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Works by Jonathan Swift

Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s Travels (1726). Edited with an introduction by Claude Rawson, notes by Ian Higgins, Oxford World’s Classics (Oxford UP), 2008.

Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s Travels. Benjamin Motte, 1726.

Swift, Jonathan. The Essential Writings of Jonathan Swift, Edited by Claude Rawson and Ian Higgins, Norton, 2010.

Swift, Jonathan. Proposal for Correcting, Improving and Ascertaining the English Tongue, 1712.

Prose Works of Jonathan Swift. Vol II. Edited by Herbert Davis, The Shakespeare Head Press 1939.

Prose Works of Jonathan Swift. Vol X. Edited by H. Davis with Louis Landa, Blackwell, 1968.

The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift. 4 vols. Edited by David Woolley, Peter Lang, 1999-2007.

Parodies, Hoaxes, Mock Treatises, The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Jonathan Swift, Edited by Valerie Rumbold, Cambridge UP, 2013.

The Poems of Jonathan Swift, vol II. Edited by Harold Williams, Clarendon Press, 1958.

Swift, Jonathan. Œuvres. Edited by É. Pons. Gallimard, « Bibliothèque de la Pléiade », 1965.

Swift, Jonathan. Voyages en plusieurs lointaines contrées. Translated by A. Desmond, Stock, 1945.

Swift, Jonathan. Voyages dans plusieurs pays fort éloignés. Translated by J. Axelrad, Classiques Garnier, 1960.

Other primary sources

A catalogue of a genuine collection of cabinet pictures: some ... prints, by Hogarth ...: the property of the late William Rowley ... deceased, (removed from his residences in Saville Row and Kentish Town) ...: which will be sold by auction by Mr. Squibb, (by order of the executrix) at his great room, Saville Passage, Saville Row, on ... May 16, 1806.

Defoe, Daniel. The Consolidator Or, Memoirs of Sundry Transactions from the World in the Moon, 1705. 1st World Library, Literary Society, 2004.

Defoe, Daniel. The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders (1722). Edited by Edward Kelly, Norton, 1973.

Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. 1719. Edited by Michael Shinagel, Norton, 2nd edition, 1995.

Defoe, Daniel. The Storm (1704). Edited by Richard Hamblyn, Penguin Classics, 2003.

Defoe, Daniel. La grande tempête. Edited and translated by Nathalie Bernard et Emmanuelle Peraldo, Classiques Garnier, 2018.

Delany, Patrick. Observations Upon Lord Orrery’s Remarks (1754), Garland, 1974.

Fielding, Henry. Tom Thumb: A Tragedy. As It is Acted at the Theatres in London. Gale Ecco, Print Editions, 2018.

Fielding, Henry. The Tragedy of Tragedies. A Broadview Anthology of British Literature. Edited by Darryl Domingo, Broadview Press, 2013.

Fielding, Henry. The Author’s Farce and The Pleasures of the Town in Henry Fielding, Plays, Volume I, 1728-1731. Edited by Thomas Lockwood, The Wesleyan Edition of the Works of Henry Fielding, Oxford UP, 2004. 

Fielding, Henry. The Masquerade (1728) in Henry Fielding, The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon, Shamela, and Occasional Writings. Edited by Martin C. Battestin, The Wesleyan Edition of the Works of Henry Fielding, Oxford UP, 2008.

Fielding, Henry. Le Journal d’un voyage de Londres à Lisbonne. Edited by Nathalie Bernard, preface by Jean Viviès, Presses de l’Université de Provence, 2009.

Foigny, Gabriel de. La Terre australe connue (1676). Edited by P. Ronzeaud, Société des Textes Français Modernes, 1990.

Moll, Herman. A New and Correct Map of the World, Laid down According to the Newest Discoveries and from the most Exact Observations, J. Bowles & Son, T. Bowles, R. Sayer and John King, ca 1730.

Orrery (John Boyle, fifth Earl of Cork and Orrery), Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift (1751), Edited by João Fróes, U of Delaware P & Associated UP, 2000.

Pope, Alexander. The Dunciad, 1728.

Sterne, Laurence. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. Edited by Ian Campbell Ross, Oxford World’s Classics (Oxford UP), 1983.

Voltaire, Lettres philosophiques, Gallimard, 1986.

Secondary sources

Beccaria, Chloé. « À mots couverts. Dire l’émotion dans les lettres de Jane Austen à sa sœur »

Borges, Jorge Luis. “The Concept of an Academy and the Celts.” Selected Non-Fictions. Edited by Eliot Weinberger, Penguin Books, pp. 458-463.

Chomsky Noam, Cartesian Linguistics: A Chapter in the History of Rationalist Thought. Harper and Row, “Studies in Language,” 1966.

Damrosch Leopold. Jonathan Swift. His Life and his World. Yale UP, 2013.

Derome, Amélie. « La Fortune du parergon de Gulliver's Travels de Jonathan Swift au XVIIIe siècle en France : rhabiller Gulliver ». Book Practices & Textual Itineraries, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 2019. hal-02181932

Eco, Umberto. La Quête d’une langue parfaite dans l’histoire de la culture européenne : leçon inaugurale au Collège de France prononcée le vendredi 2 octobre 1992, Paris, Collège de France, Leçon inaugurale, n˚ 116, 1993.

Ehrenpreis, Irvin. Swift: The Man, His Works, and the Age, vol. I, Mr. Swift and his Contemporaries (1962), vol. II, Dr. Swift (1967) & vol. III, Dean Swift (1983). Methuen, 1962-1983.

Foucault Michel, L’Ordre du discours : leçon inaugurale au Collège de France prononcée le 2 décembre 1970. Gallimard, 1971.

Leavis, F. R. “The Irony of Swift” (1934). The Common Pursuit. Penguin, 1952, pp. 73-88.

Menzies, Ruth. « Pactes et pièges de lecture dans les Voyages de Gulliver ». Aux confins de l'ailleurs : voyage, altérité, utopie : hommages offerts au professeur Jean-Michel Racault. Edited by M-F. Bosquet, S. Meitinger & B. Terramorsi, preface by François Moureau, Université de la Réunion/Klincksieck, 2008, pp. 151-159.

Menzies, Ruth. « Et in Utopia ego : la critique des dérives utopistes dans les Voyages de Gulliver ». Actes du colloque pluridisciplinaire « Dérives et déviances ». Edited by C. Duboin, SEDES, 2005, pp. 75-82.

Neumann, Joshua H. “Jonathan Swift and English Pronunciation,” Quarterly Journal of Speech, 28, 2, 1942, pp. 198-201.

Ozoux, Mireille. “Science, language and ethics in Swift’s A Voyage to Laputa.Lectures d’une œuvre : Gulliver’s Travels de Jonathan Swift. Edited by Georges Lamoine, Éditions du Temps, 2001, pp. 58-67.

Parker, Todd C. Swift as Priest and Satirist. University of Delaware Press, 2009.

Peraldo, Emmanuelle. Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels. Atlande, 2020.

Porter Roy. (dir.), The Cambridge History of Science, Vol. 4, Cambridge UP, 2003.

Rawson, Claude, Gulliver and the Gentle Reader. Studies in Swift and Our Time. Routledge, 1973.

Rawson, Claude, God, Gulliver and Genocide. Barbarism and the European Imagination 1492-1945. Oxford UP, 2001.

Rawson, Claude. Swift’s Angers. Cambridge UP, 2014.

Read, Sophie. “Punning and Identity in Swift,” Swift Studies, 2011, 26, pp. 38-60.

Robins, Jane. Rebel Queen: How the Trial of Caroline Brought England to the Brink of Revolution, Simon & Schuster, 2006.

Sams, Henry. “Jonathan Swift’s Proposal Concerning the English Language: A Reconsideration,” Studies in Philology, 1967, pp. 76-87.

Sansom, Ian. Reading Room: A Year of Literary Curiosities, British Library Publishing, 2019.

Toury, Gideon. Descriptive Translation Studies – and Beyond. John Benjamins Publishing, 1995.

Treadwell, J. M. “Jonathan Swift: The Satirist as Projector,” Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 1975, 17, 2, pp. 439-460.

Viviès, Jean. Revenir/devenir. Gulliver ou l’autre voyage. Editions Rue d’Ulm, coll. « Offshore », 2016.

Viviès, Jean. « Les retours de Gulliver », E-rea 14.1 | 2016. URL :

Williams, Harold. Dean Swift’s Library, Cambridge UP, 1932.

Zimpfer, Nathalie. “From ‘Rabelais in his senses’ to ‘The father of black humour.’ Notes on Jonathan Swift’s critical reception in France,” Swift Studies, 23, 2008, pp. 80-93.

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« Bibliography »e-Rea [En ligne], 18.2 | 2021, mis en ligne le 15 juin 2021, consulté le 05 décembre 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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