psychology,” Mind 9, 1-26.
James W., (1886), “The Perception of Time,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy 20, 374-407.
James W., (1887), “The Perception of Space,” Mind, 12, I (Jan. 1887, pp. 1-30), II (Apr. 1887, pp. 183-211), III (Jul. 1887, pp. 321-353), and IV (Oct. 1887, pp. 516-548).
James W., (1890), The Principles of Psychology, 2 vols., New York, Holt.
James W., (1896), “The Will to Believe,” New World 5, 327-47.
James W., (1897), The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy, New York and London, Longmans, Green and Co.
James W., (1898), “Philosophical Conceptions and Practical Results,” University of California Chronicle, Berkeley, California, 287-310; reprinted, with some omissions, in James (1904); also reprinted in James (1977), 345-62.
James W., (1899), Talks to Teachers on Psychology: and to Students on Some of Life’s Ideals, New York, Holt.
James W., (1904), “The Pragmatic Method,” The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, 1 (25), 673-87. (This is a reprint, with some omissions, of James 1898.)
James W., (1907), Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking, New York, Longmans, Green and C.
James W., (1977), The Writings of William James, McDermott J. (ed.), Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
Ketner K., (1998), His Glassy Essence: An Autobiography of Charles Sanders Peirce, Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press.
Legg C., (2008), “Making it Explicit and Clear: From ‘Strong’ to ‘Hyper-’ Inferentialism in Brandom and Peirce,” Metaphilosophy 39, 105-23.
Liszka J., (1996), A General Introduction to the Semeiotic of Charles Sanders Peirce, Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Lovejoy A., (1908), “The Thirteen Pragmatisms,” Journal of Philosophy 5, 5-39.
Margolis J., (2002), Reinventing Pragmatism; American Philosophy at the End of the Twentieth Century, Ithica, Cornell University Press.
Margolis J., (2010), Pragmatism’s Advantage, Stanford, Stanford University Press.
Menand L., (1997), Pragmatism: a Reader, New York, Vintage Books.
Menand L., (2001), The Metaphysical Club, New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Murphey M., (1961), The Development of Peirce’s Philosophy, Cambridge, Harvard University Press; revised edition, Indianapolis, Hacket, 1993.
Peirce C. S., (1868.1), “Questions Concerning Certain Faculties Claimed for Man,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2, 103-14; reprinted in 5.213-263, W2: 193-211, and EP1: 11-27.
Peirce C. S., (1868.2), “Some Consequences of Four Incapacities,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2, 140-57; reprinted in 5.264-317, W2: 211-242, and EP1: 28-55.
Peirce C. S., (1877-78), “Illustrations of the Logic of Science,” Popular Science Monthly (consisting of: “The Fixation of Belief,” vol. 12, Nov. 1877, 1-15; “How to Make Our Ideas Clear,” vol. 12, Jan. 1878, 286-302; “The Doctrine of Chances,” vol. 12, March 1878, 604-15; “The Probability of Induction,” vol. 12, April 1878, 705-18; “The Order of Nature,” vol. 13, June 1878, 203-17; and “Deduction, Induction, and Hypothesis,” vol. 13, Aug. 1878, 470-82,); these papers are re-printed, with variations, in 5.358-410, 2.619-693, 6.395-427, W3: 242-338, and EP1: 109-199.
Peirce C. S., (1891), Review of James’s The Principles of Psychology, part. 1, The Nation 53 (1357), 15 (reprinted in The New York Evening Post 90, 3 July 1891, p. 7); part 2, The Nation 53 (1358), 32-3 (reprinted in The New York Evening Post 90, 11 July 1891, 11). The complete review is reprinted in W8: 231-9.
Peirce C. S., (1892.1), Note on the abridged edition of James’s Principles of Psychology, The Nation 54 (1394), cols. 1; reprinted in The New York Evening Post 91, 17 March 1892, 8.
Peirce C. S., (1892.2), “The Doctrine of Necessity Examined,” The Monist 2, 321-37; reprinted in 6.35-65, W8: 111-25, and EP1: 298-311.
Peirce C. S., (1892.3), “The Law of Mind,” The Monist 2, 533-59; reprinted in 6.102-63, W8: 135-57, and EP1: 312-33.
Peirce C. S., (1893), “Reply to the Necessitarians,” The Monist 3 (4), 571-622; reprinted in 6.588-615, and W9, selection 47.
Peirce C. S., (1901), “Relatives,” Baldwin’s Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, II, New York, MacMillan; reprinted in part in 3.636-643.
Peirce C. S., (1905.1), “What Pragmatism Is,” The Monist 15, 161-81; reprinted in 5.411-37 and EP2: 331-45.
Peirce C. S., (1905.2), “Issues of Pragmaticism,” The Monist 15, 481-99; reprinted in 5.438-63 and EP2: 346-59.
Peirce C. S., (c. 1905), Draft of letter to Mario Calderoni (L 67); 8.205-13.
Peirce C. S., (1906), “Prolegomena to an Apology for Pragmaticism,” The Monist, 16 (4), 492-546; reprinted in 4.530-572.
Peirce C. S., (1907), Letter to the editor of The Nation, Manuscript 318 (R318); in EP2: 298-433 (entitled “Pragmatism”).
Peirce C. S., (1908), “A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God,” The Hibbert Journal, 7, 90-112; reprinted in 6.452-491 and EP2: 434-450.
Peirce C. S., (1909), “Pragmaticism,” Century Dictionary Supplement.
Peirce C. S., (1839-1914), The Charles S. Peirce Papers, Manuscript Collection in the Houghton Library, Cambridge, Harvard University. Manuscript numbers refer to the Richard Robin arrangement.
Peirce C. S., (1931-35; 1958), Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, vols. 1-6, Hartshorne C. & Weiss P. (eds.); vols. 7-8, Burks A. (ed.), Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
Peirce C. S., (1982–), The Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition, Peirce Edition Project (eds.), Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Peirce C. S., (1992.1), Essential Peirce: Selected Philosophical Writings, vol. 1 (1867-93), N. Houser & C. Kloesel (eds.); vol. 2 (1893-1913), Peirce Edition Project (eds.), Indianapolis, Indiana University Press.
Peirce C. S., (1992.2), Reasoning and the Logic of Things, Ketner K. (ed.), Cambridge, Harvard University Press. Introduction by Hilary Putnam and Kenneth Ketner.
Peirce C. S., (1997), Pragmatism as a Principle and Method of Right Thinking (The 1903 Harvard Lectures on Pragmatism), Turrisi P. (ed.), Albany, SUNY Press. (The Harvard Lectures on Pragmatism are also published in EP2: 133-241.)
Peirce C. S., & J. Jastrow, (1885), “On Small Differences of Sensation,” Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences 3, 75-83; reprinted in W5: 122-35.
Pietarinen A., (2008), “Comments on Hookway: The Pragmatic Maxim and the Proof of Pragmatism,” Cognitio: revista de filosofia, 9 (1), 85-92.
Pietarinen A., & L. Snellman, (2006), “On Peirce’s Late Proof of Pragmaticism,” Acta Philosophical Fennica 78, 255-74.
Putnam H., (1992), “Comments on the Lectures,” Reasoning and the Logic of Things, (Peirce 1992.2).
Putnam H., (1997), “James’s Theory of Truth,” in Putnam R. (ed.) (1997).
Putnam R. (ed.), (1997), The Cambridge Companion to William James, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Richardson R., (2006), William James: In the Maelstrom of American Modernism, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co.
Rukeyser M., (1942), Willard Gibbs, Garden City, Doubleday, Doran & Co.
Short T. L., (2007), Peirce’s Theory of Signs, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Smyth R., (1997), Reading Peirce Reading, Lanham, Md., Rowman and Littlefield.