18 | 2014
(Hi)stories of Honor in Ottoman Societies
Controversies, Continuities, and New Directions
Edited by Tolga Uğur Esmer, Başak Tuğ and Noémi Lévy-Aksu
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Credits: Metin And, “XVI.Yüzyıl da Osmanlılarda Cezalar”, Hayat Tarih Mecmuası, 3, April 1969, p. 32.
Editor’s notes
This issue collects some of the topics discussed during the workshop "Honor in Ottoman and Contemporary Mediterranean Societies: Controversies, Continuities and New Directions" which took place at the Central European University in Budapest on March 21-23, 2013.
Contextualizing Honour [Full text]
Honor, Reputation, and Reciprocity [Full text]