Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords | Palabras claves
- academic preparation
- accelerometers
- accompaniment
- accomplished teachers
- action rules
- active video games
- active video gaming
- activity
- activity clinic
- Adapted Physical Activities
- adolescence
- aerobic physical activity
- aggression
- aims of education
- already there conceptual
- alternating work/study
- analysis
- analysis framework
- analysis of activity
- anthropological theory of didactics
- approach of clinical activity
- appropriation
- arrangements
- Art
- artifact
- artistic practices
- assessment strategy
- assessor
- associate teacher (AT)
- autochrony
- autonomy
- autonomy-support
- autoscopia
- availability
- capitalization of knowledge gained from experience
- Caribbean
- case study
- categories
- certification
- change
- circus
- Circus
- circus arts
- classroom context
- clinic didactic
- clinic of activity
- clinical didactics
- co-construction
- coach education
- coach identification model
- coaching
- code switching
- coed
- coeducation
- cognitive processes
- Collaborations
- collective training
- combat sports
- communication
- comparatism
- comparative didactics
- comparative education
- comparative study
- competences
- competencies
- complex situation
- complex task
- complex tasks
- conative stage-responsible strategies
- conceptions
- conceptualization
- concerns
- configuration
- configuration of play
- conflict
- connections of knowledge
- Constructing didactic facts to better "read" and regulate pupil learning in PE
- contemporary dance
- content
- content analysis
- content knowledge
- context effects
- contingency
- continuum of experience
- control
- controllability
- cooperation
- cooperation between researchers and practitioners
- cooperative engineering
- cooperative learning
- cooperative learning designs
- course of action
- course of experience
- course-of-action
- court
- COVID-19
- criteria
- critical incident
- critical incidents technique
- cross self-confrontation
- cross self-confrontations training
- cultural legitimacy
- curriculum
- daily life
- dance
- dance at school and university
- debate of ideas
- debate-of-ideas
- decision-making
- declared practices
- déjà-là
- déjà-là conceptual
- déjà-là decisional
- déjà-là expérientiel
- deprived schools
- design thinking mindset
- designs training
- development
- developmental disorders
- devolution
- didactic
- didactic activity
- didactic approach
- didactic concepts
- didactic contextualization
- didactic contract
- didactic contract and milieu
- didactic differentiation
- didactic educational habits of using water
- didactic engineering
- didactic joint action
- didactic milieu
- didactic model
- didactic performance
- didactic regulation
- didactic transposition
- didactic transposition of the physical education
- didactical activity as detained
- didactics
- didactics contextualisation
- didactics interaction
- differential didactic contract
- difficult environment
- digital technologies
- digital tools
- direct observation
- direction of study
- disadvantaged environment
- dissemination of knowledge
- distributed resources
- division of the Subject
- dramatization
- ecological approach
- ecological framework
- education
- education policies
- educational council
- educational efficiency
- effective play space
- effectiveness
- electronic message
- elementary school
- elementary school students
- emancipation
- emergency remote teaching
- emotional dynamic
- emotional inducers
- emotional situation
- emotional well-being
- emotions
- enaction
- energy balance
- engagement
- engagement to become a teacher
- epistemic cooperation
- epistemic gender positioning
- epistemology
- equilibration
- ergonomic and didactic analyzis
- ergonomics
- ergonomy
- eSport
- ethnography and education
- evaluation
- experience
- Experience
- experienced teacher
- experiences
- experiences articulation
- experiential already there
- expert
- expertise
- explicitation
- ice hockey
- implementation
- implementation process
- improvisation
- improvisation and composition
- in-service trainning
- inclusion
- inclusive education
- incorporated dispositions
- inequalities
- Initial PETE
- initial teacher training
- initial training
- innovation
- instruction au sosie
- instrumental genesis
- integrative process
- intentional involvement
- intentionality
- interaction
- interactive dynamic
- interconnected didactic systems
- interdisciplinary approach
- interest
- interlocution
- internship experience
- intervention
- invasion sports
- iPads
- male
- manners of teaching
- martial arts
- masculinity
- material objects
- medalists
- memories
- mental deficiency
- mental skills
- mentoring
- mirror stage
- mixed tutoring
- model
- models-based approach
- motivating style
- motivation
- motivations
- motor competencies
- motor control
- motor guidance
- motor learning
- motricity
- movement skills
- multiskilling
- musical education
- Pandemic
- participatory action research (PAR)
- participatory research network
- PE
- PE didactics
- pedagogical training
- Pedagogy
- pedagogy
- pediatrics
- peer assessment
- peer feedback
- perceptions of individuals
- perceptions of sport students
- perceptual and sensitive competence
- perceptual know-how
- performance
- personal determinants
- Phys. Ed.
- physical activity
- physical activity and health
- physical activity practice
- physical and health education
- physical and sports education
- physical culture
- physical education
- Physical Education
- Physical Education (PE)
- physical education (PE)
- physical education and sport (PES)
- Physical education and sports
- physical education teacher education
- Physical Education teaching’ approach
- physical practice sporting and artistic
- physical properties
- physical training education
- plurilingualism
- positive perception
- positive youth development
- post-intervention
- postsecondary
- potential curricula
- practical epistemology
- practice knowledge
- praxeologies
- pre-service teachers
- prescription
- prescriptions
- preservice teachers
- primary education
- primary school
- process
- productive disciplinary engagement
- professional competence
- professional development
- professional didactic
- professional gesture
- professional gestures
- professional identity
- professional knowledge
- professional problem
- professional training
- professional vision
- professional “genre”
- professionalisation
- professionalization.
- professionnal development
- profile
- program
- psychoanalysis
- psychology
- psychophenomenology
- psychosociology
- Reading of the learning activity
- real activity
- recreation
- referee
- reflective practice
- reflexive practice
- reflexive writing papers
- regional pedagogical inspectors (IPR)
- regulatory decisions
- relation of knowledge
- relation of rule
- relational and emotional skills
- relationship to knowledge
- relevance
- reproduction of shape
- research
- resistances
- responsibility
- reverse classroom
- review
- Review
- rhythmic gymnastics
- risk
- role conflict-instrumentality
- rules
- school
- school disciplines
- school programs
- school transition
- secondary school
- sedentariness
- self-confrontation interview
- self-determination theory
- self-determined motivation
- self-quantification
- self-tracking
- sense
- sense of self-efficacy
- sensory education
- sensory education and learning
- sensory skills
- sex
- sexism
- short term
- signs
- single-sex
- situaded action
- situated action
- situational interest
- situations of school practice
- skilled teacher
- small-sided games
- soccer
- social habits of water use
- social justice
- social perceptions
- social psychology
- social role
- social sport educator
- social transfer
- socialization into sport
- society
- socio constructivist approach
- socio-constructivism
- socio-didactic
- sociology
- space
- specialization in APSA
- specialized teaching practice
- speech
- sport and physical education
- sport pedagogy
- sport psychology
- sport techniques
- sportive background
- sports career
- sports education
- sports science
- step
- story of experience
- Student Engagement
- student opinions
- students with disabilities
- subjectivity
- success
- survey
- sustainable development
- swimming
- swimming skills
- tactical skills
- tactical thinking
- tactics
- teacher
- teacher conceptions
- teacher education
- teacher role
- teacher support
- teacher trainer
- teacher training
- teacher's activity
- teacher’ action
- teacher’s decisional process
- teacher’s interpersonal behaviors
- teaching
- teaching activity
- teaching games
- Teaching Games for Understanding
- teaching practice
- teaching practices
- teaching skills
- teaching student
- teaching traditions
- team pentathlon
- team sport
- team sports
- technical
- technical knowledge
- technical learning tasks
- technical mastery
- technical register
- technicities registers
- Technological
- technological approach
- technology
- temporal structure
- textual data analysis
- the beginning of the lesson
- top level athletes
- touch pad
- trainee
- trainee teachers
- training
- training context
- training device
- training in physical education teaching
- training programs
- transference
- tutor
- type of school practice