Éditions de la pièce
The Excellent Comedy, called The Old Law : A new way to please you. By Phil. Massinger, Tho. Middleton, William Rowley, London : Edward Archer, 1656.
The Works of Philip Massinger, ed. Thomas Coexter. Londres, 1759, vol. IV.
The Dramatic Works of Philip Massinger, ed. John Monck Mason. Londres, 1779, vol. IV.
The Plays of Philip Massinger, ed. William Gifford. Londres, 1805, vol. IV.
The Dramatic Works of Massinger and Ford, avec introduction de Hartley Coleridge. Londres, 1840.
The Works of Thomas Middleton, ed. Alexander Dyce. Londres, 1840, vol. I.
The Works of Thomas Middleton, ed. A. H. Bullen. Londres, 1885, vol. II. MIDDLETON, Thomas and William ROWLEY. The Old Law, or A New Way to Please You, ed. Catherine M. Shaw. Garland English Texts 4. New York : Garland, 1982.
MASSINGER Philip , Thomas MIDDLETON, and William ROWLEY, The Old Law. An edition of the 1656 text, with critical introduction, commentary, textual introduction, and textual notes, ed. Jeffrey Masten, dans The Collected Works of Thomas Middleton , general editor Gary Taylor. A paraître, Oxford : Oxford University Press.
Ouvrages critiques
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